
A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995


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<noinclude>{{Lore Artifacts Trail}} __NOTOC__[[File:TR-weapon-Hopesfire.jpg|thumb|right|Hopesfire (Tribunal)]]</noinclude>{{Lore Link|Hopesfire}}, the blade of [[Lore:Almalexia (god)|Almalexia]], is a one-handed {{Lore Link|Dwemer}}i sword from the early {{Lore Link|First Era}}. Hopesfire and its twin, {{Lore Link|Trueflame}}, represented the pinnacle of Dwemer craftmanship. They were presented as wedding gifts to Lord Indoril {{Lore Link|Nerevar}} and Almalexia by the Dwemer King {{Lore Link|Dumac}}. Though Trueflame was shattered during the {{Lore Link|Battle of Red Mountain}} circa {{Year|1E 700}}, Almalexia kept Hopesfire well-preserved over the years. In {{Year|3E 427}}, she wielded the blue-flamed sword during her final battle against the {{Lore Link|Nerevarine}} in the depths of [[Lore:Sotha Sil|Sotha Sil's]] {{Lore Link|Clockwork City}}.{{ref|name=Tribunal|Events of [[TR:Tribunal|Tribunal]]}}<noinclude>

==See Also==
* For game-specific information, see the [[Tribunal:Hopesfire|Tribunal article]].

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