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Predefinição:Skyrim Alteration Spells

776 bytes adicionados, 01h32min de 15 de junho de 2014
template is about spell, Detect Life link should reflect that (also the Alteration Effects template already links to the effect)
|name = Skyrim Alteration Spells
|title = [[Skyrim:Alteration Spells|Alteration Spells]]
|state =
|listclass = hlist
|navbar = off
|bodyclass = SRMagicAlt

|group1 = [[Skyrim:Armor (effect)|Armor]]
|list1 = {{Navbox/Line|ns_base=Skyrim|Oakflesh|Stoneflesh|Ironflesh|Ebonyflesh|Dragonhide}}

|group2 = [[Skyrim:Light|Light]]
|list2 = {{Navbox/Line|ns_base=Skyrim|Candlelight|Magelight}}

|group3 = [[Skyrim:Paralyze (effect)|Paralyze]]
|list3 = {{Navbox/Line|ns_base=Skyrim|Paralyze (spell)|Mass Paralysis}}

|group4 = Other
|list4 = {{Navbox/Line|ns_base=Skyrim|Detect Life (spell)|Detect Dead|Equilibrium|Telekinesis|Transmute|Waterbreathing (spell)}}

}}<noinclude>[[Category:Navbox Templates]]</noinclude>

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