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Lore:Filhos da Raíz

77 bytes adicionados, 17h54min de 15 de novembro de 2018
{{Book SummaryLivro Sumário
|ONExtra=([[Online:Murkmire (DLC)|Murkmire]])
|author=[[Lore:Books by Author#Solis Aduro|Solis Aduro]]
|description=An Argonian creation mythUm mito de Criação Argoniano
[NoteNota: Collected by researcher Coletado pelo pesquisador Solis Aduro from an de uma tradição oral tradition of the da tribo {{Lore Link|Adzi-Kostleel}} tribe and not otherwise attestede não atestado de outra forma.]
There was first only {{Lore Link|Akatosh|Primeiro houve apenas Atak}}, the Great Roota Grande Raiz. It knew of nothing but itselfEla conhecia nada além de si mesma, so it decided to be everythingentão decidiu ser tudo. It grew and grewEla cresceu e cresceu, trying to fill the nothing with itselftentando preencher o nada dentro de si. As it grew it formed new rootsConforme cresceu, and those roots took namesformou novas raízes, and they wanted space of their own to growe estas raízes tomaram nomes, e elas queriam espaço para seu próprio crescimento.
Then Então Atak learned that there were things other than itselfaprendeu que haviam outras coisas além de si. They were just like Eram como Atak, but went a different way from itmas foram num caminho diferente. They saw and made strange new things that did not last except in how it changed themEles viram e fizeram estranhas novas coisas que não duravam exceto em como mudava-os.
Atak continued to grow until something came back from the nothingcontinuou a crescer até algo voltar do nada. It was like a root but had scales and eyes and a mouthEra como uma raiz mas tinha escamas e olhos e boca. It told Ela contou Atak that it was called {{Lore Link|Lorkhan|que chamava-se Kota}}, and it had been growinge estivera crescendo, tootambém. Now that it had a mouthAgora tendo uma boca, it was hungryestava faminta.
Atak named nomeou Kota for what it waspor o que ela era: serpentSerpente! It put roots through the serpent's eyesEla pôs raízes através dos olhos das serpentes. But Mas Kota was old and strong like the rootera velha e forte como a raiz, and had grown fangs while it was awaye crescera dentes enquanto esteve fora. It bit Ela mordeu Atak. They coiled around each otherElas enrolaram-se. From their struggleDe sua luta, new things came to benovas coisas vieram a ser. Atak learned things aprendeu coisas aprendidas por Kota had learned, including hungerincluindo fome, and so it bit então mordeu Kota backde volta. They ate and roiled for so long they became one and forgot their conflictElas comeram-se e turvaram-se por tanto tempo que elas viraram uma e esqueceram o conflito.
They shed their skin and severed their roots and called themselves Elas trocaram sua pele e cortaram suas raízes e chamaram-se Atakota, who said "que disse “{{Lore Link|Aurbis|MaybeTalvez}}."
When Quando Atakota said thisdisse isso, the skin it had shed knew itselfa pele trocada conheceu-se. It ate the severed roots and even though it was deadEla comeu as raízes cortadas e embora estivesse morta, it followed seguiu Atakota like a shadowcomo uma sombra.
Atakota continued to roilcontinuou a turvar, and each of its scales was a world that it devourede cada uma de suas escamas eram um mundo que fora devorado. But now Mas agora Atakota was not in conflictnão estava em conflito, and things had time to begin and ende coisas tiveram tempo para começar e terminar. [[Lore:Sithis|The shadow]] wished it could eat these thingsA sombra desejou comer essas coisas, but its belly was full of roots that were growingmas seu bucho estava cheio de raízes crescentes.
When the shadow could bear it no longerQuando a sombra não pôde mais suportar, it swam closer to ela rumou mais perto de Atakota and spat out the rootse cuspiu as raízes. Now that its belly was emptyAgora, de bucho vazio, the shadow almost ate them again and everything else it sawa sombra quase comeu-as novamente e tudo mais visto por ela. But it had come to see the roots Mas viu as its own after carrying themraízes como suas após carregá-las, so instead it told them secrets and went to sleepentão contou-as segredos e foi dormir.
The roots found others and told them how they had survived in the belly of the shadow and how they were still able to grow thereAs raízes encontraram outras e contaram-nas como sobreviveram na barriga da sombra e como eram capaz de crescer lá. When they shared this knowledge with the others it changed themQuando elas compartilharam esse conhecimento com as outras isso mudou-as, and they took on new forms with new namese elas tomaram novas formas com novos nomes.
Some of these spirits wanted to keep the names and forms they had chosenAlguns desses espíritos quiseram manter os nomes e formas escolhidos, but they had learned them through the shadowmas eles aprenderam-nos através das sombras, and it was now in all of theme estavam agora em todos eles, making them temporaryfazendo-os temporariamente. They learned of hunger and conflictEles aprenderam da fome e conflito, and they learned to fear change and called it Deathe eles aprenderam a temer mudança e chamaram isso de Morte.
These spirits were angry and afraidEsses espíritos estavam bravos e temerosos, but the roots showed the spirits ways between places from when porém as raízes mostraram aos espíritos caminhos entre lugares de onde Atak had made paths out of nothingfizera caminhos do nada. They could use these riverways to hide from DeathEles podiam usar esses rios para esconderem-se da Morte.
The spirits were content and set about to make things that looked like them and shared in their aspects and loved themOs espíritos estavam contentes e preparados para fazer coisas que pareciam com eles e compartilhavam seus aspectos e os amavam. They kept growing until they were as big as Eles continuaram crescendo até que fossem tão grandes quanto Atakota, and they forgot it came before theme esqueceram que veio antes deles, and that it had a shadow that was sleepinge que tinha uma sombra que estava dormindo.
In timeCom o tempo, the worlds were too big and there was no more roomos mundos eram grandes demais e não havia mais espaço. Again the spirits went to the roots to ask for moreMais uma vez, os espíritos foram até as raízes para pedirem mais. But the roots had gone to sleep content with what they had madeMas as raízes tinham ido dormir contentes com o que tinham feito, because it changed so often that it did not need to growporque mudavam com tanta frequência que não precisavam crescer.
The spirits grew so desperate and hungry that they tore at Os espíritos ficaram tão desesperados e famintos que rasgaram a pele de Atakota's skin and drank of its bloode beberam seu sangue. They ate until they broke Eles comeram até que eles quebraram Atakota, so that então Atak remembered growingse lembrou de crescer, and e Kota remembered being nothingse lembrou de não ser nada. There was conflict againHouve conflito novamente, and from the spirits e dos espíritos Atak and e Kota learned about Deathaprenderam sobre a Morte, so there was violenceentão houve violência, blood, and sapsangue e seiva.
In the chaos the spirits were lost and afraidNo caos os espíritos estavam perdidos e com medo, so they ate others and themselvesentão eles se comeram e a outros. They drank of blood and sapEles beberam do sangue e seiva, and they grew scales and fangs and wingse então cresceram escamas e dentes e asas. And these spirits forgot why they had made anything other than to eat itE esses espíritos esqueceram por que eles fizeram qualquer coisa que não para comer.
There were other spirits that still clung to what they were and what they had madeHaviam outros espíritos que ainda se agarravam ao que eram e ao que tinham feito. A Um {{Lore Link|Y'ffre|forest spiritespírito da floresta}} came and saw that the roots loved their children like she loved hersveio e viu que as raízes amavam seus filhos como ela amava os dela, so she taught them to walk and talkentão ela os ensinou a andar e falar. They told her secrets with new wordsEles contaram-na segredos com novas palavras, and she sang the song back to theme ela cantou a música de volta para eles. The roots woke up when they heard this, and joined with the forestAs raízes acordaram quando ouviram isso e se juntaram à floresta.
The roots saw that As raízes viam que o sangue de Kota's blood had made oceanshavia feito oceanos, and e a seiva de Atak's sap had made stonestinha feito pedras, and each of these spirits had never known the shadowe cada um desses espíritos nunca conhecera a sombra. The roots knew what this would mean, and asked the shadow to protect its childrenAs raízes sabiam o que isso significaria e pediram à sombra que protegesse seus filhos.
The shadow wokeA sombra acordou. It looked upon Ele olhou para Kota and e Atak and saw how different the nothing had become and how it was becoming the same as beforee viu como o nada se tornara diferente e como estava se tornando o mesmo de antes. It remembered it was the skin of Lembrou-se que era a pele de Atakota, and it was bigger than e era maior que Kota or ou Atak alonesozinhos, so it decided it would eat them bothentão decidiu que comeria os dois.
And it didE o fez. The shadow ate the snake and the rootA sombra comeu a cobra e a raiz, and the sap and stonee a seiva e a pedra, and the oceans of bloode os oceanos de sangue e todos os espíritos. Ele tinha comido tudo antes de se lembrar das raízes que eram seus filhos, and all of the spirits. It had eaten everything before it remembered the roots that were its childrenpor isso, so it looked unto itself to find themolhou para si mesmo para encontrá-los. When the shadow saw thisQuando a sombra viu isso, it remembered that it was a skin of something that came beforelembrou-se de que era uma pele de algo que veio antes, and it had eaten what came aftere que tinha comido o que veio depois, and this would be an end that always wase este seria um fim que sempre foi.
And so the shadow shed its skinE assim a sombra trocou de pele, even though that was all it wasmesmo que fosse tudo o que era, and it fell like a shroud over the rootse caiu como uma mortalha sobre as raízes, promising to keep them safe within its secretsprometendo mantê-los seguros dentro de seus segredos.

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