Morrowind:Vivec St. Delyn

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< Places: Vivec(Redirecionado de Morrowind:Deras Girando)
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The PlazaWaistworksUnderworksPeopleTravelMapsNotesQuestsHomesServices
The St. Delyn Canton
The Statue of Sheogorath
MW-banner-Vivec St. Delyn.png

The St. Delyn Canton is owned by the Tribunal Temple and offers low-cost housing to deserving members.

The Plaza

The St. Delyn Potter's Hall and Glassworker's Hall: You can talk to Alarvyne Indalas for Liberate the Limeware quest. A few traders have their shops here. You might meet an Invisible Man wandering the Plaza.

The Abbey of St. Delyn the Wise houses the Master Trainer in Blunt Weapons, Ernse Llervu, located downstairs in a locked room.

The Waistworks

The Glassworker's Hall and the Abbey both have staircases within those areas leading to the Plaza.

The Underworks

The Shrine Ihinipalit is guarded by a brute named Haki, who can be a handful at lower levels. Talk to the Statue inside to get the Sheogorath Quest. The Storage Area is a small maze, starting off with rats in the hallways and ending with undead waiting behind doors.

Behind A Worn Cavern Door is a trapped and locked chest with leveled loot, Thieves Tools and an enchanted weapon. The room is infested by rats, but has a bedroll and a small fire.

Getting there & around

Bridges connect to Redoran, Temple, and St. Olms. There are no Gondola services here.


  • An abandoned tenement on the outside (Waist North-One) is haunted by an Ancestor Guardian, which appears to be the remnant of a removed Fighters Guild quest.
  • St. Delyn Canal North-Two contains a secret Sixth House shrine with a couple of Dreamers.
Ficheiro:MW Map VivecStDelyn.jpg
Map of Vivec's St. Delyn canton


NPC Service Location
Alarvyne Indalas Merchant St. Delyn Waistworks
Dolyn Rols Merchant St. Delyn Plaza
Ernse Llervu Trains Blunt Weapon; Acrobatics; Sneak St. Delyn Waistworks
Gomeso Sarano Merchant St. Delyn Plaza
Lucretinaus Olcinius Merchant St. Delyn Plaza
Mevel Fererus Merchant St. Delyn Plaza
Rathal Barus Merchant St. Delyn Waistworks
Tervur Braven Merchant St. Delyn Plaza

Related Quests


House Hlaalu

Imperial Legion

Morag Tong

Thieves Guild

Tribunal Temple



Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Alarvyne Indalas Female&F Dunmer Trader Service 13 95 118 0 30 St. Delyn Glassworker's Hall Merchant
Amili Llaram {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] St. Delyn Waist South-Two
Artisa Arelas Female&F Dunmer Pilgrim 2 46 82 0 30 The Abbey of St. Delyn the Wise
Badbog gra-Shug {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] St. Delyn Potter's Hall
Bradil Elarven {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] St. Delyn Glassworker's Hall
Cassius Olcinius Male&M Imperial Commoner 6 75 92 0 30 St. Delyn Plaza
Dedaenc {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] St. Delyn Plaza
Delmus Rurvyn {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] St. Delyn Plaza
Deras Girando {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] St. Delyn Waistworks
Dolsa Gilvani {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] St. Delyn Potter's Hall
Dolyn Rols Male&M Dunmer Trader Service 9 88 106 100 30 St. Delyn Potter's Hall Merchant
Drelayn Dredayn Male&M Dunmer Priest 4 52 88 0 30 The Abbey of St. Delyn the Wise
Drelis Ondyn {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] St. Delyn Potter's Hall
Drilame Githrano {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] St. Delyn Canal North-One
Dro'Barri {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] St. Delyn Plaza
Dro'Zaymar Male&M Khajiit Assassin 15 109 140 0 30 St. Delyn Canal South-Three
Drurile Valaai {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] St. Delyn Glassworker's Hall
Elethus Tobor {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] St. Delyn Potter's Hall
Elmera Verethi {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] St. Delyn Glassworker's Hall
Ernse Llervu Female&F Dunmer Monk 25 163 118 0 30 The Abbey of St. Delyn the Wise Master Trainer
Faralenu Henim {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] The Abbey of St. Delyn the Wise
Faven Arns {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] St. Delyn Plaza
Gols Nilvon Male&M Dunmer Pilgrim 2 51 82 0 30 The Abbey of St. Delyn the Wise
Gomeso Sarano Female&F Dunmer Trader Service 13 95 118 100 30 St. Delyn Potter's Hall Merchant
Haki {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] St. Delyn Underworks
Higil {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] St. Delyn Canal North-Three
Ilmeni Dren Female&F Dunmer Noble House Hlaalu House Cousin(House Cousin) 14 112 122 0 30 St. Delyn Canal South-One
Llonas Felder {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] The Abbey of St. Delyn the Wise
Lucretinaus Olcinius Male&M Imperial Trader Service 10 99 108 100 30 Lucretinaus Olcinius: Trader Merchant
Mevel Fererus Male&M Dunmer Trader Service 10 99 108 0 30 Mevel Fererus: Trader Merchant
Nads Tharen Male&M Dunmer Thief Thieves Guild Footpad(Footpad) 5 0 92 0 30 St. Delyn Canal South-Two Deceased
Niden Naros {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] St. Delyn Waist South-One
Orvona Vadryon Female&F Dunmer Pilgrim 3 52 84 0 30 The Abbey of St. Delyn the Wise
Rathal Barus Male&M Dunmer Trader Service 9 88 106 0 30 St. Delyn Glassworker's Hall Merchant
Rilos Delms {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] St. Delyn Potter's Hall
Satheri Rothandus {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] St. Delyn Glassworker's Hall
Tarani Dralno {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] St. Delyn Plaza
Tervur Braven Male&M Dunmer Trader Service 9 94 106 0 30 Tervur Braven: Trader Merchant
Vivyne Andrano Female&F Dunmer Commoner 2 46 82 0 30 St. Delyn Waistworks




Services in the Waistworks