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Online:Berengere Stelanie

166 bytes removidos, 11h52min de 11 de novembro de 2022
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{{Online NPC Summary
|image=ON-npc-Berengere Stelanie02.jpg
|imgdesc=Berengere Stelanie
|health={{ESO Health|jnh}}
|reaction=Justice Neutral
[[File:ON-npc-Berengere Stelanie.jpg|thumb|right|Old look]]'''Berengere Stelanie''' is a [é uma mendiga [ON:Breton|Breton]] found in the city of encontrada em um beco perto do mercado em [[ON:Wayrest|Wayrest]]. <!-- Instructions: Provide an initial sentence summarizing the NPC (race, job, where they live)Ela não tem diálogo exclusivo. Subsequent paragraphs provide additional information about the NPC, such as related NPCs, schedule, equipment, etc. Note that quest-specific information DOES NOT belong on this page, but instead goes on the appropriate quest page. Spoilers should be avoided.-->
<!--Instructions: If this NPC is related to any quests, replace "Quest Name" with the quest's name.--><!--
==Related Quests==
** Workaround

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