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44 329 bytes adicionados, 01h34min de 3 de julho de 2013
Level 10 - God Mode
=Hardest Difficulty Strategy Walk-Through=
===={{FC|red|Imperial Prison}}====
Starting out in the Tutorial Dungeon, the race the player chooses makes all the difference. A Dunmer is the most viable choice, as his [[Oblivion:Ancestor Guardian|Ancestor Guardian]] will protect the player from harm. After a short dialogue between the [[Oblivion:Emperor Uriel Septim|Emperor]] and the player, a secret passageway opens up.

Hang back a bit, and soon [[Oblivion:Assassin|Assassins]] will appear. Do not get involved, and instead wait for [[Oblivion:Baurus]] and [[Oblivion:Glenroy]] to kill the [[oblivion:assassin|Assassins]]. In the fight, [[Oblivion:Captain Renault]] is scripted to die, so pick up [[Oblivion:Renault's Akaviri Katana]]. Also, loot the [[oblivion:assassin|Assassin's]] bodies for any potions, and Captain Renault's body for an iron shortsword to be used later.

Facing the door, jump up onto the stone ledge opposite the [[Oblivion:rat|Rat's]] entry point. After the others leave, two [[oblivion:rat|Rats]] will enter the room, so cast [[oblivion:Ancestor Guardian|Ancestor Guardian]].
Due to a possible glitch, it will usually only kill one of the [[oblivion:rat|Rats]], so equip [[Oblivion:Spells|Flare]] and kill the other one.

Jump down and enter the next room. If your [[Oblivion:ancestor Guardian|Ancestor Guardian]] is alive, just run up to the third [[oblivion:rat|rat]], and your [[oblivion:Ancestor Guardian|Ancestor Guardian]] will kill it. Other wise, run up and start attacking it, blocking when needed. It will be a close fight, but you should end up winning. In the is quite a bit of loot. Take everything that isn't [[oblivion:clutter|clutter]]. Wait 24 hours to recharge your [[Oblivion:Ancestor Guardian|Ancestor Guardian]], and restore your health and mana. On a goblin's body is an iron key. Use it to enter the [[oblivion:Imperial Prison Sewer (Tutorial)#Zone 2:Imperial Substructure|Imperial Substructure]].

===={{FC|red|Imperial Substructure}}====
In the room is one [[oblivion:rat|Rat]], and a chest containing iron armor. Summon your [[oblivion:Ancestor Guardian|Ancestor Guardian]] to kill it, and then loot the chest for iron armor. Then, run down the large passageway on your left. A group of rats will run past you, followed by a [[oblivion:zombie|Zombie]]. The rats are not hostile towards you, and the [[oblivion:Ancestor Guardian|Ancestor Guardian]] will easily kill the [[oblivion:zombie|Zombie]]. Return to the [[oblivion:Imperial Prison Sewer (Tutorial)|Imperial Prison]] and wait for 24 hours, then head back to the passageway.

Soon, you will encounter 3 more [[oblivion:rat|Rats]]. Summon the [[oblivion:Ancestor Guardian|Ancestor Guardian]], who will kill at least one rat, usually two, and three if you are lucky. Equip the shield you found in a previous area. Blocking at the right time now stumbles your opponent and protects from much more damage. Using it effectively now makes rats easy to kill. Simply stay at a distance until they lunge at you, block, and then counter-strike. You may need to block one more time, but blocking once and then attacking will usually kill it. Use this strategy for any other encounters with [[oblivion:rat|Rats]]. Retreat and wait 24 hours, you will need your [[oblivion|Ancestor Guardian|Ancestor Guardian]] for the next encounter.

Continuing through the substructure, You will come to a large, well lit room. In this room are 3-5 [[oblivion:rat|Rats]], depending on where the farthest 2 spawned. With any luck, you will only have to fight 3. Summon your [[oblivion:Ancestor Guardian|Ancestor Guardian]], who will kill 1-3 of the rats. If there were 5 in the room, run up to them and start attacking, using the above strategy. Your health will probably be low after this encounter, so wait for 24 hours. In the middle of the room is another shield, an iron helm, and multiple foodstuffs. Take it all and equip the helm and shield. You should now have a near complete set of iron armor. Continuing on, you will encounter 2 more rats. Kill them and proceed to the [[oblivion:Imperial Prison Sewer (Tutorial)|Natural Caverns]].

===={{FC|red|Natural Caverns}}====
Upon entering the area, you will encounter your first [[oblivion:goblin|Goblin]]. Beware, goblin are very difficult to kill. They have very fast attacks with low wind-up time, so blocking is very difficult against them. Also, even using [[oblivion:Renault's Akaviri Katana|your katana]], you will only chip away at his healthbar. The best thing to do is summon your [[oblivion:Ancestral Guardian|Ancestor Guardian]] to kill him. If the [[oblivion:goblin|Goblin]] kills your Ancestor Guardian, he should be at low enough health for you to kill him. After looting this room for alchemical ingredients, enter the next room. There is another goblin here, along with a [[oblivion:traps|tripwire]]. Enter run to the tripwire and step on it, then back away quickly. 3 spiked logs will fall from the ceiling and hit the goblin, killing him instantly. Wait 24 hours to recharge your [[oblivion:Ancestor Guardian|Ancestor Guardian]].

In the next room are two [[oblivion:goblin|Goblins]] under a stack of logs. Run up to the logs and push them, and back away quickly. If you are too slow, the [[oblivion:goblin|Goblin]] will shoot at you with their bows. The logs will fall and kill the goblins. Proceed to the next area. It is a very large room with lots of enemies. It is the hardest fight in the Tutorial. Summon your [[oblivion:Ancestor Guardian|Ancestor Guardian]] and 3 of the [[oblivion:goblin|Goblins]] will attack it. The Ancestor Guardian should kill 2 of the goblins. Since you are in a much more open room, killing the last goblin should be easy enough. Retreat and wait for 24 hours, the next fight is a boss fight. The [[oblivion:Goblin Shaman|Goblin Shaman]] has 2 attacks. He has a lightning staff and throws fireballs at you. Both will damage you to half health, so you have to dodge them. Summon an [[oblivion:Ancestor Guardian|Ancestor Guardian]]. It is highly unlikely that it will kill the shaman, but it should damage it. Equip flare and start casting it at him, retreating when necessary. When your health and magicka reserves get low, drink the potions you picked up while getting to this point. After looting the area, enter the [[oblivion:Imperial Prison Sewer (Tutorial)|Imperial Subterrane]].

===={{FC|red|Imperial Subterrane}}====
The easiest part of the tutorial, all you have to do is hang back and let the [[oblivion:Emperor Uriel Septim|Emperor]], [[oblivion:Baurus|Baurus]], and [[oblivion:Glenroy|Glenroy]] kill all the enemies. When you talk to the Emperor, and he asks about your [[oblivion:birthsigns|birthsign]], choose the Lover. The paralyze spell is needed for later on. Continue to hang back as the other guys kill the [[oblivion:Assassin|Assassins]]. At some point, the Emperor will talk with you again, and then get killed. Immediately paralyze the Assassin, as otherwise he may kill you. Wait for [[oblivion:Baurus|Baurus]], the only remaining companion in the room, to kill him. Afterwords, Baurus will talk to you about your class. It is best to focus equally on magic and combat, with a little bit of stealth. The most important skills you really need are [[oblivion:sneak|Sneak]], [[oblivion:conjuration|Conjuration]], [[oblivion:Heavy Armor|Heavy Armor]], and [[oblivion:blade|Blade]]. Next, enter the [[oblivion:Imperial Prison Sewer (Tutorial)|Sewers]].

Within the [[oblivion: Imperial Prison Sewer (Tutorial) | Sewers]] is a plethora of enemies: 2 [[oblivion:goblin|Goblins]], and a few [[oblivion:rat|Rats]]. Due to picking up [[oblivion:Conjuration|Conjuration]] as a major skill, you can summon a [[oblivion:skeleton|Skeleton]] to fight for you. This skeleton is slightly weaker than your [[oblivion:Ancestor Guardian|Ancestor Guardian]], but can still dispatch both of the goblins easily. If it doesn't, simply summon him again. Once you have killed all the enemies, go to the exit. Since you have the [[oblivion:skeleton|Skeleton summoning spell]], you no longer need the [[oblivion:Ancestor Guardian|Ancestor Guardian]], so it is best if you change your race. Becoming is Breton is optimal, as they specialize in [[oblivion:Conjuration|Conjuration]] and [[oblivion:restoration|Restoration]]. As explained [[oblivion:The Hardest Difficulty Strategy Guide|here]], only you are affected by difficulty, so [[oblivion:Conjuration|Conjuration]] is the most viable way to go, as your summoned creature is unaffected by it. Also, it is best to change your [[oblivion:birthsigns|birthsign]] to the Lady. It confers a bonus to [[oblivion:Willpower|Willpower]] and [[oblivion:Endurance|Endurance]], both of which are essential to your survival. Once that is done, leave the [[oblivion:Imperial Prison Sewer (Tutorial)|Sewers]], and begin the game in earnest.

==Joining the Mages Guild==
===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Anvil Recommendation|Anvil Recommendation]]}}====
Upon entering the [[oblivion:Mages Guild|Mages Guild]], speak to [[oblivion:Carahil|Carahil]]. She will allow you join the guild. She tells you that you must get recommendations from each branch of the guild. We will start with hers. This quest involves combat, but with correct positioning, you won't be the one combating. After advancing through the quest to the point that you are walking along the road, conjure a [[oblivion:skeleton|Skeleton]]. When the rogue mage confronts you, the skeleton will attack her, giving you time to retreat and have your fellow battlemages attack her. Be careful. The mage will summon her own Skeleton, and will only attack you. So long as you keep your distance and dodge her spells, you won't have to worry. Afterwards, return the guild and speak with [[oblivion:Carahil|Carahil]] to complete the quest.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Cheydinhal Recommendation|Cheydinhal Recommendation]]}}====
There is nothing special here. Everything is exactly the same for every difficulty level. For a walk-through, go to the quest page [[oblivion:Cheydinhal Recommendation|here]].

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Bruma Recommendation|Bruma Recommendation]]}}====
As with the [[oblivion:Cheydinhal Recommendation|Cheydinhal Recommendation]], the [[oblivion:Bruma Recommendation|Bruma Recommendation]] has no change in difficulty. Go to the quest page for a walk-through.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Fingers of the Mountain|Chorrol Recommendation]]}}====
Again, not much of a difficulty curve, as there is little to no combat. The only place where you might fight will be on the way to [[oblivion:Cloud Top|Cloud Top]], where you may encounter a wolf or two. You can either fight the wolf yourself or conjure a [[oblivion:Skeleton|Skeleton]] to do it for you.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Skingrad Recommendation|Skingrad Recommendation]]}}====
This is the most difficult quest yet. You are tasked with clearing out [[oblivion:Bleak Flats Cave|Bleak Flats Cave]]. It is infested with [[oblivion:Deranged Zombie|Deranged Zombies]]. Your weapon, or any other weapon or spell, for that matter, will barely scratch them. The only viable way to the Zombies is to summon a [[oblivion:Skeleton|Skeleton]]. However, the Zombies are much more powerful than your skeleton, so it is necessary to summon it 4-5 times per [[oblivion:Deranged Zombie|Deranged Zombie]]. As you progress through the cave, don't forget to save constantly and wait for an hour after every encounter. In the last room, you will fight 2 zombies simultaneously. Having chosen [[oblivion:Conjuration|Conjuration]] as a major skill, you should have the spell [[oblivion:Spells|Turn Undead]]. Cast this on the [[oblivion:Deranged Zombie|Deranged Zombies]] to make your life a little easier. When hit, the zombies will no longer attack your [[oblivion:Skeleton|Skeleton]] for 3 hits, after which you can simply recast. After killing the enemies, speak to [[oblivion:Erthor|Erthor]], and return to the guild to complete the quest.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Leyawiin Recommendation|Leyawiin Recommendation]]}}====
This is a very difficult quest. You need to reach the end of [[oblivion:Fort Blueblood|Fort Blueblood]]. It is crawling with [[oblivion:bandit|Bandits]], most of which come in twos. Conjuring a [[oblivion:Skeleton|Skeleton]] multiple times usually will do the trick. However, some of the Bandits are spellcasters. These spells deal lots of damage, so take care to avoid them. Near the end of the area, there is a group of 3 bandits. Make them aware of you and summon a [[oblivion:Skeleton|Skeleton]]. When a bandit starts chasing you, run back to the previous passageway and step on the metal plate on the floor. The trap should kill the bandit. From there, killing the other 2 bandits using your Skeleton should be straight forward enough. When you enter the next room, you will encounter 2 [[oblivion:Imp|Imps]]. By summoning another [[oblivion:Skeleton|Skeleton]], you can easy take care of them, as they are relatively weak. Once you take the Seer-Stone, [[oblivion:Kalthar|Kalthar]] will appear. This is the toughest fight so far. He is very fast and strong, and will only attack you, ignoring any summoned creatures. The best way to kill him is to dodge his attacks altogether, summoning a Skeleton to hit him as he runs past, and then summoning again. Be sure to make liberal use of your potions and poisons. After you kill him, loot his body and take his key. Open the door and return to [[oblivion:Leyawiin|Leyawiin]].

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Bravil Recommendation|Bravil Recommendation]]}}====
There is no combat in this quest, and as such no difference in regards to difficulty. Go to the [[oblivion:Bravil Recommendation|quest page]] for a full walk-through.

==The Mages Guild==
Now that you have all the recommendations, you can enter the [[oblivion:Mages Guild|Mages Guild]] in the [[oblivion:Imperial City|Imperial City]].

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:A Mage's Staff|A Mage's Staff]]}}====
Your first quest of the [[oblivion:Mages Guild|Mages Guild]] is extremely difficult. You are tasked with investigating [[oblivion:Wellspring Cave|Wellspring Cave]]. When you enter, you quickly find it is filled with [[oblivion:Necromancer|Necromancers]]. Necromancers are very hard to kill. They will summon their own undead creature, and have spells that will kill you in 1-2 hits. For dealing with Necromancers, summon your [[oblivion:Skeleton|Skeleton]] when you are right next to a Necromancer. Hopefully, it will attack the Necromancer and not his conjured creature. While he is attacking, start wailing on him, then repeat the process. Be very careful not to be near an enemy without a friendly conjure nearby, as a Necromancer's spells are ridiculously powerful. As you progress through the cave, and leave through the other door, you will encounter 3 [[oblivion:Necromancer|Necromancers]] simultaneously. Immediately run northwest and jump on top of a large rock. From here, the Necromancers will pile up, unable to attack you. Equip Weak Fireball and start casting it at them, while also summoning a Skeleton. You should be able to kill 2 out of the 3 necromancers with this strategy before one finds a way up to you. When this happens, jump off the rock and run to the other side. Then, run back and jump back up to the rock, and kill the final Necromancer. Search the bodies, then take your [[oblivion:Unfinished Staff|Unfinished Staff]]. Return to the [[oblivion:Arcane University|Arcane University]]. When you present your staff within the [[oblivion:Arcane University|Chironasium]], choose to have it imbued with the paralysis effect. This will make future boss fights much easier. Wait 24 hours and collect your staff, completing the quest.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Ulterior Motives|Ulterior Motives]]}}====
This is a very, very difficult quest. When you arrive in the clearing at 2 A.M., jump on top of the fence facing [[oblivion:Skingrad|Skingrad]]. Immediately after [[oblivion:Mercator Hosidus|Mercator Hosidus]] speaks with you, becoming hostile, jump down and run to Skingrad. You will have a bit more time because the enemies will have to run around the fence to get to you. When you enter Skingrad, you will have to rely on 4-5 [[oblivion:City Guard|Guards]] to kill them. However, Mercator will only attack you, so keep your distance. It is recommended you take off any armor you have on so you can move faster. Every spell cast, either from Mercator or the [[oblivion:Necromancer|Necromancers]] will bring you down to half-health, make should you zig-zag as go.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Vahtacen's Secret|Vahtacen's Secret]]}}====
First things first. Your [[oblivion:Spells|Summon Skeleton]] spell is getting rather weak, so it's time to upgrade. Go to [[oblivion:Chorrol|Chorrol]] and speak to [[oblivion:Arathgar|Arathgar]] between 1 and 4 P.M.. He sells a Summon Dremora spell. It costs quite a bit of magicka, but packs a punch. Now, on to the quest itself. Because of your Summon Dremora, this quest is quite easy. You will only fight [[oblivion:Ghost|Ghosts]] and [[oblivion:Skeleton|Skeletons]], both of whom are killed easily by your Dremora. However, conjuring him is a strain on your Magicka reserves, so be sure to wait for an hour after every encounter. By the end of the quest, you should have killed 6-8 Ghosts and 2 Skeletons. As I said, so long as you let your Dremora do the work for you, this is a piece of cake.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Necromancer's Moon|Necromancer's Moon]]}}====
This quest involves very little combat. When you arrive at [[oblivion:Dark Fissure|Dark Fissure]], you will have to kill a [[oblivion:Necromancer|Necromancer]]. However, the fight takes place in extremely small spaces, so this is an exercise in dodging. Summon a [[oblivion:Dremora|Dremora]] and then start jumping around like crazy. Hopefully you will avoid the Necromancer's spells long enough for your Dremora to kill him. Return to the [[oblivion:Arcane University|Arcane University]] to complete the quest.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Liberation or Apprehension|Liberation or Apprehension]]}}====
This quest relatively easy. You will fight [[oblivion:Skeleton|Skeletons]] and [[oblivion:Necromancer|Necromancers]] for the duration. Both are easily killed by your [[oblivion:Dremora|Dremora]], as he will kill the Skeletons in 3 hits and the Necromancers in 2. Nothing should give you any problems until you reach [[oblivion:Mucianus Allias|Mucianus Allias]]. He is unreasonanly strong, and will require you to summon a Dremora 2 to 3 times. When you encounter him, hit him to initiate the fight, then retreat, making your Dremora do all the work. It is worth mentioning that this ruin is fairly high-level, and it is not uncommon to find a full set of Steel Armor while going through it. After you kill Mucianus, return to [[oblivion:Hannibal Traven|Traven]] to complete the quest.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Information at a Price|Information at a Price]]}}====
This quest isn't very difficult. First, speak to the Vampire Hunters about the whereabouts of the [[oblivion:Vampire|Vampire Nest]], then travel to the cave and wait for the hunters to arrive. They should kill a few of the Vampires before dying. Then, go from room to room summoning a [[oblivion:Dremora|Dremora]]. Be sure to save and wait after clearing a room. Speak with [[oblivion:Janus Hassildor|Count Hassildor]] to finish the quest.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:A Plot Revealed|A Plot Revealed]]}}====
In this quest, you will enter the Bruma Mages Guild to find it in ruins, infested by [[oblivion:Ghost|Ghosts]]. Immediately summon a [[oblivion:Dremora|Dremora]] and stay out of the way. Throughout the course of the quest you will need several Dremora. If things get out of hand, exit the guild and the Ghosts will follow, prompting the [[oblivion:City Guard|City Guards]] to attack. Remember wait frequently to restore your Magicka. At the end of the quest, you will encounter a single [[oblivion:Necromancer|Necromancer]], who will attack you and only you. It is suggested you run outside so the Guards kill her. Speak with [[oblivion:J'skar|J'skar]], then return to the [[oblivion:Arcane University|Arcane University]] to complete the quest.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:The Bloodworm Helm|The Bloodworm Helm]]}}====
As you enter [[oblivion:Fort Teleman|Fort Teleman]], it becomes immediately apparent that is has been overrun by [[oblivion:Necromancer|Necromancers]]. Due to the cramped nature of the fort, it is difficult to fight. Summoning a [[oblivion:Dremora|Dremora]] is rarely enough to finish encounters. You will usually need to summon 2 or 3. It will soon be necessary to upgrade to a more powerful summon. Because it is so small, strafing is very difficult. As such, try to make fights happen around the corner, where they are focused on your Dremora, and you are safe from harm. At the end of the fort, you will have to an enemy [[oblivion:Dremora|Dremora]]. However, summoning yours once will most likely kill him. Take the Bloodworm Helm and return to the [[oblivion:Arcane University|Arcane University]].

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:The Necromancer's Amulet|The Necromancer's Amulet]]}}====
As you progress through the fort, something is amiss. Everything is very sinister, even though the [[oblivion:Mage|Mages]] aren't attacking you. When you reach [[oblivion:Caranya|Caranya]], be prepared for the hard boss fight up until now. When you finish talking with her, she will immediately conjure a creature and start attacking you. Also, all spells, hers and her conjured creature's (if she summoned a [[oblivion:Gloom Wraith|Gloom Wraith]]) may kill you in one hit, two at the very most. The only way to kill her presents itself when a plethora of events coincide. First, before you initiate dialogue, summon a [[oblivion:Dremora|Dremora]] directly next to to her. Next, immediately after closing the dialogue box, retreat, strafing and jumping, to the opposite pillar. Now is when coincidence comes into play. First, she will either summon a [[oblivion:Gloom Wraith|Gloom Wraith]] or a [[oblivion:Skeleton|Skeleton]]. She must summon the Gloom Wraith. Next, instead of trying to melee you, she must instead try to hit you with spells. Lastly, she cannot use healing spells. If any of those variables is false, then the chances of killing her are greatly decreased. If she summons a Skeleton, it will either chase you, forcing you to move from cover, or attack your Dremora, dealing damage to it. If [[oblivion:Caranya|Caranya]] tries to chase you, she will eventually try to cast a spell, and because of the distance, it will be nearly impossible to dodge. Finally, if she uses any healing spells, the fight will last much, much longer, to the point that you will be low on health and out of magicka, whereas she will no longer have to contend with your Dremora, and you will be running in circles waiting for your magicka to regenerate.

Retracing your steps back to the over-world is easy enough. However, all the [[oblivion:Mage|Mages]] have turned into [[oblivion:Necromancer|Necromancers]]. They are easy enough to kill by summoning a Dremora. However, be sure to only fight them one at a time. A large part of dealing with Necromancers is that they focus on your Dremora instead of you. Upon completing the quest, you will be eligible for the rank of Master-Wizard, the second-highest rank, short of Arch-Mage.

By now you should have mastered the art of killing [[oblivion:Necromancer|Necromancers]]. Proceed through the ruins killing all of the Necromancers you see. When you reach [[oblivion:Falcar|Falcar]], you will be faced with a nigh insurmountable boss battle, unless you use an exploit. Falcar is fast and damage-heavy. He will only focus on you unless you are out of his line of sight whilst your [[oblivion:Dremora|Dremora]] is. Going head to head with him, even with a Dremora, is guaranteed suicide. The only viable way to kill him involves run from one side of a wall to the other. When you encounter Falcar, summon a Dremora and quickly retreat behind the wall behind you. Falcar should still be focused on your Dremora. When it disappears, he will run towards you. Summon another and retreat further, behind the corner near the door to the main room of [[oblivion:Silorn|Silorn]]. Before that Dremora dies, run back to the first spot you encountered him. When the Dremora disappears, summon him again. Repeat this until Falcar is dead, then loot his body and return to the [[oblivion:Arcane University|Arcane University]], where you will be appointed Arch-Mage.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Confront the King|Confront the King]]}}====
Before attempting to kill [[oblivion:Mannimarco|Mannimarco]], it is of the utmost importance that you complete [[oblivion:Vaermina|Vaermina's]] Daedric quest. The reward is the [[oblivion:Skull of Corruption|Skull of Corruption]]. It is extremely effective at killing bosses, and Mannimarco is most difficult yet. After completing the quest, go to [[oblivion:Echo Cave|Echo Cave]]. It is fairly small, populated by [[oblivion:Necromancer|Necromancers]], who are relatively easy to kill. Just be sure to dodge their spells. When you reach Mannimarco, be prepared for the hardest boss fight yet to be very easy. Right before talking to him, summon a [[oblivion:Dremora|Dremora]]. Directly after talking with him, hit him the Skull of Corruption. His clone will summon a creature and they will both attack Mannimarco. Mannimarco's conjure may either attack them or you, so be careful. In an ideal world, this will be a 6-man battle. You have Mannimarco and his conjure, his clone and his conjure, and you and your conjure. Hopefully, everyone will be fighting each other. When the clone or your Dremora dies, simply conjure them again. They will be so pre-occupied that you are never targeted. After about 40 seconds, Mannimarco should be dead. Now, simply sustain yourself and run out the clock, waiting for the clone to die. After looting the body and returning to the [[oblivion:Arcane University|Arcane Univeristy]], you will be officially crowned Arch-Mage.

==The Fighters Guild==
===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:A Rat Problem|A Rat Problem]]}}====
After all you have been through with the [[oblivion:Mages Guild|Mages Guild]], the first few quests in the [[oblivion:Fighters Guild|Fighters Guild]] are so easy it isn't even funny. In this quest, you are tasked with killing 6 [[oblivion:Mountain Lion|Mountain Lions]]. They have a good amount of health, but do very little damage. The first and last ones you encounter will be alone, and simply summoning a [[oblivion:Dremora|Dremora]] will easily take care of them. When you and [[oblivion:Pinarus Inventius|Pinarus Inventius]] go out hunting for the other 4, simply hang back and let him kill them. So long as they focus on Inventius, you should be in the clear. You don't even need to summon a Dremora. Pinarus will kill them all.
When given the option of either ratting out [[oblivion:Quill-Weave|Quill-Weave]], do not do so. An extra [[oblivion:Acrobatics|Acrobatics]] level is more useful than an extra [[oblivion:Personality|Personality]] level.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:The Unfortunate Shopkeeper|The Unfortunate Shopkeeper]]}}====
This is also a very easy quest. When fighting the burglars, summon a [[oblivion:Dremora|Dremora]] to do it for you. Should you get overwhelmed for some reason, simply exit the store. If they stay inside, wait for and hour and return. If they follow you, run to a guard and have him kill them. Speak to [[oblivion:Norbert Lelles|Norbert Lelles]], and then to [[oblivion:Azzan|Azzan]] to complete the quest.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:The Desolate Mine|The Desolate Mine]]}}====
This quest is also fairly easy. So long as you hang back and let the others kill the [[oblivion:Goblin|Goblins]] for you, you should be just fine. However, you should be noticing that your [[oblivion:Dremora|Summon Dremora]] spell isn't doing very well. In fact, you need to cast about once per Goblin. After clearing the cave, go to [[oblivion:Athragar|Athragar]] in the [[oblivion:Chorrol Mages Guild|Chorrol Mages Guild]]. Proceed to buy the [[oblivion:Frost Atronach|Summon Frost Atronach]]. He is quite the Magicka hog, but by now, your [[oblivion:Willpower|Willpower]] should be high enough to counter-act that.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Unfinished Business|Unfinished Business]]}}====
To clear the cave, summon your [[oblivion:Frost Atronach|Frost Atronach]] to kill your enemies. Due to his sizable amount of health, he should be able to get the job done. However, it is worth mentioning that because of his large stature, he is very immobile. He is very slow, and will often be unable to pass through doorways. Also, if he corners an enemy, he may continue to run into him, unable to get in attack range. If this happens, summon a [[oblivion:Dremora|Dremora]] instead. However, this should not be a problem in exterior cells or large interior cells.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Drunk and Disorderly|Drunk and Disorderly]]}}====
Throughout your travels, you should have killed quite a few ghosts. Hopefully you collected their [[oblivion:Ectoplasm|Ectoplasm]], as you need to five. If you have 5, this quest will take all of 2 minutes. However, if you don't, going to the [[oblivion:Ectoplasm|Ectoplasm]] page will give you a list of some prominent places to find the Ethereal Undead. Same as with most other encounters, the easiest way to kill them is to hide behind a summoned creature whilst they kill them for you.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Den of Thieves|Den of Thieves]]}}====
Again, a very easy one. This time, you have [[oblivion:Maglir|Maglir]] on your side. He is fairly weak, with low damage and health. However, he still deals and takes 6x as much damage as you can, so he is still a very useful companion. The [[oblivion:Bandit|Bandits]] you fight have very low health themselves, and it is very unlikely you will ever have the need to wait or save. Should you want to, you can delay finishing this quest, in which case Maglir will follow you indefinitely, as he is unkillable. For purposes pertaining to making a walk-through you don't need to follow quest-by-quest, this guide will not do that. However, should you wish to, it is not recommended against, so feel free to. It should be noted, though, that while you don't need to follow the guide quest-by-quest, it assumes that you do. This means that late-guide will equal late-game, and as such, it is not recommended you skip very far ahead.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Amelion's Debt|Amelion's Debt]]}}====
There are 2 ways to complete this quest, one combat free, should you decide to fork over 1000 gold. The other involves you raiding a fairly easy family tomb. For the purposes of the guide, this will cover the raid. Inside are some [[oblivion:Zombie|Zombies]], and a variety [[oblivion:Skeleton|Skeletons]]. Neither should give you any trouble. Simply summon your [[oblivion:Frost Atronach|Frost Atronach]] to kill them for you. It should be noted that in the very last room of the dungeon, there is something of a Skeleton boss. He deals significantly more damage and takes more to. However, he usually can't stand up to your Atronach. If he comes out on top, simply summon another.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:The Master's Son|The Master's Son]]}}====
This quest is more difficult than the others, but not by much, especially since you have a companion. Inside are a couple of [[oblivion:Ogre|Orges]] and some [[oblivion:Troll|Trolls]]. Same as with most other enemies, summon a [[oblivion:Frost Atronach|Frost Atronach]] to deal with them. Your companion, [[oblivion:Viranus Donton|Viranus Donton]], is actually pretty strong, although he has rather low health and a bad habit of running into multiple enemies at once and getting knocked unconscious almost immediately. He is a good distraction at best, and at worst he makes every enemy in the area start to attack you. After clearing the cave, return to complete the quest.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:More Unfinished Business|More Unfinished Business]]}}====
For this quest, you need to obtain 10 [[oblivion:Imp Gall|Imp Gall]]. If you don't have 10 already, go to [[oblivion:Robber's Glen Cave|Robber's Glen Cave]]. Inside are exactly 12 Imps and 1 chest containing Imp Gall. Killing the Imps is simply enough, just be careful, as their spells pack a punch. Summon a [[oblivion:Frost Atronach|Frost Atronach]] to kill them for you. It should only take it 2 or 3 hits to kill one. After obtaining all 10, go back and complete the quest.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Azani Blackheart|Azani Blackheart]]}}====
You must clear 2 Alyeid Ruins. The first contains nothing more than some [[oblivion:Rat|Rats]] and [[oblivion:Mudcrab|Mudcrabs]]. Once you enter [[oblivion:Atatar|Atatar]], however, you are quickly greeted by [[oblivion:Bandit|Bandits]] and [[oblivion:Bandit Hedge Wizard|Bandit Hedge Wizards]]. They are relatively easy to kill. It is recommended that you follow [[oblivion:Modryn Oreyn|Modryn Oreyn]] into the ruins, but if you don't, it is easy to clear the place yourself. Azani Blackheart himself is rather easy, too. He is always wearing Elven Armor, and uses a claymore. He will summon [[oblivion:Ghost|Ghosts]] to aid him. So long as you summon your [[oblivion:Frost Atronach|Frost Atronach]], this is a rather easy fight. Afterwards, take his Elven Armor and Ring. The armor is probably the best you have seen so far, so put it on. Return to Modryn Oreyn to complete the quest.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:The Wandering Scholar|The Wandering Scholar]]}}====
This quest is rather difficult, and easy to fail. When you enter [[oblivion:Brittlerock Cave|Brittlerock Cave]] and speak to the scholar, she will ask you to escort you throughout the cave. Be very careful when you fight. The [[oblivion:Daedra|Daedra]] themselves are no match for your summoned [[oblivion:Frost Atronach|Frost Atronach]], but neither is [[oblivion:Elante of Alinor|Elante]]. She is a non-essential NPC, so she can be killed. She also has a bad habit of getting in the way. There is a high chance of her becoming hostile to your Atronach or vice versa, in which case they start to fight each other. She can only stand one or two hits, so summon another to make the hostile one disappear. If she dies, the quest will update telling you to talk to [[oblivion:Azzan|Azzan]]. The quest will be completed, but you will get no reward.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:The Fugitives|The Fugitives]]}}====
This quest relatively simple. You are tasked with finding 4 fugitives. As with most enemies, summoning a [[oblivion:Frost Atronach|Frost Atronach]] will kill them easily. However, they have considerably more health, and do more damage, than your average [[oblivion:Bandit|Bandit]], so keep your distance. Also, be areful the traps laid throughout the cave.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Trolls of Forsaken Mine|Trolls of Forsaken Mine]]}}====
In the [[oblivion:Forsaken Mine|Forsaken Mine]], there are lots of [[oblivion:Troll|Trolls]]. As with the others, it is best to simply summon an [[oblivion:Frost Atronach|Frost Atronach]] to kill them. Be careful, they are good at charging, and if they get you in their sights, you had better run. Due to the close quarters of the cave, and the large stature of your Frost Atronach, one viable strategy is to summon him in the opening of a passage. He will block the enemies from getting by.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:The Noble's Daughter|The Noble's Daughter]]}}====
You are tasked with killing 3 [[oblivion:Ogre|Ogres]]. This is pretty easy, as they will all focus on your [[oblivion:Frost Atronach|Frost Atronach]]. However, they have lots of health, and deal pretty high damage. For the first time since getting the spell, you will need to summon the Atronach multiple times to kill them all.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Mystery at Harlun's Watch|Mystery at Harlun's Watch]]}}====
Here you will be fighting [[oblivion:Will-o-the-Wisp|Will-o-the-Wisps]] and some [[oblivion:Troll|Trolls]]. The Trolls are fairly run of the mill, but the Will-o-the-Wisps are rather difficult to kill. Namely, they have lots of health and can only be killed by Silver or Enchanted weapons. This means that leading them into town for the [[oblivion:City Guard|City Guards]] to kill will usually end up with lots of the townspeople dead. Summoning a [[oblivion:Frost Atronach|Frost Atronach]], then running into the cave is usually the best option, as they will not follow you in.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:The Stone of St. Alessia|The Stone of St. Alessia]]}}====
Within the ruins of [[oblivion:Sedor|Sedor]] are quite a few [[oblivion:Ogre|Ogres]]. They are like any other, so this should not prove to be a difficult quest. You can be in and out in a matter of minutes. Simply summon a [[oblivion:Frost Atronach|Frost Atronach]] to kill them, then go and take the stone.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:Information Gathering|Information Gathering]]}}====
This is a very rewarding quest. All you will face here are some [[oblivion:Bandit|Bandits]], albeit bandits decked out in armor that very clearly outranks yours. Simply conjuring a [[oblivion:Frost Atronach|Frost Atronach]] will do the trick. Almost 90% of the bandits are carrying an enchanted piece of armor, so be sure to loot their bodies. It should be noted that when confronted with wearing one of two of the same type of armor, go for any enchantment that protects you from damage, has a Chamleon enchantment, or fortifies one of your major skills. After bringing back [[oblivion:Ajum-Kajin|Ajum-Kajin]] for interrogation, the quest will be completed.

This is very fast, easy quest. When you arrive at [[oblivion:Water's Edge|Water's Edge]], enter the three houses and dispose of the [[oblivion:Goblin|Goblins]] in each. Let your 3 companions take care of the dozens outside.

===={{FC|red|[[oblivion:The Hist|The Hist]]}}====
This is a pretty climactic final quest. When you enter the Blackwood Headquarters, they all turn hostile almost immediately. They are very strong. Your best bet is conjure a [[oblivion:Frost Atronach|Frost Atronach]], then run around around, trying not to get hit. Once they are all dead, enter the next room. When you exit, another member will appear. Kill him and take his key. Use it to enter the next room. There will be another Company Member. Kill him and take his key. Go to the basement and then exit right after. The mages will follow you. Conjure another Atronach and stay out of the way. Once you have killed them, destroy the Hist Tree and return to [[oblivion:Chorrol|Chorrol]].

==Daedric Quests==
It is recommended you finish this quest as soon as possible. The reward, the Staff of Corruption]] is extremely powerful, especially when used on bosses. It is a near mandatory item when fighting extremely difficult bosses like [[oblivion:Mannimarco|Mannimarco]]. In fact, it is suggested, if you are following the guide, to finish this quest right before the [[oblivion:Confront the King|Confront the King]] quest. When you arrive at [[oblivion:Arkved's Tower|Arkved's Tower]], you will fight quite a few [[oblivion:Daedra|Daedra]]. If you are doing this quest at the recommended time (level 5 -7), they should be fairly easy, just some [[oblivion:Stunted Scamp|Stunted Scamps]] and [[oblivion:Clannfear|Clannfear Runts]]. Simply conjure a [[oblivion:Dremora|Dremora]] and retreat, letting him kill them for you. Be careful not to let the Clannifer Runts target you, however, as they are rather fast and strong. While it does take them 2 hits to kill you, the first has a high chance of stumbling you, opening you up for the killing blow. When you enter [[oblivion:Arkved|Arkved's]] bedroom, enter sneak mode and take [[oblivion:Orb of Vaermina|the Orb of Vaermina]]. Then sneak out and return the shrine.

==Level 10 - God Mode==
Once you hit level 10, it is possible to do pretty much everything as if you were in god mode. First, you need to acquire 4 [[oblivion:Souls|Grand Souls]]. Because creatures with Grand Souls don't appear until level ~25, you'll need to find gems that are empty or pre-filled with grand souls. Convert the Empty Grand Soul Gems into Black Soul Gems, and kill NPCs to fill them. Next, go to the [[oblivion:Shadow Stone|Shadow Stone]] and obtain its power. This will allow you to enchant items with chameleon. Now, get 4 un-enchanted apparel. You will have 2 unused slots after you get the set. You will be wearing the [[oblivion:Ring of Khajiiti|Ring of Khajiiti]], so don't enchant 2 other rings. Once you have enchanted 4 pieces of armor with chameleon, using the grand souls, go to Meridia's Shrine. Complete her quest to get the Ring of Khajiit. Now that you have 115% chameleon, you will enter sub-god mode. Go to Nocturnal's Shrine and complete her quest, giving you the Skeleton Key. Now for a little icing on top. This is optional but will make your life easier. If you have Mehrunes Razor official plug-in, complete that now. After obtaining Mehrunes Razor, you can kill everyone rather easily. However, it is a huge gold hog. It usually has a 6% chance to instantly kill, so you'll need to recharge it often. It has 8000 charge, so stock up on soul gems and varla stones or else be prepared to dish out 8000 gold every half hour.

You are now in god mode. You can do anything (with 115% chameleon), go anywhere (with the Skeleton Key), and kill anything (with Mehrunes Razor)

=Hardest Difficulty Strategies=
Combat on the hardest difficulty is extremely difficult early and late game. Mid-game and end-game, however, are extremely easy.
For the early-game, every encounter is a a fight in sustainability. You are usually find yourself out of fatigue, magicka, and health. It is important to have large reserves of potions at your disposal. The use of conjuration is not only recommended, it is everything but required. Your summoned creature isn't affected by difficulty. It can withstand 6 times as much damage as you, and even if you use the same attack, does 6 times as much damage itself. Immediately after combat initiation, summon a creature. Use it as a both your weapon and your armor. Stay behind it, but don't be afraid move to get into a better position. When dealing with multiple enemies, do everything you can to avoid damage. Cast a Turn Undead spell, jump around and strafe, stay far enough away that they can't melee you.
This is much easier than early-game. If you have been using Conjuration as your go-to combat skill, it should have been mastered several times over. Ideally, you have large reserves of magicka and potions. Your Conjuration spell is of master level. Your conjure can kill enemies in a couple of hits. However, you will start to fight bosses, so it is important you get some Daedric Artifacts. The Skull of Corruption is essential, Sanguine's Rose is great for when you run out of magicka, and the Ring of Khajiiti is amazing for letting you bypass encounters and avoid combat altogether. When fighting a boss such as Mannimarco, don't be afraid to fight dirty. Get the first hit, summon a creature, get a clone out there. Do everything in your power to overwhelm him.
This is a very difficult, but still easier than early-game. Your conjured don't do as much as before, and you find yourself summoning 2 or 3 per fight. Now is the time to focus on buffing your character to the point that he almost never takes damage. You already have the Ring of Khajiiti, so get four grad souls. This can be obtained by barter, loot, or their pre-destined spawn points. If they have a grand soul in them, good. If they don't go to Dark Fissure and perform the Art of the Covenant to turn them into black soul gems. Enchant 4 items with chameleon. Now, enemies will never attack you. Unfortunately, your conjures will never attack your enemies, either. Hotkey an enchanted item, and take it off then re-equip it to initiate combat. Now, focus on Hand-to-Hand combat. Fisticuffs are your own little paralysis spell. During a long fight, your fists should be able to knock the enemies down 2 or 3 times.

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