Oblivion Mod:Function Indices

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Script functions are referenced by an index value. This appears to be equal to the function's (Opcode AND 0xFFF). For example, the opcode for GetDistance is 0x1001. See Script Functions for a complete list of all script and console functions.

Index Function
153 CanHaveFlames
127 CanPayCrimeGold
14 GetActorValue
61 GetAlarmed
190 GetAmountSoldStolen
8 GetAngle
81 GetArmorRating
274 GetArmorRatingUpperBody
63 GetAttacked
264 GetBarterGold
277 GetBaseActorValue
229 GetClassDefaultMatch
41 GetClothingValue
122 GetCrime
116 GetCrimeGold
110 GetCurrentAIPackage
143 GetCurrentAIProcedure
18 GetCurrentTime
148 GetCurrentWeatherPercent
170 GetDayOfWeek
46 GetDead
84 GetDeadCount
203 GetDestroyed
45 GetDetected
180 GetDetectionLevel
35 GetDisabled
39 GetDisease
76 GetDisposition
1 GetDistance
215 GetDoorDefaultOpen
182 GetEquipped
73 GetFactionRank
60 GetFactionRankDifference
128 GetFatiguePercentage
288 GetFriendHit
160 GetFurnitureMarkerID
74 GetGlobalValue
48 GetGold
99 GetHeadingAngle
318 GetIdleDoneOnce
338 GetIgnoreFriendlyHits
67 GetInCell
230 GetInCellParam
71 GetInFaction
32 GetInSameCell
305 GetInvestmentGold
310 GetInWorldspace
91 GetIsAlerted
68 GetIsClass
228 GetIsClassDefault
64 GetIsCreature
161 GetIsCurrentPackage
149 GetIsCurrentWeather
237 GetIsGhost
72 GetIsID
254 GetIsPlayableRace
Index Function
224 GetIsPlayerBirthsign
69 GetIsRace
136 GetIsReference
70 GetIsSex
246 GetIsUsedItem
247 GetIsUsedItemType
47 GetItemCount
107 GetKnockedState
80 GetLevel
27 GetLineOfSight
5 GetLocked
65 GetLockLevel
320 GetNoRumors
255 GetOffersServicesNow
157 GetOpenState
193 GetPCExpelled
199 GetPCFactionAttack
195 GetPCFactionMurder
197 GetPCFactionSteal
201 GetPCFactionSubmitAuthority
249 GetPCFame
132 GetPCInFaction
251 GetPCInfamy
129 GetPCIsClass
130 GetPCIsRace
131 GetPCIsSex
312 GetPCMiscStat
225 GetPersuasionNumber
98 GetPlayerControlsDisabled
365 GetPlayerInSEWorld
362 GetPlayerHasLastRiddenHorse
6 GetPos
56 GetQuestRunning
79 GetQuestVariable
77 GetRandomPercent
244 GetRestrained
24 GetScale
53 GetScriptVariable
12 GetSecondsPassed
66 GetShouldAttack
159 GetSitting
49 GetSleeping
58 GetStage
59 GetStageDone
11 GetStartingAngle
10 GetStartingPos
50 GetTalkedToPC
172 GetTalkedToPCParam
361 GetTimeDead
315 GetTotalPersuasionNumber
144 GetTrespassWarningLevel
242 GetUnconscious
259 GetUsedItemActivate
258 GetUsedItemLevel
40 GetVampire
142 GetWalkSpeed
Index Function
108 GetWeaponAnimType
109 GetWeaponSkillType
147 GetWindSpeed
154 HasFlames
214 HasMagicEffect
227 HasVampireFed
353 IsActor
314 IsActorAVictim
313 IsActorEvil
306 IsActorUsingATorch
280 IsCellOwner
267 IsCloudy
150 IsContinuingPackagePCNear
163 IsCurrentFurnitureObj
162 IsCurrentFurnitureRef
354 IsEssential
106 IsFacingUp
125 IsGuard
282 IsHorseStolen
112 IsIdlePlaying
289 IsInCombat
332 IsInDangerousWater
300 IsInInterior
146 IsInMyOwnedCell
285 IsLeftUp
278 IsOwner
176 IsPCAMurderer
175 IsPCSleeping
171 IsPlayerInJail
358 IsPlayerMovingIntoNewSpace
339 IsPlayersLastRiddenHorse
266 IsPleasant
62 IsRaining
327 IsRidingHorse
287 IsRunning
103 IsShieldOut
286 IsSneaking
75 IsSnowing
223 IsSpellTarget
185 IsSwimming
141 IsTalking
265 IsTimePassing
102 IsTorchOut
145 IsTrespassing
329 IsTurnArrest
111 IsWaiting
101 IsWeaponOut
309 IsXBox
104 IsYielding
36 MenuMode
42 SameFaction
133 SameFactionAsPC
43 SameRace
134 SameRaceAsPC
44 SameSex
135 SameSexAsPC
323 WhichServiceMenu