Utilizador:Jdebz/Roleplaying Ideas

A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995

(Jobs-type Roleplaying)

Work at The Feed Bag! Delos Fandas is the owner of The Feed Bag and your boss. Own the Hovel in the Imperial City, or if your to poor for that, live in the abandoned shack. Buy as much food from Delos as possible and serve it too the customers that walk into the store. You earn about 10-5 gold a day. Either that, or OWN the feedbag! (for PC users, disable Delos Fandas using Console Commands)

(Scientist-type Roleplaying)

Roleplay a Mad Scientist!

Own a labratory of sorts. Drakelowe would be a good place, that is if you don't mind killing the only person that could cure vampirism who lives there.

Make crazy poisons and potions too!

Perhaps lure the adoring fan into a cave, only to poison him!

Mad scientists can also be roleplayed as outcasts/criminals.

Perhaps you made one too many concoctions and *accidentally* exploded your neighbours house?

The possibilitys are endless!

Good races would be Imperial, or Breton

High alchemy skill is reccomended.