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There are three Blacksmiths in Mournhold. All of them buy and sell weapons, armor and shields and can repair damaged items for a fee.

For a list of all merchants in Mournhold, see here; for a list of all Blacksmiths in Morrowind, see here.

List of Blacksmiths

Bols Indalen 8000 Mournhold, Craftmen's Hall Also makes custom Ebony, Glass, or Adamantium Armor
Catia Sosia 10000 Mournhold, Armory
Daron 2000 Mournhold Great Bazaar

Custom Armor

Bols Indalen in the Craftsman's Hall in the Godsreach district will offer to make you some custom armor providing that you supply the correct ore and the fee. He'll supply you with a complete list of what items he can make and for how much. Once you give him the ore and the gold, come back in 24 hours to receive your armor.

Ebony Armor
Item Ores Fee
Ebony Cuirass 30 Raw Ebony 24500 gold
Ebony Left Pauldron 21 Raw Ebony 16800 gold
Ebony Right Pauldron 21 Raw Ebony 16800 gold
Ebony Left Bracer 12 Raw Ebony 7000 gold
Ebony Right Bracer 12 Raw Ebony 7000 gold
Ebony Greaves 18 Raw Ebony 15400 gold
Ebony Boots 9 Raw Ebony 7000 gold
Ebony Helm 12 Raw Ebony 10500 gold
Glass Armor
Item Ores Fee
Glass Cuirass 30 Raw Glass 19600 gold
Glass Left Pauldron 21 Raw Glass 13400 gold
Glass Right Pauldron 21 Raw Glass 13400 gold
Glass Left Bracer 12 Raw Glass 5600 gold
Glass Right Bracer 12 Raw Glass 5600 gold
Glass Greaves 18 Raw Glass 12300 gold
Glass Boots 9 Raw Glass 5600 gold
Glass Helm 12 Raw Glass 8400 gold
Adamantium Armor
Item Ores Fee
Adamantium Cuirass 10 Adamantium Ore 6000 gold
Adamantium Left Pauldron 7 Adamantium Ore 500 gold
Adamantium Right Pauldron 7 Adamantium Ore 500 gold
Adamantium Left Bracer 4 Adamantium Ore 600 gold
Adamantium Right Bracer 4 Adamantium Ore 600 gold
Adamantium Greaves 6 Adamantium Ore 6000 gold
Adamantium Boots 3 Adamantium Ore 4200 gold
Adamantium Helm 4 Adamantium Ore 3000 gold