Online:Honor Bound

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ON-qico-Normal.png Rescue the inhabitants of Muth Gnaar from a monastery fire.
Zone: Deshaan
Objective: Muth Gnaar — Help the Muth Gnaar monastery survivors.
Quest Giver: Acolyte Krem or Healer Senar
Location(s): Muth Gnaar
Reward: Ashlander's Honor
173 Gold, Silver(?) Gold, Gold(?) Gold
Recommended Level: 17
The Tear of Saint Veloth

The monastery of Muth Gnaar was attacked by the Vereansu, a violent tribe of Ashlanders. The peaceful monks were caring for the afflicted using an ancient relic called the Tear of Saint Veloth when the Ashlanders attacked.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to Healer Senar.
  2. Find Dolril Belvayn.
  3. Rescue the commoners and monks.
  4. Talk to Healer Hlaren.
  5. Find Dolril again.
  6. Protect the Tear of Saint Veloth.
  7. Defeat the Vereansu Ashkhan.
  8. Return to Dolril on the north road.

Detailed Walkthrough

Quest Stages

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Objective: Talk to Healer Senar


Objective: Find Dolril Belvayn


Objective: Rescue Afflicted Commoners and Monks


Objective: Talk to Healer Hlaren


Objective: Rescue Dolril Belvayn


Objective: Find the Tear of Saint Veloth


Objective: Kill Malinu


Objective: Recover the Tear of Saint Veloth


Objective: Talk to Dolril Belvayn


Objective: Kill Ashkhan Ginasa


Finishes Quest Journal Entry
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