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7 014 bytes adicionados, 01h39min de 12 de dezembro de 2015
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}}</noinclude>{{Place Summary
|occupants=[[Morrowind:Ash Creatures|Ash Creatures]]
|locationcode=Kogoruhn, Bleeding Heart<br>Kogoruhn, Charma's Breath<br>Kogoruhn, Dome of Pollock's Eve<br>Kogoruhn, Dome of Urso<br>Kogoruhn, Hall of Maki<br>Kogoruhn, Hall of Phisto<br>Kogoruhn, Hall of the Watchful Touch<br>Kogoruhn, Nabith Waterway<br>Kogoruhn, Temple of Fey<br>Kogoruhn, Vault of Aerode
|divine=[[Morrowind:Buckmoth Legion Fort|Buckmoth Legion Fort]]
|imgdesc=Kogoruhn, Ashlands Region
|description=An ancient [[Morrowind:Dunmer Strongholds|Dunmer stronghold]], the location of which was lost with time.
It is in the far northern [[Morrowind:Ashlands|Ashlands]], southeast of the [[Morrowind:Urshilaku Camp|Urshilaku Camp]], and due east of [[Morrowind:Falasmaryon|Falasmaryon]].

Kogoruhn, whose name means "Unbreakable Home", is the lost stronghold of the [[Morrowind:Sixth House|Sixth House]]. Its [[Morrowind:Propylon Chamber|Propylon chamber]] no longer functions, and long ago, after the fall of House Dagoth, it was taken off the propylon transport route. It lies in ruin, and its location is generally forgotten.

The stronghold may seem akin to the other ancient Dunmer fortresses scattered around [[Morrowind:Vvardenfell|Vvardenfell]], but is in fact much more dangerous, as it is inhabited by a variety of both leveled and set [[Morrowind:Ash Creatures|ash creatures]] and [[Morrowind:Daedra|daedra]]. Outside of [[Morrowind:Ghostfence|Ghostfence]], it is the primary Sixth House base, and also features extensive tunnels under the stronghold, with connections inside the Ghostfence just to the east of [[Morrowind:Vemynal|Vemynal]].

The stronghold contains some very valuable items, some of which are required for the main quest. The Halls hold relics of House Dagoth, as well as fallen adventurers, one of whom carries the unique claymore, [[Morrowind:Fury|Fury]], and an incomplete set of [[Morrowind:Glass Armor|glass armor]]. There is also a [[Morrowind:Glass Halberd|glass halberd]] beside the table near the dead adventurer. A dead Khajiit in a nearby cell is carrying an [[Morrowind:Ebony Shortsword|ebony shortsword]]. Other notable items are a [[Morrowind:Sixth House Bell Hammer|Sixth House Bell Hammer]] in the Temple of Fey, an [[Morrowind:Ebony Spear|ebony spear]] sticking from a desk in the Hall of the Watchful Touch and a [[Morrowind:Dwarven Mace|dwarven mace]] lying on a crate in the Nabith Waterway. Finally, in the Bleeding Heart section you can find a pair of [[Morrowind:Daedric Gauntlets|daedric gauntlets]], an [[Morrowind:Orc Warhammer|Orcish warhammer]], and the [[Morrowind:Shadow Shield|Shadow Shield]], which you will need to acquire to complete [[Morrowind:The Path of the Incarnate|the Path of the Incarnate]].

{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Name !! [[File:GenderIcon.png|Gender]] !! Race !! Class !! Level !! Health !! Magicka !! Alarm !! Fight !! Location !! Notes
{{NPC Data|Feril Salmyn}}||[0,14]||Dead

==Unique Creatures==
{| class="wikitable"
! Name<br> !! Species<br> !! Type<br> !! Level<br> !![[Morrowind:Souls|Soul]]<br> !! Health<br> !! Magicka<br> !! Location<br> !! Services<br> !! Notes<br>
![[Morrowind:Dagoth_Baler|Dagoth Baler]]
||[[Morrowind:Ash_Ghoul|Ash Ghoul]] ||[[Morrowind:Undead|Undead]]&dagger; ||16 ||300 (Grand) ||240 ||300 ||Hall of the Watchful Touch ||[[Morrowind:Blacksmith|Repair]] ||Merchant (0 gold), can speak
![[Morrowind:Dagoth_Daynil|Dagoth Daynil]]
||[[Morrowind:Ash_Ghoul|Ash Ghoul]] ||[[Morrowind:Ash Creatures|Ash Creature]] ||16 ||300 (Grand) ||240 ||300 ||Charma's Breath ||[[Morrowind:Blacksmith|Repair]] ||Merchant (0 gold)
![[Morrowind:Dagoth_Delnus|Dagoth Delnus]]
||[[Morrowind:Ash_Ghoul|Ash Ghoul]] ||[[Morrowind:Ash Creatures|Ash Creature]] ||16 ||300 (Grand) ||240 ||300 ||Hall of Phisto ||[[Morrowind:Blacksmith|Repair]] ||Merchant (0 gold), can speak
![[Morrowind:Dagoth_Elam|Dagoth Elam]]
||[[Morrowind:Ash_Ghoul|Ash Ghoul]] ||[[Morrowind:Ash Creatures|Ash Creature]] ||16 ||300 (Grand) ||240 ||300 ||Bleeding Heart ||[[Morrowind:Blacksmith|Repair]] ||Merchant (0 gold)
![[Morrowind:Dagoth_Fervas|Dagoth Fervas]]
||[[Morrowind:Ash_Ghoul|Ash Ghoul]] ||[[Morrowind:Ash Creatures|Ash Creature]] ||16 ||300 (Grand) ||240 ||300 ||Charma's Breath ||[[Morrowind:Blacksmith|Repair]] ||Merchant (0 gold), can speak
![[Morrowind:Dagoth_Girer|Dagoth Girer]]
||[[Morrowind:Ash_Ghoul|Ash Ghoul]] ||[[Morrowind:Ash Creatures|Ash Creature]] ||16 ||300 (Grand) ||240 ||300 ||Dome of Pollock's Eve ||[[Morrowind:Blacksmith|Repair]] ||Merchant (0 gold), can speak
![[Morrowind:Dagoth_Ralas|Dagoth Ralas]]
||[[Morrowind:Ash_Ghoul|Ash Ghoul]] ||[[Morrowind:Ash Creatures|Ash Creature]] ||16 ||300 (Grand) ||240 ||300 ||Nabith Waterway ||[[Morrowind:Blacksmith|Repair]] ||Merchant (0 gold), can speak
![[Morrowind:Dagoth_Reler|Dagoth Reler]]
||[[Morrowind:Ascended_Sleeper|Ascended Sleeper]] ||[[Morrowind:Ash Creatures|Ash Creature]] ||20 ||330 (Grand) ||280 ||340 ||Dome of Urso ||None ||Can speak
![[Morrowind:Dagoth_Ulen|Dagoth Ulen]]
||[[Morrowind:Ascended_Sleeper|Ascended Sleeper]] ||[[Morrowind:Ash Creatures|Ash Creature]] ||20 ||330 (Grand) ||280 ||340 ||Vault of Aerode ||None ||Can speak
![[Morrowind:Dagoth_Uvil|Dagoth Uvil]]
||[[Morrowind:Ascended_Sleeper|Ascended Sleeper]] ||[[Morrowind:Ash Creatures|Ash Creature]] ||20 ||330 (Grand) ||280 ||340 ||Temple of Fey ||None ||Can speak
![[Morrowind:Dagoth_Uthol|Dagoth Uthol]]
||[[Morrowind:Ash_Vampire|Ash Vampire]] ||[[Morrowind:Ash Creatures|Ash Creature]] ||30 ||340 (Grand) ||300 ||350 ||Charma's Breath ||None ||Can speak
&dagger; Dagoth Baler is unique among ash ghouls in that he actually is considered undead by the game; for example [[Morrowind:Turn Undead|Turn Undead]] spells will work on him.
*'''Note:''' All unique creatures in Kogoruhn have an Alarm stat of 0, and a Fight stat of 90.

==Related Quests==
===[[Morrowind:Main Quest|Main Quest]]===
*{{Quest Link|The Path of the Incarnate}}
*{{Quest Link|The Citadels of the Sixth House}}

===[[Morrowind:Tribunal Temple|Tribunal Temple]]===
*{{Quest Link|Hair Shirt of St. Aralor}}

[[File:MW-place-Kogoruhn Writing.jpg|thumb|right|Writing on the floor in the Dome of Urso]]
*In the Dome of Pollock's Eve there is "THE DREAMER IS AWAKE" written on the floor using blood red [[Lore:Daedric Alphabet|daedric letters]]. The same phrase is found in the Dome of Urso, but it is written with the Latin alphabet.
* In the vault of Aerode, in a room with a bonelord, there is a House Dagoth symbol drawn on the floor in stacks of gold coins.

[[File:MW-map-Kogoruhn.jpg|thumb|left|Kogoruhn, and the Sewers and Caverns underneath]]

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