- This is a title blacklist. Titles and users that match a regular expression here cannot be created.
- Use "#" for comments.
- This is case insensitive by default
- Spambots such as '385 buy propecia': preventing usernames and page names
.*\d+ buy.* <errmsg=titleblacklist-spam>
- Free iPhone spam
- Prevent any new username variants of 'Gray Fox'
.*\bgr[ae]y[^A-Za-z]*fox\b.* <newaccountonly|errmsg=titleblacklist-accountname>
- Prevent any new username variants of 'Maiq'
.*\bm'?aiq.* <newaccountonly|errmsg=titleblacklist-accountname>
- Prevent any new username variants of 'ArchMage' (we have 18 at the moment)
.*\barch[^A-Za-z]*mage.* <newaccountonly|errmsg=titleblacklist-accountname>
- Prevent any new username variants of 'Dovahkiin' and 'Dragonborn'
.*doh?vah?ki+n.*<newaccountonly|errmsg=titleblacklist-accountname> .*dragon[^A-Za-z]*born.*<newaccountonly|errmsg=titleblacklist-accountname>
- ...and Dragon+number variants (6 so far)
.*\bdragon[^A-Za-z]*\d+.* <newaccountonly|errmsg=titleblacklist-accountname>
- The perennial index.php spambot pages
.*index\.php.* <errmsg=titleblacklist-spam>
- Prevent current cigarette spam
.*cigarette.* <errmsg=titleblacklist-spam> .*\bfag\b.* <errmsg=titleblacklist-spam>
- Various offensive nicknames/page names
.*nigg+er.* <errmsg=titleblacklist-spam> .*nigg+a+h.* <errmsg=titleblacklist-spam> .*fuc?k.* <errmsg=titleblacklist-spam> .*sh[i1]t.* <errmsg=titleblacklist-spam> .*\brape[sd]?\b.* <errmsg=titleblacklist-spam>
- Online drug selling
.*\d+mg.* <errmsg=titleblacklist-spam>
- Bitcoin spam
.*bitcoin.* <errmsg=titleblacklist-spam>
- Permanently prevent page creation in main namespace (except by trusted editors who have tboverride perms)
^:.* <errmsg=titleblacklist-mainns> ^[^:]*$ <errmsg=titleblacklist-mainns>
- Prevent any usernames of format name19xx -- repeatedly used by spambots over last week
.*19\d\d <newaccountonly|errmsg=Your requested user name has been blocked because the style of name is commonly used by spambots.>
- Prevent any usernames with "loans" in them
.*loan.* <newaccountonly|errmsg=titleblacklist-spam>