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Os Ayleids faziam pactos com os Daedra para mais poder, bênçãos, e outras vantagens.{{ref|name=Oblivion}}{{ref|name=TOAC|{{Cite book|Treatise on Ayleidic Cities}}}} Eles contratavam exércitos de Daedra inteiros para conquistar, subjulgar e reforçar seu governo.{{ref|name=TAOK|{{Cite book|The Amulet of Kings}}}}{{ref|name=COTF|{{Cite book|Cleansing of the Fane}}}} Nas histórias dos primeiros Cyro-Nords, {{Lore Link|Shezarr}} lutou contra os Ayleids em nome dos humanos, e depois desapareceu, presumidamente para ajudar humanos em outro lugar. Sem sua liderança, os Ayleids dominaram e escravizaram os humanos de Cyrodiil.{{ref|name=SATD|{{Cite book|Shezarr and the Divines}}}} No começo, essa escravidão dos {{Lore Link|Nede|povos Nédicos}} foi ocasional, mas eventualmente se tornou uma instituição sistemática e se espalhou por toda sociedade.{{ref|name=DWTA}} Eles eventualmente tomaram controle de toda moderna Cyrodiil, e mantiveram os povos Nédicos escravizados por gerações.{{ref|name=TA|{{Cite book|The Adabal-a}}}} Os Ayleids também são conhecidos por terem escravizado povos-bestas.{{ref|name=OBDecentius|[[OB:Decentius Opsius|Decentius Opsius']] dialogue in [[OB:Oblivion|Oblivion]].}}
The example of the O exemplo dos {{Lore Link|Nord}}s to the north inspired the do norte inspirou a {{Lore Link|Alessian Slave RebellionRebelião dos Escravos Alessianos}} of em {{YearAno|1E 242}}.{{ref|name=PGE3All|{{Cite book|PGE|3|All the Eras of Man}}}} A rebelião de Alessia's rebellion coincided with a coincidiu com uma guerra civil war within the dentro do Império Ayleid Empire which led to many rebel Ayleid lords joining forces with , que levou muitos lordes Ayleidicos a juntar forças com Alessia and aiding her rebellion, e assim ajudando sua rebelião.{{ref|name=TLKOTA}}{{ref|name=OBHerminia|[[OB:Herminia Cinna|Herminia Cinna's]] dialogue in [[OB:Oblivion|Oblivion]].}} These allies of Esses aliados de Alessia were largely eram enormes culturadores de Aedra-worshippers,{{ref|name=DWTA}} indicating that the schism among the indicando que a cisma entre os Ayleids was likely related to religious differencesera devida a diferenças religiosas.
[[Lore:Skyrim|Skyrim]], of courseclaro, lent help to their enslaved relatives under the emprestou ajuda a seus parentes escravizados pelo Império Ayleid Empire, which also played a part in the o que também teve sua parte na expulsão dos Ayleids being overthrown.{{ref|name=FC|{{Cite book|Frontier, Conquest}}}}{{ref|name=PGE3Sky|{{Cite book|PGE|3|Skyrim}}}} In only Em somente um ano, a year, the Slave Queen Rainha Escrava [[Lore:Alessia|Alessia]] and her supporters had taken the e seus apoiadores tomaram a {{Lore Link|WhiteTorre Ouro-Gold TowerBranco}}, founded the fundaram o {{Lore Link|Alessian EmpireImpério Alessiano}}, and secured the subsequent shift in power from e mantiveram subsequente controle sob mer to e men on em Tamriel.{{ref|name=FC}}{{ref|name=PGE3C}}
===The Late O Período Ayleid PeriodTardio===
:''"Our exiled Elven ancestors heard the welcoming gifts of peace in the streams and beech trees and stars."''{{ref|name=ART}}
The Alessian Slave Rebellion was devastating to the Ayleids. Legend says entire settlements were slaughtered at the hands of Alessia's champion, {{Lore Link|Pelinal Whitestrake}}.{{ref|name=TSOP}} Though the Ayleids would continue to have a presence in Cyrodiil for several hundred years, the fall of the White-Gold Tower in 1E 243 signaled the beginning of the Late Ayleid Period. The tower was turned into the Imperial Palace by Alessia and her descendants, and it remains so to this day. The {{Lore Link|Bravil}} region was one of the very last areas to be liberated by the Alessian army. It took Alessia's forces, led by Bravillius Tasus, four attempts to finally defeat them.{{ref|name=DOTN}} In these early years, the Alessian Empire forbade the worship of the Daedric Princes and focused on hunting down and exterminating Daedra-worshipping Ayleids.{{ref|name=DWTA}}
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