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Lore:Atlas dos Dragões

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<noinclude>{{Book Summary
|title=Atlas of Dragons, 2E 373
|author=[[Lore:Books by Author#Brother Mathnan|Brother Mathnan]]
|description=A glossary of Skyrim's dragons

''Herein is recorded the list of known {{Lore Link|dragons}}, both living and dead, including those slain by the Dragonguard since the time of its founding, as well as those slain in earlier ages, where they can be identified. Unfortunately, only a few of the dragons slain by our [[Lore:Akavir|Akaviri]] predecessors during the Crusade were recorded and thus this list is sadly incomplete.''


===Deceased by Report===

'''{{Lore Link|Nahagliiv}}''' - Local tales name him as the dragon buried in the mound west of {{Lore Link|Rorikstead}}. No date associated with his death, although almost surely dates to the [[Lore:The Dragon War|Dragon War]] era.

'''{{Lore Link|Odahviing}}''' - Records dating to the Crusade of interrogation of captured {{Lore Link|Dragon Cult}}ists indicate that this dragon was buried in a mound in the southeast of [[Lore:Skyrim|Skyrim]], near {{Lore Link|Riften}}.

'''{{Lore Link|Sahloknir}}''' - Local legends claim this is the dragon buried in the mound near {{Lore Link|Kynesgrove|Kyne's Grove}}, slain by the {{Lore Link|Nord}} hero {{Lore Link|Jorg Helmbolg}} in the {{Lore Link|First Era}}.

'''{{Lore Link|Viinturuth}}''' - Death dating back to Dragon War era, according to documents recovered from Dragon Cult temples which record his burial near [[Skyrim:Lake Yorgrim|Lake Yorgrim]].

'''{{Lore Link|Vuljotnaak}}''' - Death dating back to Dragon War or just after, according to recovered Dragon Cult documents, which record his burial in a mound near {{Lore Link|Granite Hill}}.

===Slain by the Dragonguard===

'''{{Lore Link|Grahkrindrog}}''' - Slain in {{Year|2E 184}} after perpetrating great slaughter in {{#switch:{{NS_ID}}|SR=[[Skyrim:Winterhold|Winterhold]]|{{Lore Link|Winterhold (city)|Winterhold}}}} and {{Lore Link|Eastmarch}}. Name confirmed with assistance from the {{#switch:{{NS_ID}}|SR=[[Skyrim:College of Winterhold (faction)|College]]|{{Lore Link|College of Winterhold|College}}}} mages.

'''{{Lore Link|Krahjotdaan}}''' - Slain in {{Year|1E 2871}} in the southern [[Lore:Jerall Mountains|Jerall Mountains]], name confirmed by the dragon's own account.

'''Unnamed Dragons''' - Numbering 12, as recorded in the Annals dating back to the founding of {{Lore Link|Sky Haven Temple}}.

===Known to Live===

'''{{Lore Link|Ahbiilok}}''' - Sightings dating back to the early years of the [[Lore:Blades|Dragonguard]] throughout the northern Jerralls. Multiple attempts to kill him have failed. He is believed to be lairing somewhere in [[Lore:Morrowind|Morrowind]].

'''{{Lore Link|Mirmulnir}}''' - Last sighted in {{Lore Link|the Reach}} in {{Year|2E 212}}.

'''{{Lore Link|Nahfahlaar}}''' - Repeated alliances with mortal protectors which have prevented his elimination. His last known protector was the King {{Lore Link|Casimir II}} of {{Lore Link|Wayrest (kingdom)|Wayrest}}, which the Dragonguard successfully ended in {{Year|2E 369}}. He escaped and current location is unknown.

'''[[{{#ifeq:{{NAMESPACE}}|Skyrim|Skyrim:Paarthurnax (dragon)|Lore:Paarthurnax}}|Paarthurnax]]''' - The legendary lieutenant of [[Lore:Alduin|Alduin]] in the Dragon War. He is now known to lair on the {{Lore Link|Throat of the World}} under the protection of the [[Lore:Greybeards|Greybeards]] of {{Lore Link|High Hrothgar}}. Master Araidh continues the established policy of avoiding direct confrontation with the Greybeards while waiting for an opportunity to exact justice upon him.
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