
A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995
User-userbox-Morrowind.gif Este usuário tem conhecimento sobre Morrowind.
User-userbox-Tribunal Logo.png This user is knowledgeable about Tribunal.
User-userbox-Bloodmoon.jpg This user is knowledgeable about Bloodmoon.
User-userbox-Oblivion.png Este usuário tem conhecimento sobre Oblivion.
OB-icon-Knights of the Nine.png This user is knowledgeable about Knights of the Nine.
User-userbox-Shivering Isles.png This user is knowledgeable about Shivering Isles.
User-userbox-PC Icon.png Este usuário joga no PC.
FemaleIcon.png Este usuário é mulher.
User-userbox-Pride.jpg This user is a proud member of the LGBT community.
Flag UK.png This user is from Great Britain.

Hi there, I'm Calliope. I've played Morrowind and Oblivion along with all the expansions and I want to help this wiki by adding my experiences and knowledge, although it seems to be almost complete anyway!