Online:Haj Uxith

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Quest Hub:
Haj Uxith
(view on map)
Coldharbour (Neutral)
Level 46
Discovery ON-mapicon-Town.png 600 XP
ON-mapicon-Wayshrine.png 600 XP
Completion Objective
3998 XP
Shrouded PlainColdharbour
Southwest of the Library of Dusk
The souls of Argonians are different from those of other races of Tamriel due to their deep, mystical connection to the Hist trees. Sorcerers who specialize in soul trapping have long sought some way to take advantage of this difference.
Haj Uxith

Haj Uxith is an Argonian village in southwestern Coldharbour, southwest of the Library of Dusk. It consists of several xanmeers situated around a Hist tree.

Related Quests

  • Haj Uxith Objective: Determine the fate of Haj Uxith's Hist tree.


Haj Uxith Wayshrine

Haj Uxith Wayshrine is located on the eastern side of the village, not far from the Hist tree. A guild kiosk Trades-in-Cold-Water run by Shuliish is set up to the west of the Wayshrine, on a terrace of the southeastern xanmeer.


A map of the Haj Uxith Corridors
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