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Lore:Spiral Skein

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<noinclude>{{Lore Places Trail}}{{Lore Place Summary
|name=Mephala's Realms
|appears=[[Online:Mephala's Realm|ESO]]
The {{Lore Link|Spiral Skein}} is the [[Lore:Planes of Oblivion|realm of Oblivion]] created and ruled over by [[Lore:Mephala|Mephala]], the Daedric Prince of Lies.{{Ref|name=RotSS|{{Cite book|Rumors of the Spiral Skein}}}}

It is metaphysically constructed in a similar manner to {{Lore Link|Nirn}}'s Wheel. At the center is the {{Lore Link|The Towers|Tower}}, known only as the {{Lore Link|Pillar Palace of Mephala}}, since its true name is too awful to be uttered. The Spokes are called the Eight Strands of the Skein, and the spaces in between are each devoted to a different sin. The first is a cavern devoted to lies, filled with pedestals pretending to hold up the sky. The second is made up of cramped chambers representing envy, while the third is maggot-filled grottoes filled with seductive light. The fourth contains eternally dark tunnels of fear; the fifth, a place of betrayal; the sixth, an arena of murder. The seventh space is home to arcades of avarice and appetite, containing all things mortals would kill or die for, while the eighth is a flaming skein of fury, representing the death that comes to all mortals.{{Ref|name=RotSS}}<noinclude>

Mephala's realms are said to be numerous and obscured, collected together by vast strands of magical ghostweb. All of them are devoted to her spheres of sex and secret murder.{{ref|group=OOG|[ Imperial Census of Daedra Lords] — [[Lore:Imperial Geographical Society|Imperial Geographic Survey]]}} In a speech to the [[Lore:Hero|Champion of Cyrodiil]], {{Lore Link|Mankar Camoran}} incorrectly names Mephala's realm as the ten [[Lore:Moonshadow|Moonshadows]], the realm of [[Lore:Azura|Azura]].{{ref|[[Oblivion:Mankar Camoran#Mankar's Speech About Oblivion and Tamriel|Mankar Camoran's dialogue]]}}

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