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Lore:Livro de Sumiril, Passagem 3

759 bytes adicionados, 03h19min de 7 de março de 2014
<noinclude>{{Book Summary
|title={{Lore Link|Sumiril's Book}}, Passage 3
|prev={{Lore Link|Sumiril's Book, Passage 2|Passage 2}}
|next={{Lore Link|Sumiril's Book, Passage 4|Passage 4}}
|description=The story of a boy named Ostion

The powerful sent {{Lore Link|Wilderking|Ostion}} to {{Lore Link|Valenwood}}. They told him to shape Valenwood and build a great city there. They sent builders to help. But Valenwood was not like the land where Ostion grew up. Valenwood was wild and angry and when the boy asked it to move, it said "No."

{{Book Footer
|Skippage=Sumiril's Book
|Prev=''{{Lore Link|Sumiril's Book, Passage 2|Passage 2}}''
|Up=''{{Lore Link|Sumiril's Book}}''
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