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Speak with three informants in Vivec about the Nerevarine Cult and the Sixth House.
Quest Giver: Caius Cosades in Balmora
Location(s): Vivec
Prerequisite Quest: Gra-Muzgob Informant
Next Quest: Zainsubani Informant
Reward: 200 gold, Promotion in the Blades Faction
Disposition: +10 (Caius Cosades),
+30 (Huleeya),
+20 (Addhiranirr),
+10 (Mehra Milo)
Reputation Gain: +1
ID: A1_V_VivecInformants, A1_10_MehraMilo, A1_6_AddhiranirrInformant, A1_7HuleeyaInformant
Required Level: 3
Difficulty: Low
Huleeya is in a spot of bother

Quick Walkthrough

Mehra Milo

1. Return to Caius Cosades in Balmora for your orders.

  • Huleeya Informant
  1. Meet with Huleeya at the Black Shalk Cornerclub in Vivec, Foreign Quarter.
  2. Calm the locals and escort Huleeya to Jobasha's Bookshop and receive his notes.
  • Addhiranirr Informant
  1. Meet with Addhiranirr in the Underworks of the St. Olms Canton in Vivec.
  2. Find the excise and census agent, Duvianus Platorius, and tell him that Addhiranirr has left Vivec.
  3. Receive the information from Addhiranirr.
  • Meet Mehra Milo
  1. Meet with Mehra Milo in the Temple Library of Vivec.
  2. Steal or buy the book Progress of Truth.

2. Return to Caius Cosades in Balmora.

Detailed Walkthrough

Orders from Caius

Your character needs to be at least level 3 before Caius Cosades will give you this assignment. You are to go to Vivec and obtain information from three of his informants. He will give you 200 gold for expenses. To get there from Balmora, you can take the silt strider or the Mages Guild Guide.

Huleeya Informant

Huleeya is in the Black Shalk Cornerclub, in the Foreign Quarter Lower Waistworks. Speaking with Huleeya will reveal that he has some trouble with the locals. Persuade Ethys Savil, or one of his friends, to leave the Argonian alone. Raising his disposition will work, but so will homicide. If you try to leave with Huleeya without raising their disposition, they will attack and you will have to protect him. Once you've resolved this, escort Huleeya to Jobasha's Rare Books. Jobasha's bookshop is also in the Foreign Quarter Lower Waistworks, on the opposite side. Once inside, he will give you some notes to take to Caius Cosades.

Addhiranirr Informant

Go to the St. Olms Canton. It is southeast of the Foreign Quarter (past the Redoran and next to the St. Delyn cantons). Addhiranirr is hiding in the northeastern section of the Underworks. In order to get anything out of her, the agent must be taken care of. The agent in question is Duvianus Platorius, who can be found in St. Olms Waistworks. As usual, you can either kill him or persuade him that Addhiranirr has fled. Note that if you happen to accidentally tell him where Addhiranirr is, you can still get the information Caius Cosades wants by raising Addhiranirr's disposition until she will talk to you. Also, if you tell Duvianus Platorius where Addhiranirr is and come back later to talk about the topic 'Addhiranirr', he will give you the response normally given if you had chosen to lie to him. Anyway, once the agent is out of the way, Addhiranirr will let you know that the Sixth House is into smuggling, but no one knows what due to intense secrecy.

Meet Mehra Milo

Moving onto the last of the contacts, Mehra Milo. She resides in the library of the Vivec Temple, Halls of Wisdom located at the southern end of Vivec. Once you find her and follow her to the back of the library, she will let you know what she knows about the Sixth House cult. She'll also suggest that you get a copy of the book Progress of Truth for Caius. Although the library has a book, it is under guard, so she suggests trying the local bookshops, even though the book is officially banned by the Tribunal Temple. The copy in the library is the tall book on top of the bookshelf in the southwest corner. Alternatively, you can just buy a copy from Jobasha for 150 gold in the Lower Waistworks of the Foreign Quarter. Other copies can be found at:

Return to Caius

Return the information to Caius, who will promote you to Journeyman and suggest you take more time to train and do some other guild work to keep your cover up. Come back for the next part of the quest in a few days.

Quest Bugs

  • If you neglect to "lie" to the tax collector, then you'll miss one entry in your journal for Caius and you can never complete the quest (or the game), and there's no going back. The console command to bypass this if Caius gives you problems by not acknowledging that you've completed the quest when you really have is:
Journal "A1_V_VivecInformants", 50 
PCRaiseRank "blades"

The only thing you miss then is the 200 gold given to you by Caius after the mission, but you DO end up keeping the book you should have acquired, and at a value of 150, if there's a merchant who likes you, you can usually recover most of your expenses from the trip to Vivec. Otherwise, you can also use the cheat player-> AddItem gold_001 200 to get the final reward.

  • If you are the Grandmaster of the Morag Tong, you might not be able to get Huleeya to give you the information. If you are playing on the PC version, you can use the following console commands to get around this bug:
Player->AddItem "bk_A1_7_HuleeyaInformant", 1
Journal "A1_7HuleeyaInformant", 50

Quest Stages

These Codes can be used along with the Journal Console Command and Quest ID given within the chart to update the quest to a certain point.

{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Sandbox|A1_V_VivecInformants}}

{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=1|2=|3=Caius sent me to Vivec with three tasks: speak with Addhiranirr, a Khajiit Thieves Guild operative in St. Olms; speak with Huleeya, an Argonian in the Foreign Quarter, at the Black Shalk Cornerclub; and speak with Mehra Milo, a Temple priestess at the Hall of Wisdom in the Temple Compound. When I have information about the Nerevarine cult and the Sixth House cult from these three, I report back to Caius. Caius gave me instructions in writing. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=50|2=fin|3=The Spymaster took my report, and the notes from Huleeya and the 'Progress of Truth.' He needs time to read and digest my report, but in the meantime, he gave me 200 gold to spend and told me to go out and get some guild or freelance jobs, or get some training. When I'm ready, he says to come back, and he'll have new orders for me. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=55|2=fin|3=The Spymaster promoted me to Journeyman Rank in the Blades. He seems pleased with me, because he also gave me a little present. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=!|2=|3=A1_10_MehraMilo }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=10|2=|3=I found Mehra Milo at the Hall of Wisdom, but she says she cannot talk with me. She must feel she is being watched. She says to meet with me in the back of the library. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=20|2=|3=I found Mehra Milo in the back of the library. She says she knows nothing about the Sixth House, but she is willing to answer my questions about the Nerevarine cult. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=30|2=|3=Mehra Milo says copies of 'Progress of Truth' can be found in the secret libraries of the Hall of Wisdom, but that they are guarded. She says it will be safer to search booksellers for a copy. She says some booksellers will sell outlawed books. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=40|2=|3=Mehra Milo says to tell Caius Cosades that she is worried that she is being watched by Ordinators, and that if something goes wrong, she will leave a message under the agreed code word "amaya". }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=50|2=yes|3=Mehra Milo says the Temple persecutes the Nerevarine cult because they claim the Tribunal are false gods. A group called the Dissident priests disputes Temple doctrine on the Nerevarine prophecies. A book "Progress of Truth" describes the beliefs of the Dissident priests. Mehra Milo says I must get a copy of 'Progress of Truth' to give to the Spymaster. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=!|2=|3=A1_6_AddhiranirrInformant }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=5|2=|3=I'm told that Addhiranirr is hiding because a Census and Excise agent is in the area. She's probably down in the underworks. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=10|2=|3=Addhiranirr will be hiding in the underworks while the Census and Excise agent is in the area. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=12|2=|3=Addhiranirr was too concerned about the Census and Excise agent to answer questions for the Spymaster. Maybe I can do something to get rid of him. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=15|2=|3=When I told the Census and Excise agent that Addhiranirr took a gondola to the mainland, he said he was heading back to the mainland anyway, and would look for her there. Maybe Addhiranirr will be grateful that I've gotten rid of him for her. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=30|2=|3=Addhiranirr was pleased that I'd taken care of the Census and Excise agent she'd been worrying about, and now she's ready to answer my questions on the Nerevarine cult and the Sixth House cult. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=45|2=|3=Addhiranirr says that some smugglers are now working for the Sixth House, but Addhiranirr couldn't find out what they are smuggling. Addhiranirr thought it was strange that smugglers who usually brag about their smuggling are suddenly being very quiet about what they smuggle for the Sixth House. I wonder what is being smuggled, and why it is such a big secret. I think this is the sort of thing Caius Cosades is looking for. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=53|2=|3=When I told the Census and Excise agent to look for Addhiranirr in the underworks, he was pleased. He didn't seem in a hurry to do anything, though. I wonder how Addhiranirr will feel about what I've done. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=56|2=|3=Addhiranirr was angry that I'd told the Census and Excise agent where to find her. Now it's going to be very hard to persuade her to answer my questions on the Nerevarine cult and the Sixth House cult. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=60|2=fin|3=I finally managed to persuade Addhiranirr to answer my questions on the Nerevarine cult and the Sixth House cult. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=!|2=|3=A1_7HuleeyaInformant }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=1|2=|3=I found Huleeya, but we can't talk at the Black Shalk Cornerclub because some troublesome fools are bothering him. He says he'll answer my questions if I'll travel together with him to Jobasha's Rare Books. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=2|2=|3=Racist thugs are bothering Huleeya. He wants to avoid trouble. Perhaps I can persuade them with words or coin to leave Huleeya alone. Otherwise, Huleeya thinks that there must be bloodshed. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=15|2=|3=I spoke with the troublesome fools bothering Huleeya, and they agreed to leave him alone. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=18|2=|3=Huleeya will follow me to Jobasha's Rare Books. There he will answer my questions. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=20|2=|3=Huleeya has followed me to Jobasha's Rare Books. He says he'll answer my questions here where we can talk in peace. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=50|2=fin|3=Huleeya hadn't heard of a Sixth House cult, but he knew a lot about the Nerevarine cult. He gave me notes to give to Caius. The main thing I gathered is that the Temple's conflict with the Nerevarine cult is tied up with ancient grievances between the Ashlanders and the Great Houses. }}

Finishes Quest Journal Entry

Prev: Gra-Muzgob Informant Up: Main Quest Next: Zainsubani Informant