Morrowind:Larisus Dergius

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Larisus Dergius (Larisus Dergius)
Location Yasamsi
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 13 Class Warrior
Other Information
Health 153 Magicka 100
Alarm 0 Fight 90
Larisus Dergius

Larisus Dergius is a hostile Imperial warrior and smuggler hiding in the cave of Yasamsi along with Dudley, Ralos Othrenim and Thervam Drelas.

A Breton woman named Julielle Aumine stumbled upon their hideout by accident, and Larisus and the others murdered her to keep her silent, burned her body and scattered the ashes. Her restless spirit now haunts a local medium named Okur, and demands justice. If you are a member of the Imperial Cult, Okur will channel Julielle's request to kill Larisus and the other three smugglers to avenge her death so that her spirit can finally rest in peace.

Related Quests

Imperial Cult