Oblivion Mod:Unofficial Oblivion Patch/Layout3
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Placement and Layout - Imperial City
- Corrected 101 load doors in the Imperial City being double French-type doors on the exterior, but single doors on the interior (changed the interior rather than the exterior ones as the double-doors are the correct ones for exterior access and since load doors are stored in the save it's more likely to take effect on an existing game this way)
- Aligned the door into the Imperial Palace used in the Thieves Guild Ultimate Heist quest so there isn't a gap of nothingness showing
- Closed several seethrough seams and gaps in the Old Way dungeons of the Thieves Guild Ultimate Heist quest
- Closed dozens of other gaps in the ceilings of Imperial City sewer cells wherever the SewerTunnel11 mesh was used
- Removed a duplicate Stinkhorn in Imperial Substructure (ImperialDungeon04).
- Fixed numerous texturing errors on large one-piece Imperial City building interiors (flickering patches, areas that became darker when approached, double-texturing and others).
- The collision object on Umbacano's display case will now allow it to be opened and will prevent it from being walked through.
- Removed the unseen base of the LOD Imperial Palace (which also had a large Havok mesh) for possible frame rate increase in the Imperial City.
- Raised a barrel and hay embedded in the floor in The North Tunnels
- Scaled down slightly a barrel embedded between two walls in The South West Tunnels and raised a barrel somewhat embedded in the floor in The Temple Sewers
- Disabled a useless doorframe in a tunnel of the IC sewer cell The North Tunnels that had no door it, so the top was transparent
Arcane University
- Fixed the pathgrid nodes in the Chironasium stairs so that Delmar and possibly others should no longer get stuck
- Moved a sack embedded in a bedpost and grounded a slightly flying carpet in the Arcane University guard quarters
- Raised a tapestry in the Chironasium so that one support isn't attached to nothing.
- Grounded the slightly flying Arch-Mage's Nightstand, the bookshelf and all its contents, the circular rug and a stool in the same room.
- Closed three disjointed underwater seams between outdoor cells near Arcane University.
- Attached several floating sconces to the wall in the Arena Bloodworks
- Moved Porkchop's plates (IC Arena Bloodworks) so that one isn't embedded in the cage bars and the other halfway in the floor
- Fixed the collision in both Arena cells so that the player can't walk through the large double-doors (they don't open)
- White Gold Tower (Imperial Palace), the Arena District walls, the guard towers and two trees will now be visible from inside the Imperial City Arena.
- Added the four missing columns to the spectator Arena (ChorrolArena, though it is in the IC) found in the player-combatant Arena, added missing exterior objects that can be seen from inside (White Gold Tower, city walls and towers and two trees, as was done with the player-combatant Arena) and a missing hanging lamp to the Grand Champion player-combatant Arena entry tunnel, and grounded a flying planter vase (head height), several slightly floaty chairs and tables, and attached three sconces noticeably off their walls
- Added missing collision to a section of the Arena Bloodworks wall (BloodworksEntrance01.NIF) near the entry door which was allowing the player to walk through it and jump "onto" the transparent ceiling.
- Grounded Hundolin's noticeably flying Arena Lockbox chest table and moved an unreadable Gray Fox wanted poster trapped in the wall Havok mesh
Elven Gardens
- Moved a barrel in the Sewer Waterworks as (very rarely) Baurus could fall from the stairs it was near and get stuck behind it in the Path of Dawn quest of the Main Quest
- Grounded the see-through underside dividing wall in Wumeek's house, two benches, a plate clipping into corn cobs, and moved a misaligned chandelier
- Moved several cups and a plate embedded in a table and dresser, grounded a dresser, cupboard, sack and crate in Cyronin Sintav's house upstairs
- Closed a seethrough gap under a wall piece and realigned the door, grounded two slightly and one not-so=slightly (and embedded in a wall) flying benches and a table and candlestick, moved up a plate of candles half-embedded in the floor and deleted a duplicated tapestry outside the playable area in Roderic Pierrane's house
- Moved several articles on a table in Dovyn Aren's house upstairs which could not be picked up as they were inside the building Havok; also fixed two of them (a cup and pitcher) being embedded in the table
- Grounded a floating wall section (and door), a chair and a chest in Irene Metrics' Private Quarters.
- Grounded a floating wall section (and door) in Ra'Jhan's Private Quarters.
- Moved a bench out of the wall in Roderic Pierrane's house upstairs
- Raised a chest sunken into the floor in Tertius Favonius' house upstairs
- Raised a pewter pitcher sunken into a table in Othrelos' and Dul gro-Shug's houses upstairs, and five more pieces of pewterware as well sunken into a table in Othrelos' house upstairs
IC Market District
- Grounded several food items floating more than the Havok requires and a chair, and moved a tapestry slightly clipping the wall in the Merchants' Inn, and moved a bed out of a tapestry and bench slightly in a wall in the upstairs area
- Moved the unopenable merchant chest to outside the playable area (as is the case with all other merchant containers like this), rotated/scaled two tapestries clipping into the wall and grounded two noticeably flying benches in The Main Ingredient (IC Market District), and in the basement grounded two sacks, a chair and a barrel and moved a crate out of the wall and raised another slightly in the floor
- Moved a chest almost completely embedded in the wall in A Fighting Chance, grounded a carpet and two weapon racks, and in the basement grounded two barrels, a sack and a chest facing the wrong way
- Grounded two candles on small tables and two benches, moved several intersecting items and a basket of potatoes that fell through the floor if one was picked up in The Copious Coinpurse, and in the basement grounded two barrels and a chest that was facing the wrong way and moved a sack almost completely embedded in a barrel
- Moved a pair of shoes almost completely embedded in a chest, and grounded a cupboard and chest, moved a painting hidden outside the playable area, and deleted three rugs completely hidden in the floor (already enough rugs that there was no place for them and they were a different class) in the upstairs of the Mystic Emporium
- Settled the books at the counter of Slash'N'Smash so that they don't bounce around on first entry or fall to the ground, and in the basement grounded a candle and moved a sack almost completely embedded in the wall at the foot of the stairs
- Deleted a duplicated-in-place chest in The Best Defense basement
- Moved a sack almost completely embedded in the wall at the foot of the stairs in the Office of Imperial Commerce Office basement
- Moved a Blue Silk Shirt in a display case in Red Diamond Jewelry (IC Market district) that was sticking out through the bottom of the case, and moved a potato embedded in a ham slice in the upstairs
- Raised three pewter mugs and a shopping list that would fall through their table/desk when the player was near in the Black Horse Courier upstairs
- Moved up a small set drawer unit (holds clutter) hidden in a shelving unit in Rindir's Staffs and moved a weapon rack slightly embedded in the wall in the basement
- Raised a quill, knife and fork that would fall through the surfaces they were on in the Gilded Carafe Private Quarters and The Best Defense basement
- Grounded a table and barrel and moved a sack almost completely embedded in a barrel in the Three Brothers basement
- Grounded a slightly flying chest (the same one used in the first Thieves Guild quest) and fixed a flickering cloth on the floor in Rohssan's quarters in the upstairs of A Fighting Chance
- Fixed a floating tapestry in Red Diamond Jewelry.
- Grounded a floating wall section in A Fighting Chance Private Quarters
- Grounded a floating wall section and also removed a superfluous cupboard outside the visible cell area in Rindir's Private Quarters
- Moved a crate and barrel embedded in walls in The Market Sewers
Prison District
- Grounded a chest and sack, flipped a chest facing the wrong way, moved up a rug completely hidden in the floor and five sacks partially embedded in a wall and another in the stairs in the Imperial Legion basement
- Closed a seethrough gap under a bottom stair and grounded a flying bench in the Bastion
- Closed several seethrough and onesided gaps in the Imperial Prison accessed during the Dark Brotherhood's Scheduled for Execution quest, and flipped two of the cell doors to open outwards so that they don't embed in the stone wall when opened
Talos Plaza
- White Gold Tower should no longer disappear when in the Talos Plaza district
- Moved a first floor pathnode that was supposed to be on the floor out of the ceiling in Jakben Imbel's house which was preventing NPC's from being able to go up the stairs to the second floor
- Fixed terrain clipping through the ground near the an entrance door in the Talos Plaza District in the Imperial City.
- Closed large gaps in ragged ends of the walls in Claudius Arcadia's Private Quarters caused by a badly misaligned room divider piece
- Moved a cupboard and sack out of walls in Dorian's house
- Moved a silver bowl of fruit embedded in the base of a table in Ulen Athram's house and grounded a dresser
- Fixed a chest facing the wrong way and grounded a noticeably flying chair in Samuel Bantien's house
- Fixed a chest facing the wrong way and two barrels clipping into their stands in S'rathad's Basement
- Grounded two barrels and a bookshelf (which was clipping into many of the objects on it) in Agarmir's house
- Fixed a chest facing the wrong way in Ra'jiradh's house, grounded a bench and several cups and pitcher more floaty than Havok required, and moved a tapestry embedded in the stairs
- Moved a sack in Soris Arenim's house partially embedded in a wall such that it could not be opened and another sack in the same wall, moved a barrel that had a sack slightly embedded in it and grounded a sack
- Moved a chest slightly out of the wall and a sack almost completely embedded, grounded a chest, two barrels and two sacks, and attached a tapestry to the wall in Astinia Atius' house.
- Grounded a floating table (and all items on it) and a chair in Sevarius Atius' House Private Quarters and removed the word "House" from the cell name to match it to the naming convention used everywhere else.
- Grounded 2 floating sacks, a barrel, a chest, a cupboard, a table (and all items on it), 2 chairs and a candle stick, also corrected a misaligned tapestry and removed a second space from the cell name in Matthias Draconis' Private Quarters.
- Grounded a floating candle plate, a bed, 2 chairs, a chest, and a wine shelf (and all wine in it) in Areldil's Private Quarters.
- Grounded 3 floating chairs, a bed, a table, a chest, a rug (and all items on it) and a cupboard in Areldil's House.
- Grounded a floating wall section (and door), 2 benches and a sack in Dorian's House.
- Grounded a floating chest, a wall section (and door), 2 shelves (and all items on them) and 2 drawers, also raised 2 sunken sacks in Dorian's Private Quarters.
- Grounded a floating chest and sack in Dorian's Basement.
- Grounded 3 floating barrels, a rug, a chest, a bench, a book shelf and a chair, also moved a grain sack out of a wall in Claudius Arcadia's House.
- Grounded a floating wine rack (all wine as well), a candle stick, a wall section (and door), 3 crates (and a sack on top of one), 2 barrels, a canvas and a basket, and also raised two sunken sacks in Claudius Arcadia's Private Quarters.
- Grounded a floating chest (and moved it so it wasn't clipping into a wall), a rug and a chair, and also aligned 3 hanging lantern in Areldil's Basement.
- Grounded a floating sack and a chest in Claudius Arcadia's Basement, also moved a sack out of a wall and the floor.
- Grounded 2 floating barrels, also raised two sunken grain sacks in Dynari Amnis' House.
- Grounded a floating barrel in Dynari Amnis' Basement.
- Raised and moved a sack out of a wall in Helvo Atius' Basement.
- Grounded a floating chest in Helvo Atius' Private Quarters.
- Raised a sunken rug along with the table (and items on it) in Jakben Imbel's Private Quarters.
- Grounded a floating chest and barrel, also moved a sack nearly completely embedded in a barrel and one in a wall in Matthias Draconis' Basement.
- Grounded 2 barrels and a chest in Ontus Vanin's Basement.
- Removed a cupboard, sack, plate and a teapot which were completely concealed (couldn't be moved anywhere, superfluous).
- Raised a sunken sack in Ra'jiradh's Private Quarters.
- Grounded a floating chest and barrel, and also moved and raised a sack out of a wall in Sevarius Atius' Basement.
- Raised and moved a sack out of a wall in Soris Arenim's Basement.
- Grounded a floating rug in S'rathad's Basement.
- Grounded 3 floating tables (and items on them) and a candlestick in The Foaming Flask.
- Grounded 5 floating sacks, 2 barrels and a wall section (and door as well) in The Foaming Flask
- Raised three cups, a pitcher and plate sunken into their table in Angelie's house upstairs
- Raised several cups and other pewter objects sunken into shelves and a table in Dynari Amnis' house
- Raised three pewter pots sunken into their shelf and a basket sunken into the carpet (so it showed through the bottom) and raised several pieces of cutlery that would fall through their table in Claudius Arcadia's house upstairs
- Moved a duplicated-in-place wine bottle in a rack in Dorian's house and raised a Flax Seeds upstairs that would fall through the plate it's on
- Moved two crates embedded in a wall and raised another sunken into the carpet in Sevarius Atius' basement and grounded a flying fork and raised several pieces of cutlery so they don't fall through the table in the upstairs
- Moved a duplicated-in-place wine bottle in a rack in Umbacano Manor and moved two crates embedded in the wall in the basement
- Raised a paint palette hidden in a shelf and a pair of shoes sunken into the carpet in Usheeja's house
- Raised several pieces of cutlery so that they don't fall through their tables in S'rathad's house, Ontus Vanin's house, Ra'jiradh's house, Thamriel's house and the Tiber Septim Hotel
- Disabled/moved two more rogue purchase receipts for player house furnishings in Stantus Varrid's house (while perhaps meant to be decorative, they have the unintended side effect that if picked up by the player, furniture magically appears in the player's house, which doesn't make much sense); also flipped three barrels in the basement facing the wrong way
Temple District
- Added missing distant LOD in the Imperial City Temple District (White Gold Tower couldn't be seen from here) and Skingrad.
- Fixed a mess of seethrough polygon walls and hollow stonework in the basement of the All Saints' Inn caused by a missing drop-in doorframe in the stairwell and others in the cell badly misaligned, and moved a sack in the stairwell almost completely hidden in the wall
- Grounded a carpet in Luronk gro-Glurzog's basement, move a painting slightly clipping into two others, and removed two receipts (House Wall Hangings and House Storage Area) from the floor as these are only intended for the player (they would show a value of 400 when hovered over but zero when picked up; one would also fall through the floor when the other was moved). Also removed one receipt from Marinus Catiotus' basement and two from Tertius Favonius' upstairs (IC Elven Gardens) and one from the Surilie Brothers' house (Skingrad)
- Moved a hanging ceiling lamp embedded in the floor and another one badly off-centered in Grey-Throat's house, aligned the load door to close gaps around it, and grounded a slightly flying cupboard and table
- Moved up a Black Horse Courier broadsheet completely embedded in a table in Hastrel Ottus' house, and grounded a sack, barrel and chest and moved an intersecting kennel in the basement
- Grounded two silver plates at ceiling height and several slightly ungrounded beds and chairs and moved a silver pitcher clipping into a bowl in the Imperial Palace guard quarters
- Grounded a very flying silver goblet and chest of drawers, and moved one of two intersecting barrels in Marana Rian's house
- Grounded a floating cupboard in Algot's House.
- Grounded a floating chest of drawers, a chest, table and bench in Algot's Private Quarters.
- Grounded a floating sack in Algot's Basement.
- Grounded a floating grain sack in Gilen Norvalo's Basement.
- Grounded a floating grain sack, cupboard and 2 chairs in Gilen Norvalo's House.
- Fixed two Fly Amanitas in the being unharvestable
- Raised two tankards sunken into a table in Algot's Private Quarters and raised a crate sunken into the carpet in the basement
- Raised two tankards sunken into a table in Grey-Throat's Private Quarters
- Raised three pewter cups and a plate sunken into a table (the plate would fall through it) in Amantius Allectus' house upstairs
- Flipped/grounded a flying chest facing the wrong way in Graman gro-Marad's basement
- Raised two chests sunken into the floor in Salomon Geonette's house upstairs
- Moved nine Blackberries embedded in the base of a silver bowl (rather than being in it) in Trenus Duronius' house and flipped two chests in the upstairs facing the wrong way (the top one was also embedded in the wall)
- Raised a paintbrush embedded in the carpet and another embedded vertically in the table in Luronk gro-Glurzog's Private Quarters
IC Waterfront
- Fixed the bed in the Imperial Trading Company Private Storage being non-activatable
- Grounded a barrel and desk, moved a pitcher and two jugs that were off their shelf and moved a sack almost completely embedded in the wall in the Imperial Trading Company Warehouse Basement, and fixed most of these same errors in the near-duplicated Imperial Trading Company Office Basement
- Raised a rug with a floorboard clipping through it, fixed flickering intersections of the corners of a wall near the Captain's Cabin, and grounded a floor candlestick, rope spool and crate on the Marie Elena (IC Waterfront)
- Moved a sack slightly embedded in the wall and grounded a bed in Myvryna Arano's house (IC Waterfront)
- Attached a sconce slightly off its support, moved a sack mostly embedded in a barrel and a chest of drawers intersecting the wall, and grounded two noticeably flying chairs and the bed in Armand Christophe's house (IC Waterfront)
- Attached a sconce well off its support and a painting off the wall, and grounded a noticeably flying chair (also changed it to a left-side entry one) and the slightly ungrounded doormat in Jair's shack (IC Waterfront)
- Moved/scaled a tapestry clipping into a chest and bed, moved a bed out of the wall, grounded a chest of drawers, bench and a sack (also embedded in the wall) in Kvinchal's shack (IC Waterfront)
- Grounded a chest of drawers and bed, raised a chair sunk into the floor that hid the sitter's feet, and moved a sack slightly embedded in the wall in Methredhel's house (IC Waterfront)
- Grounded a noticeably flying chair in the Abandoned Shack (IC Waterfront)
- Moved a hull piece/beam clipping through a wall in the dining area, grounded a noticeably flying chair (Ormil's) and several other chairs and tables and a rug in the Bloated Float Tavern Deck
- Flipped two trapdoors in the Lighthouse Imperial Watch Barracks that were backwards compared to their destination doors