Morrowind Mod:Tamriel Rebuilt/Note (Vaerin1)
A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995
Live One,
What great fun we can have! You've passed the first test but there are more to follow, oh yes, many more.
A true Telvanni must conjure with the best if he hopes to pass my newest test. If you have the skill of magic a prize is in your future. If you haven't any skill then all the knowledge of Apocrypha would avail you not!
Now which creature do I wish to see? For you it should be fortunate that it does not come from Apocrypha but rather another realm. Yes, I demand an audience with one who might enlighten me on the subject of Vivec's sexual practices in ages past. Well it could enlighten me if it could speak, but alas it is not so.
-Llevran Vaerin