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reward item link, prerequisite
{{DEFAULTSORT:Flawless Plan, A}}{{Mod Header|Crown Store}}{{Mod Header|Thieves Guild}}{{Online Quest Header
|image=ON-quest-A Flawless Plan.jpg
|imgdesc=Accompany your fellow Thieves Guild members to al-Danobia family tomb.
|description=Uncover the truth about the Thieves Guild's failed heist.
|Faction=Thieves Guild
|Giver=[[Online:Andarri|Andarri]], [[Online:Thrag|Thrag]]
|Loc=[[Online:Abah's Landing|Abah's Landing]], [[ON:al-Danobia Tomb|al-Danobia Tomb]]
|Prereq=[[Online:The Long Game|The Long Game]]
|Prerequisites=[[Online:Thieves Guild|Thieves Guild]] Rank 5 {{vn}}
|Next=[[ON:Forever Hold Your Peace|Forever Hold Your Peace]]
|Reward={{Item Link|Unidentified Bahraha's Curse Chest Armor|id=73764|quality=3}}<br>1 Skill Point<br>604 Gold<br>10 {{ESO Reputation|TG|pos=after}}
|XP={{ESO XP|s}}
|Journal=Zeira wants to know what really happened to Magnifica Falorah's dowry. She has a plan to uncover the truth of what happened during the guild's failed heist.
[[File:ON-quest-A Flawless Plan 02.jpg|right|thumb|Percius Loche is chased by the Iron Wheel.]]
[[File:ON-quest-A Flawless Plan 03.jpg|right|thumb|Quen has found a way to cross Shinji's Truth.]]
[[File:ON-quest-A Flawless Plan 04.jpg|right|thumb|Defeat the guardian to gain access to the treasure vaults.]]
[[File:ON-quest-A Flawless Plan 05.jpg|right|thumb|Where is Magnifica Falorah's dowry?]]
==Quick Walkthrough==
#Talk to Zeira inside Thieves Den.
#Find Percius Loche.
#Meet Zeira at Prince's Gate and travel to al-Danobia tomb.
#Make your way into the al-Danobia tomb.
#Bypass Tu'whacca's Pillars and explore Hoonding's Passage.
#Walk Malooch's Path with Zeira.
#Cross Shinji's Truth.
#Defeat the guardian in front of the treasure vaults.
#Meet Zeira at Nicolas' Desert Retreat and search the place.
#Return to Thieves Den to talk to Zeira.
==Detailed Walkthrough==
==Quest Stages==
{{Online Journal Entries
||I should head to the Thieves Den and speak with Zeira about her plan.
{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to Zeira}}
||Zeira plans to return to the al-Danobia family tomb where Nicolas and the rest of the guild perished. She believes Percius Loche can help, and asked Quen and I to meet him at his shop in Abah's Landing.
{{Online Quest Objective||Meet Percius Loche at the Diamond Thimble}}
||Percius Loche isn't here, and his shop is in shambles! I should speak with his clerk, Mamaea of his whereabouts.
{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to Mamaea}}
||The Iron Wheel is after Percius Loche! In his rush to escape from his shop, he stumbled through a vat of bright green dye. I should find where his trail begins!
{{Online Quest Objective||Find Percius Loche's Trail}}
||There's very little time to find Percius Loche before the Iron Wheel catches him. I should follow his trail of bright green footprints as fast as I can!
{{Online Quest Objective||Find Percius Loche Before the Iron Wheel Does}}
{{Online Quest Objective|hint|Follow the Bright Green Bootprints}}
||I found Percius Loche before the Iron Wheel did. I should speak with him, quickly.
{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to Percius Loche}}
||The matter with Percius Loche is resolved. I should talk to Zeira at Prince's Gate when I'm ready to depart Abah's Landing.
{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to Zeira}}
||When I'm ready, I should speak with Zeira and let her know I'm ready to travel to al-Danobia Tomb.
{{Online Quest Objective||Travel to al-Danobia Tomb}}
||The Iron Wheel has set up camp outside al-Danobia Tomb. I should sneak past the camp in order to reach the entrance.
{{Online Quest Objective||Sneak Past the Iron Wheel}}
{{Online Quest Objective|hint|I could speak with Zeira before I leave and see if she has any advice.}}
||I should explore al-Danobia Tomb.
{{Online Quest Objective||Explore al-Danobia Tomb}}
||A great door blocks our way. If we are to advance further into al-Danobia Tomb, I must solve the mystery of Tu'whacca's Pillars. I should refer to Nicolas' journal for hints.
{{Online Quest Objective||Bypass Tu'whacca's Pillars}}
||Now that we've bypassed Tu'whacca's Pillars, we should venture deeper into al-Danobia Tomb.
{{Online Quest Objective||Explore HoonDing's Passage}}
||After exploring further into al-Danobia Tomb, we reached an impassable chasm known as Shinji's Truth. I should see what Zeira has to say and follow her lead.
{{Online Quest Objective||Follow Zeira's Lead}}
||Zeira needs me to watch her back as we walk Malooc's Path. I should stay close to Zeira until we make it through.
{{Online Quest Objective||Walk Malooc's Path}}
||Zeira and I made it through Malooc's Path. We should recover Tall Papa's Ashes, which will reveal Shinji's Truth.
{{Online Quest Objective||Recover Tall Papa's Ashes}}
{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to Zeira}}
||I should return to Shinji's Truth with Tall Papa's Ashes.
{{Online Quest Objective||Return to Shinji's Truth}}
||Shinji's Truth is an invisible path that can only be revealed by spreading Tall Papa's Ashes upon it. I should do so and cross.
{{Online Quest Objective||Cross Shinji's Truth}}
||Now that I've crossed Shinji's Truth, I should enter the al-Danobia treasure vaults.
{{Online Quest Objective||Investigate the Treasure Vaults}}
||We awoke an ancient tomb guardian! We must defeat it!
{{Online Quest Objective||Find a Way into the al-Danobia Vault Room}}
||We should search the al-Danobia treasure vaults for Magnifica Falorah's dowry, or clues to its absence.
{{Online Quest Objective||Search the al-Danobia Treasure Vaults}}
||Magnifica Falorah's dowry is gone, and Nicolas—the former guildmaster—may have had something to do with it. I should return to Hew's Bane as soon as I can. From there, I will meet Zeira at Nicolas's desert retreat.
{{Online Quest Objective||Leave al-Danobia Tomb}}
{{Online Quest Objective|hint|Talk to Zeira}}
||Zeira asked me to meet her at Nicolas's desert retreat, in the badlands of Hew's Bane.
{{Online Quest Objective||Meet Zeira at Nicolas' Desert Retreat}}
||Zeira and I should search Nicolas's desert retreat for any signs of him or Magnifica Falorah's dowry.
{{Online Quest Objective||Search Nicolas' Desert Retreat: 0/4}}
{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to Zeira}}
||Nicolas betrayed the Thieves Guild! Zeira plans to inform them of his secret deal with the merchant lord, Cosh. I should meet her at the Thieves Den.
{{Online Quest Objective||Return to the Thieves Den}}
|fin|Zeira plans to inform the Thieves Guild of Nicolas' betrayal. I should speak with her at the Den and find out what we do next.
{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to Zeira at the Thieves Den}}
{{Online Quest Stages Notes}}
|image=ON-quest-A Flawless Plan.jpg
|imgdesc=Accompany your fellow Thieves Guild members to al-Danobia family tomb.
|description=Uncover the truth about the Thieves Guild's failed heist.
|Faction=Thieves Guild
|Giver=[[Online:Andarri|Andarri]], [[Online:Thrag|Thrag]]
|Loc=[[Online:Abah's Landing|Abah's Landing]], [[ON:al-Danobia Tomb|al-Danobia Tomb]]
|Prereq=[[Online:The Long Game|The Long Game]]
|Prerequisites=[[Online:Thieves Guild|Thieves Guild]] Rank 5 {{vn}}
|Next=[[ON:Forever Hold Your Peace|Forever Hold Your Peace]]
|Reward={{Item Link|Unidentified Bahraha's Curse Chest Armor|id=73764|quality=3}}<br>1 Skill Point<br>604 Gold<br>10 {{ESO Reputation|TG|pos=after}}
|XP={{ESO XP|s}}
|Journal=Zeira wants to know what really happened to Magnifica Falorah's dowry. She has a plan to uncover the truth of what happened during the guild's failed heist.
[[File:ON-quest-A Flawless Plan 02.jpg|right|thumb|Percius Loche is chased by the Iron Wheel.]]
[[File:ON-quest-A Flawless Plan 03.jpg|right|thumb|Quen has found a way to cross Shinji's Truth.]]
[[File:ON-quest-A Flawless Plan 04.jpg|right|thumb|Defeat the guardian to gain access to the treasure vaults.]]
[[File:ON-quest-A Flawless Plan 05.jpg|right|thumb|Where is Magnifica Falorah's dowry?]]
==Quick Walkthrough==
#Talk to Zeira inside Thieves Den.
#Find Percius Loche.
#Meet Zeira at Prince's Gate and travel to al-Danobia tomb.
#Make your way into the al-Danobia tomb.
#Bypass Tu'whacca's Pillars and explore Hoonding's Passage.
#Walk Malooch's Path with Zeira.
#Cross Shinji's Truth.
#Defeat the guardian in front of the treasure vaults.
#Meet Zeira at Nicolas' Desert Retreat and search the place.
#Return to Thieves Den to talk to Zeira.
==Detailed Walkthrough==
==Quest Stages==
{{Online Journal Entries
||I should head to the Thieves Den and speak with Zeira about her plan.
{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to Zeira}}
||Zeira plans to return to the al-Danobia family tomb where Nicolas and the rest of the guild perished. She believes Percius Loche can help, and asked Quen and I to meet him at his shop in Abah's Landing.
{{Online Quest Objective||Meet Percius Loche at the Diamond Thimble}}
||Percius Loche isn't here, and his shop is in shambles! I should speak with his clerk, Mamaea of his whereabouts.
{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to Mamaea}}
||The Iron Wheel is after Percius Loche! In his rush to escape from his shop, he stumbled through a vat of bright green dye. I should find where his trail begins!
{{Online Quest Objective||Find Percius Loche's Trail}}
||There's very little time to find Percius Loche before the Iron Wheel catches him. I should follow his trail of bright green footprints as fast as I can!
{{Online Quest Objective||Find Percius Loche Before the Iron Wheel Does}}
{{Online Quest Objective|hint|Follow the Bright Green Bootprints}}
||I found Percius Loche before the Iron Wheel did. I should speak with him, quickly.
{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to Percius Loche}}
||The matter with Percius Loche is resolved. I should talk to Zeira at Prince's Gate when I'm ready to depart Abah's Landing.
{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to Zeira}}
||When I'm ready, I should speak with Zeira and let her know I'm ready to travel to al-Danobia Tomb.
{{Online Quest Objective||Travel to al-Danobia Tomb}}
||The Iron Wheel has set up camp outside al-Danobia Tomb. I should sneak past the camp in order to reach the entrance.
{{Online Quest Objective||Sneak Past the Iron Wheel}}
{{Online Quest Objective|hint|I could speak with Zeira before I leave and see if she has any advice.}}
||I should explore al-Danobia Tomb.
{{Online Quest Objective||Explore al-Danobia Tomb}}
||A great door blocks our way. If we are to advance further into al-Danobia Tomb, I must solve the mystery of Tu'whacca's Pillars. I should refer to Nicolas' journal for hints.
{{Online Quest Objective||Bypass Tu'whacca's Pillars}}
||Now that we've bypassed Tu'whacca's Pillars, we should venture deeper into al-Danobia Tomb.
{{Online Quest Objective||Explore HoonDing's Passage}}
||After exploring further into al-Danobia Tomb, we reached an impassable chasm known as Shinji's Truth. I should see what Zeira has to say and follow her lead.
{{Online Quest Objective||Follow Zeira's Lead}}
||Zeira needs me to watch her back as we walk Malooc's Path. I should stay close to Zeira until we make it through.
{{Online Quest Objective||Walk Malooc's Path}}
||Zeira and I made it through Malooc's Path. We should recover Tall Papa's Ashes, which will reveal Shinji's Truth.
{{Online Quest Objective||Recover Tall Papa's Ashes}}
{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to Zeira}}
||I should return to Shinji's Truth with Tall Papa's Ashes.
{{Online Quest Objective||Return to Shinji's Truth}}
||Shinji's Truth is an invisible path that can only be revealed by spreading Tall Papa's Ashes upon it. I should do so and cross.
{{Online Quest Objective||Cross Shinji's Truth}}
||Now that I've crossed Shinji's Truth, I should enter the al-Danobia treasure vaults.
{{Online Quest Objective||Investigate the Treasure Vaults}}
||We awoke an ancient tomb guardian! We must defeat it!
{{Online Quest Objective||Find a Way into the al-Danobia Vault Room}}
||We should search the al-Danobia treasure vaults for Magnifica Falorah's dowry, or clues to its absence.
{{Online Quest Objective||Search the al-Danobia Treasure Vaults}}
||Magnifica Falorah's dowry is gone, and Nicolas—the former guildmaster—may have had something to do with it. I should return to Hew's Bane as soon as I can. From there, I will meet Zeira at Nicolas's desert retreat.
{{Online Quest Objective||Leave al-Danobia Tomb}}
{{Online Quest Objective|hint|Talk to Zeira}}
||Zeira asked me to meet her at Nicolas's desert retreat, in the badlands of Hew's Bane.
{{Online Quest Objective||Meet Zeira at Nicolas' Desert Retreat}}
||Zeira and I should search Nicolas's desert retreat for any signs of him or Magnifica Falorah's dowry.
{{Online Quest Objective||Search Nicolas' Desert Retreat: 0/4}}
{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to Zeira}}
||Nicolas betrayed the Thieves Guild! Zeira plans to inform them of his secret deal with the merchant lord, Cosh. I should meet her at the Thieves Den.
{{Online Quest Objective||Return to the Thieves Den}}
|fin|Zeira plans to inform the Thieves Guild of Nicolas' betrayal. I should speak with her at the Den and find out what we do next.
{{Online Quest Objective||Talk to Zeira at the Thieves Den}}
{{Online Quest Stages Notes}}