Utilizador:Shianni/Sweet Poison

A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995

Do you want to hear my story? This tale is full of nobles who act in secrecy, and plot against each other...And...this was my old life. On the road. With my friends...hmph...friends Is the closest to what they were....Either that, or inhumane beings. This...is my old life, maybe...if I tell it one more time, I can learn to stop crying when I tell it...one...more...time...


We were sitting in our camp after a big job involving Nobles who wanted to see if they were plotting against each other, throwing coin after coin at us, to insure we did our jobs correctly, and giving us more and more tasks to fullfill, until finally....they ran out...fools. S'dreena was making supper, ahh....S'dreena....so pure, she was brought into this world out of poverty....She's too innocent....though a terrible cook. She was a very...strange...Khajiit...She hated dirt, and she wore plain, and somewhat petite clothes. She was also a capable major in the arts of Restoration. Khajiits I know happen to love dirt, and exercise daily. Poor girl.... Ragnark was playing his lute, Ragnark was the average Orc, He carried his Ebony Warhammer he named "Edge" around with him, which was Ironic, due to the fact it was a Blunt Weapon. And...there was Vera...Vera was one of the most talented, beautiful, wealthy, and....dangerous woman I've ever met... she was my mentor. Vera had an Ebony Dagger she named, "Velvet" she always loved her dagger. And I've seen her kill men with Great Armor, including City Guards...with her dagger. She was a Breton. You know...looking back, Vera never had anything of personal value, only clothes, water, assorted perfumes, and her occasional practice of Alchemy's supplies were stored in her Sack...did she think she would be a spy forever? That's all for the introductions....I suppose we should continue with our story. OH! And by the way, My name is Wren.

The Game

"We have a new job. No rest for tonight." said Vera. "But it's sooo late...and we just completed a job...can't we just take a NAP?" said S'dreena with an irritated tone. " "No, this is just...a personal score of my own." said Vera. "What kind of...personal score"? Said me. "Ahh, dearest girl...This is not important, yes? The important thing is we get the job done, no"? said Vera. "Vera, whenever we do a personal job for one of us, there is always a catch....what are we doing, anyways? Ruining a noble's reputation? Spying on a cheating housewife...? Tell us." Said me. Just then, Vera's face turned very cold and her eyes darkened a little. And I knew why, too....One of the few things Vera hates...is to be questioned. "How DARE you question me, Wren! Perhaps I took you off the streets TOO early, perhaps you should have stayed in Bravil with your AILING MOTHER so you could WATCH HER DIE. You can be so ungrateful, little girl." said Vera with a disturbed voice.