Morrowind:Ahnassi's House

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Ahnassi's House
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Ahnassi (only after completing part of the quest)
Console Location Code(s)
"Pelagiad, Ahnassi's House"
Pelagiad, [0,-8]
Ahnassi's House

Ahnassi's House is a house in Pelagiad belonging to Ahnassi. This house, located just outside the gates of Fort Pelagiad, is moderate in size and richly appointed. The door is locked, but if you are a male character, you can get the key by doing the Ahnassi, a Special Friend quest. You cannot pickpocket the key from her, so this is the only way to get it. Female characters are out of luck, and will have to resort to illegal means to open the door. The contents of the house are all free for the taking, before or after Ahnassi moves in. The only items of real value is a collection of various liquors on the cabinet by the door. More beverages and ingredients may be found in the various containers around the house.


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight
Ahnassi Female&F Khajiit Monk Service Thieves Guild Toad(Toad) 9 106 23 100 30