Utilizador:Saelo Vaehrker/PageTop

A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995
45x45px Saelo Vaehrker is from the United States.
Flag England.png Saelo Vaehrker wishes he was from England.
Flag UK.png Saelo Vaehrker wishes he was from Great Britain.
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Wiki.png Este usuário está na UESPWiki há {{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Extension

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MaleIcon.png Saelo Vaehrker is male.
45x45px Saelo Vaehrker is a member of the Imperial race.
OB-class-Knight.jpg Saelo Vaehrker is a member of the Paladin class.
OB-Window-Stendarr.jpg Este usuário cultua Stendarr.
OrderOfTheDragon.gif This user is a Champion of Cyrodiil in the Order of the Dragon.
OB-KotN-DivineCrusaderIcon.jpg This user is a Divine Crusader in the Knights of the Nine.
OB-KotN-PilgrimIcon.jpg This user is a Pilgrim in the Nine Divines.
TheBlades.gif This user is a Knight Brother in the Blades.
SI-icon-Court of Madness.jpg This user is a Madgod in the Court of Madness.
45x45px This user is a Master in the Fighters Guild.
45x45px This user is an Arch-Mage in the Mages Guild.
45x45px This user is a Grand Champion in the Arena.
OrderOfTheVirtuousBlood.gif This user is a Brother in the Order of the Virtuous Blood.
KnightsOfTheThorn.gif This user is a Knight-Errant in the Knights of the Thorn.
KnightsOfTheWhiteStallion.gif This user is a Knight-Errant in the Knights of the White Stallion.
User-userbox-Oblivion.png Saelo Vaehrker is knowledgeable about Oblivion.
45x45px This user is knowledgeable about Knights of the Nine.
User-userbox-Shivering Isles.png Saelo Vaehrker is knowledgeable about Shivering Isles.
User-userbox-Xbox.png This user plays on the Xbox.