
A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995


1 288 bytes adicionados, 01h58min de 10 de janeiro de 2012
Parameters: Typo
== Summary ==
Place this template on a category page in order to add a table of contents (links to the start of each letter in the category).

== Parameters ==
'''Note''': it is left to the user not to use <tt><nowiki>{{CategoryTOC|top=no|numerals=no|uppercase=no|lowercase=no}}</nowiki></tt>, which results in an empty Contents box.
|top|optional|Whether to show a "Top" link which will reset the page and show the full category from the beginning. (<tt>yes/no</tt> - Defaults to <tt>yes</tt>.)
|numerals|optional|Whether to show numerals as a group, separate, or not at all. (<tt>group/separate/no</tt> - Defaults to <tt>group</tt>.)
|uppercase|optional|Whether to show uppercase letters. (<tt>yes/no</tt> - Defaults to <tt>yes</tt>.)
|lowercase|optional|Whether to show lowercase letters. (<tt>yes/no</tt> - Defaults to <tt>no</tt>.)
|groupsep|optional|Separater to use between each grouping. (Defaults to "&nbsp;&nbsp;'''·'''&nbsp;&#32;".)

== Examples ==

{{Template copied|CategoryTOC}}
<includeonly>[[Category:TOC Templates]]</includeonly><noinclude>[[Category:Template Documentation|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]]</noinclude>
49 385

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