Online:The Concealing Veil

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ON-qico-Normal.png Head to Westmark Moor to assist the Count in some Ayleid research.
Zone: Rivenspire
Faction: Daggerfall Covenant
Objective: Required for Cadwell's Almanac Lorkrata Hills — Help Verandis Ravenwatch locate the secret of Lorkrata.
Quest Giver: Gwendis at Camp Tamrith or Northpoint;
Count Verandis Ravenwatch at Lorkrata Hills
Location(s): Lorkrata Hills, Lorkrata Ruins
Prerequisite Quest: The Blood-Splattered Shield
Next Quest: Northpoint in Peril
Reward: Ravenwatch Boots
273 Gold, Silver(?) Gold, Gold377 Gold
Recommended Level: 29
Count Ravenwatch inspects a tear in the veil

Verandis completed his research and discovered that his missing memories lead to an ancient ruin in the Lorkrata Hills. He needs my help to discover the secret hidden within the ruins.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Verandis Ravenwatch at Lorkrata Hills.
  2. Find a way into the Lorkrata Ruins.
  3. Examine the tear in the veil.
  4. Manipulate the tears and locate the Ayleid artifact.
  5. Talk to Verandis.
  6. Exit the ruins and talk to Verandis again.

Detailed Walkthrough

Quest Stages

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Objective: Talk to Verandis at Lorkrata Hills


Objective: Find a Way to Unlock the Trap Door


Objective: Enter the Chambers Beneath the Ruins


Objective: Talk to Verandis Ravenwatch


Objective: Examine the Tear


Hidden Objective: Explore the Ruins


Hidden Objective: Use the Tear


Hidden Objective: Find a Tear


Objective: Go to the Double Doors


Objective: Follow Verandis Ravenwatch


Objective: Wait for Verandis Ravenwatch


Objective: Find a Way to Exit the Veil


Finishes Quest Journal Entry
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