
A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995

Utilizador:Rick/Sandbox/Compiled Script File Format

3 856 bytes adicionados, 18h39min de 10 de novembro de 2011
sem resumo de edição
{{Trail|File Formats}}

Skyrim supports version 3.0 to 3.1 compiled script files.


The format appears to be stored in big-endian regardless of platform (Windows & PS3 both observed as big-endian).

{| class="wikitable" width="100%"
! width="20%" | Name
! width="20%" | [[Tes5Mod:File Format Conventions|Type/Size]]
! width="60%" | Info

|- valign="top"
| magic
| uint32

|- valign="top"
| majorVersion
| uint8
| 3

|- valign="top"
| minorVersion
| uint8
| 1

|- valign="top"
| gameId
| uint16
| 1 = Skyrim?

|- valign="top"
| unknown3
| uint64
| Probably compile time?

|- valign="top"
| sourceFileName
| [[#String|String]]
| Name of the source file this file was compiled from (.psc extension).

|- valign="top"
| unknown5
| [[#String|String]]
| Name of the compile build directory?

|- valign="top"
| unknown6
| [[#String|String]]
| Name of the server/machine this script was compiled on?

|- valign="top"
| stringTable
| [[#String_Table|String Table]]

|- valign="top"
| debugInfo
| [[#Debug_Info|Debug Info]]

|- valign="top"
| userFlags
| [[#User_Flags|User Flags]]

|- valign="top"
| objects
| [[#Objects|Objects]]


== General ==

=== String ===
{| class="wikitable" width="100%"
! width="20%" | Name
! width="20%" | [[Tes5Mod:File Format Conventions|Type/Size]]
! width="60%" | Info

|- valign="top"
| length
| ushort
| Length of string.

|- valign="top"
| data
| char[length]
| String data, not null terminated.


== Sections ==

=== String Table ===

{| class="wikitable" width="100%"
! width="20%" | Name
! width="20%" | [[Tes5Mod:File Format Conventions|Type/Size]]
! width="60%" | Info

|- valign="top"
| count
| uint16

|- valign="top"
| strings
| [[#String|String]][count]


=== Debug Info ===

{| class="wikitable" width="100%"
! width="20%" | Name
! width="20%" | [[Tes5Mod:File Format Conventions|Type/Size]]
! width="60%" | Info

|- valign="top"
| unknown0
| uint8
| flag?

|- valign="top"
| modificationTime
| uint64

|- valign="top"
| functionCount
| uint16

|- valign="top"
| functions
| [[#Debug_Function|Debug Function]][functionCount]


==== Debug Function ====

{| class="wikitable" width="100%"
! width="20%" | Name
! width="20%" | [[Tes5Mod:File Format Conventions|Type/Size]]
! width="60%" | Info

|- valign="top"
| objectNameIndex
| uint16
| Index into string table.

|- valign="top"
| stateNameIndex
| uint16
| Index into string table.

|- valign="top"
| functionNameIndex
| uint16
| Index into string table.

|- valign="top"
| functionType
| uint8
| valid values is >= 0 && <= 3?

|- valign="top"
| instructionCount
| uint16

|- valign="top"
| lineNumbers
| uint16[instructionCount]


=== User Flags ===

{| class="wikitable" width="100%"
! width="20%" | Name
! width="20%" | [[Tes5Mod:File Format Conventions|Type/Size]]
! width="60%" | Info

|- valign="top"
| count
| uint16

|- valign="top"
| userFlags
| [[#User_Flag|User Flag]][count]


==== User Flag ====

{| class="wikitable" width="100%"
! width="20%" | Name
! width="20%" | [[Tes5Mod:File Format Conventions|Type/Size]]
! width="60%" | Info

|- valign="top"
| nameIndex
| uint16
| Index into string table.

|- valign="top"
| flagIndex
| uint8
| ?


=== Objects ===

{| class="wikitable" width="100%"
! width="20%" | Name
! width="20%" | [[Tes5Mod:File Format Conventions|Type/Size]]
! width="60%" | Info

|- valign="top"
| count
| uint16

|- valign="top"
| objects
| [[#Object|Object]][count]


==== Object ====

{| class="wikitable" width="100%"
! width="20%" | Name
! width="20%" | [[Tes5Mod:File Format Conventions|Type/Size]]
! width="60%" | Info

|- valign="top"
| nameIndex
| uint16
| Index into string table.

|- valign="top"
| size
| uint32

|- valign="top"
| data
| uint8[size-4]
| (size includes itself for some reason, hence size-4)


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