Skyrim Mod:Mod File Format/SPEL

A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995

Internally, all alchemy items (food, drinks, potions, and poisons), enchantments, ingredients, scrolls and spells derive from the same object, MagicItem, and thus share a similar structure.


  • Charge Time: The longest Casting Time of all of the effects.
  • Spell Cost: The total of all effect costs.
C Field Name Type/Size Info
+ EDID EditorID zstring Max 0x200 bytes, including null terminator.
+ OBND ObjectBounds OBND Always 12 bytes even if all 0s
- FULL FullName lstring Full (in-game) name
- MDOB MenuIcon formid Menu display object STAT
+ ETYP EquipType formid Equip slot EQUP
+ DESC Description lstring In-game description or 0 if none.
+ SPIT SpellItem struct 36 bytes
uint32 - Spell Cost (if auto-calc, game bases cost on the sum of the effect costs)
uint32 - Flags
0x00000001 - not Auto-Calculate
0x00010000 - Unknown1 (always set if Unknown2 is set)
0x00020000 - PC Start Spell
0x00040000 - Unknown2 (always set if Unknown1 is set)
0x00080000 - Area Effect Ignores Line of Sight
0x00100000 - Ignore Resistance
0x00200000 - Disallow Spell Absorb/Reflect
0x00400000 - Unknown3
0x00800000 - No Dual Cast Modifications
uint32 - Type
0x00 - Spell
0x01 - Disease
0x02 - Power
0x03 - Lesser Power
0x04 - Ability
0x05 - Poison
0x0A - Addiction
0x0B - Voice
float - ChargeTime (if auto-calc, game uses the maximum of the casting times of the effects instead)
uint32 - CastType
0x00 - Constant Effect
0x01 - Fire and Forget
0x02 - Concentration
uint32 - Delivery
0x00 - Self
0x01 - Contact
0x02 - Aimed
0x03 - Target Actor
0x04 - Target Location
float - Cast Duration - determines minimum duration of a Concentrated spell.
float - Range (valid for Delivery Target Actor or Target Location)
formid - PERK of half-cost perk
* Effects Effect[] One entry per effect.
+ EFID EffectID formid Magic Effect MGEF
+ EFIT EffectItem struct 12 bytes
float Magnitude
uint32 Area of Effect
uint32 Duration (0 = instant)

For auto-calc purposes, the game calculates the cost of an effect as:

<pre style="display:inline-block; white-space:-moz-pre-wrap; white-space:-pre-wrap; white-space:-o-pre-wrap; white-space:pre-wrap; word-wrap:break-word; margin:0.25em">effect_base_cost * (Magnitude * Duration / 10) ^ 1.1

A Magnitude < 1 is treated as 1, and a Duration of 0 as 10. For concentration spells, the Duration is also treated as 10.

* CTDA Conditions CTDA Conditions on the effect.