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< People(Redirecionado de Online:Almalexia (god))
(lore page)
Race Chimer Gender Female

Almalexia, or Ayem, is one of the three living gods constituting the Tribunal. She has been handling temporal affairs since the recent Akaviri invasion and was the one who convinced the Great Houses to join the Ebonheart Pact. Most Dunmer follow her naturally, particularly those of House Indoril, who consider her to be their patron goddess. While she does not have the same influence in the other Ebonheart Pact nations, she is implied to hold much more sway behind the scenes. She can be found in the Tribunal Temple within her city, Mournhold. She is not accompanied in the Temple by her fellow gods Vivec and Sotha Sil.

For more information see the Lore article.


"I take pleasure in rewarding those who serve me."

"Appearances are everything! They feed opinion and belief, and such matters are important to me."

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