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Erur-Dan (ghost_npc_erur-dan)
Location Cavern of the Incarnate
Race Dunmer Gender Male
Level 10 Class Mage
Other Information
Health 65535 Magicka 200
Alarm 0 Fight 0

Erur-Dan was a Dunmer mage who lived in Morrowind during its surrender to the Empire. He died fighting on Red Mountain and became one of the failed Incarnates in Cavern of the Incarnate. He gave the Nerevarine his spear and his cuirass.

Related Quests


Greetings: "Welcome, Incarnate. I am Erur-Dan. I was not the one. But I wait and hope. Ask, and I shall tell you my story."

my story: "I saw Morrowind fall to the Empire. I lived through the humiliation of the surrender, swore hatred and vengeance against Imperial and Tribunal alike for their betrayals. In later years, I despaired, and turned to Red Mountain, where I grew old and died fighting the blight and Red Mountain monsters. Take my weapons and armor. I have no further use for them."


  • It may be possible that the Robe of Erur-Dan the Wise once belonged to Erur-Dan or was named after him. According to Han-Ammu, this robe was passed down Ranabi's family until it came into Ranabi's possession.