Skyrim Mod:Mod File Format/ECZN

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ECZN records comprise an "Encounter Zone". Encounter Zones control the loot found in an area, including the level of the loot and whether or not it resets.

C Field Name Type/Size Info
+ EDID editorId zstring Editor id
+ DATA data struct[12] 2 Records have length 8 instead of 12, but those 2 records are all zero
owner ID
formID Owner (NPC_ or FACT)
formID Associated location (LCTN)
owner rank
int8 Required rank in faction for ownership (either 0 or -1 used if no faction provided)
min level
uint8 Minimum level
uint8 Flags:
0x01 = Never Resets
0x02 = Match PC Below Minimum Level
0x04 = Disable Combat Boundary
max level
uint8 Maximum level