Morrowind Mod:Tamriel Rebuilt/Idroso Menas

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Idroso Menas (TR_m3_Idroso_Menas)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt, Map 3
Home Town Sailen
House Idroso Menas' House
Race Dunmer Gender Female
Level 17 Class Sorcerer
Other Information
Health 121 Magicka 176
Faction(s) Mainland Great House Telvanni 3(3)
Idroso Menas

Idroso Menas is a Dunmer sorceress and Lawman of Mainland Great House Telvanni living in her house in Sailen. She is apparently a Daedra worshipper, and has imprisoned a Daedroth named Khayam-I within a ritual circle in her basement. The witchhunter Girynu Rathryon is currently in pursuit of her for the crime of Daedra worship.

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