Utilizador:Dunehelm/ Personal Paradise Page
Rather then re-write a page with a small bit of extra info I thought I'd just show my findings on my little test.
If You enter Paradise Through Console Codes, there are many diffrences most of them having to do with the related quest being active:
The Ascended Immortals only have generic greetings and goodbyes, and a few unique convorsations reguarding Tamriel
All but one of the named inhabitents, the Xivilai Mendrike, are disabled.
Mankar may or may not be in Carcac Agialor depending on the stages of Dagon Shrine
The Ascended Immortals will not respawn, as extensive testing proved
Since Kathutet is disabled the only two ways of entering the Forbbiden Grotto is to use the console or spawn the Bands of the Chosen, and thus Starting the quest and fixing some if the above(such as the Immortal's Dialog)
If Mankar is here, his ghost state and essential flag are still active
None of Mankars Speeches will start so all of his unique dialog cannot be heard as conversation cannot be iniated.
Most of these "Glitches" can be fixed by using setstage MQ16 then Stage (Stage gets replaced by the stages number) If you added the Bands of the Chosen to Start the Quest Simply add the stages up to the point where you added them. However it may be best you coc your way out first as I don't know what will happen.