
A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995


972 bytes adicionados, 15h43min de 10 de abril de 2010
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! Hiyo' There!
!Stroggs At The Moment
|Rowspan = 2|My name is shannon, and I am a new member of the ElderScrolls Pages.
!Right Now:
|Checking UESP out, did my first work on [[Oblivion:A Fighting Chance|A Fighting Chance]], and I feel kinda' proud. :P
!About Me
!My ES Oblivion Character
|Rowspan = 4|My name is Shannon, and I am a big RPG'er when
it comes to games. Many of my favorite games
include ; Guild Wars,Morrowind ( PC ),
Oblivion(Console, will have for PC soon )

As you can see, I also love MMORPG's, or anything
online really. My goal here on the Wiki is to try
and help out the community and befriend likewise

There, that into wasn't too bad huh?
|Info:All the rest of my character decided to delete themselves, so I am stuck with tha' newbie. :]

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