Skyrim Mod:Mod File Format/COBJ

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COBJ records describe Constructible OBJects recipes, such as those used for Cooking, Smelters, Forges, Grindstones, and Workbenches.

It appears that COBJ records are keyed by Editor Id rather than Form Id, as the game will gladly load any number of records with a Form Id of 0x00000000.

C V Field Name Type/Size Info
+ EDID editorID zstring Max 0x200 bytes, including null terminator.
- COCT object count uint32 Number of input objects (types of ingredients) required.
* CNTO inputObject struct[8]
formID The form ID of the ingredient required to craft this item.
uint32 How many of this ingredient is required to craft the item.
- COED unknown COED
* CTDA conditions CTDA Additional requirements that must be met before the player can use the recipe. Most notably, used for forging to specify the Smithing perk that must be unlocked to create the item.
+ CNAM outputObject formID Resulting output object FormID.
+ BNAM benchKeyword formID [KYWD 0x00088105] CraftingSmithingForge, [KYWD 0x000ADB78] CraftingSmithingArmorTable, [KYWD 0x000A5CCE] CraftingSmelter, [KYWD 0x00088108] CraftingSmithingSharpeningWheel
+ NAM1 outputQuantity uint16 Quantity of the output object created by the recipe.