Online:Star-Gazers' Observatory

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Star-Gazers' Observatory
(view on map)
West of Belkarth
Star-Gazers' Observatory

The Star-Gazers' Observatory is the Star-Gazers' main base of operations in Craglorn, located on a hill outside Belkarth. The Star-Gazers study the stars from this observatory, but can also be found investigating Celestial activity all over Craglorn. According to people in Belkarth, no one paid any attention to the Star-Gazers until the stars began to fall from the sky. The observatory is also the regional base of the Fighters Guild and Mages Guild, who have set up in the outer corners of the central chamber.

Related Quests

Residents and Vendors

* Quest-related.


  • Even after Kelmen's death and Titus' departure, the two will still be found at the observatory. ?
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