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Oblivion Review

Attention Bethesda!

Oblivion is one of the coolest games ever but sadly, you've let the quality of some aspects slip since Morrowind. Sure Morrowind was long, boring, often pointless and everything was the same shade of yellow but the Silt Striders! Why get rid of the Silt Striders? What could be cooler than giant fleas with very few internal organs, willing to take you around the country for a minimal fee? The fast travel system just removes the immersion of the game and to make matters worse, I can't function without it now. I made a solemn promise to myself when I started playing to walk EVERYWHERE! As of yet I haven't walked any distance greater than the space between shops. Randomly generated loot is also a major letdown, I was amazed when I came across the Blade of the Ice Monarch in Sheogarad in Morrowind. Yet in Oblivion, all the cool items are rewards for quests. Why? Despite all off this, I still play Oblivion like there's no tomorrow. I've barely slept since March (when it was released in New Zealand) and still giggle like a school girl when someone gets sent flying by an arrow to the face (preferably off something tall). Way to go guys but please, bring back the public transport system and REWARDS for travelling by foot (Ice Blade etc.)


(This review was moved here from Oblivion:Review Page as part of a general reorganization of that page)