General:Main Page

A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995
(Redirecionado de General:Developers)

This section contains general information that is related to the Elder Scrolls Games, but not directly about the games.

Game Development



Former Developers

Game Specific Teams


  • Douglas Goodall Interview: An interview conducted with a Morrowind developer who left after the game's release. It was conducted during Oblivion's development, and contains several interesting insights into how lore was designed by Bethesda internally.
  • Mark Jones Interview: An interview with one of the artists behind Daggerfall, Battlespire, TES Travels and Morrowind.
  • Oblivion Mobile Interview: An interview asking Vir2L President Douglas Frederick about the development of Oblivion Mobile, with input from Greg Gorden and Brad Pitser.


Real-World References

  • Real-World References — Parallels between real-world concepts and those found in Elder Scrolls games.

Other Sites

Fan Reactions