
A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995


3 160 bytes adicionados, 17h39min de 28 de janeiro de 2016
Linking To: add note on server names
== Current Languages ==
:* English (primary) -- (or
:* Portuguese --

== Linking To ==
If you wish to link directly to a page on a specific translation you can do so by adding the two-character language code at the beginning of the link:
:* [[:en:Main_Page|Main_Page]] -- <nowiki>[[:en:Main_Page|]]</nowiki>
:* [[:pt:Main_Page|Main_Page]] -- <nowiki>[[:pt:Main_Page|]]</nowiki>
:* [[:en:Skyrim:Skyrim|Skyrim:Skyrim]] -- <nowiki>[[:en:Skyrim:Skyrim|]]</nowiki>
:* [[:pt:Skyrim:Skyrim|Skyrim:Skyrim]] -- <nowiki>[[:pt:Skyrim:Skyrim|]]</nowiki>

In order for the ''in other languages'' link to appear at the bottom of the sidebar the desired languages need to be added to each page in the following format:
where ''XX'' is the desired language code. Note that links in this format will not actually be displayed on the page. Add multiple link entries in this format for each language desired.

== Desktop/Mobile Server Names ==
Desktop wikis have the server name '''''' while mobile wikis use ''''''.

== Proposed Languages ==
Add any desired languages for UESP translation projects below. Note that actual creation of a new translation site will require several active editors fluent in that language.

== Shared Data ==
There is some wiki data that is shared between all UESP translation project wikis:
:* Uploads/images (the primary English wiki acts as the shared source)
:* Users
:* Interwiki links
:* IP Blocks

== Setting Up a New Translation Wiki ==
:* Create subdomain '''' DNS and Apache entries.
:* Copy MediaWiki files to new directory.
:* Create the cache directory ''/cache_XX'' with the user/group ''apache:uespadmin''.
:* Copy ''favicon.ico'' to root of new web directory.
:* Delete ''LocalSettings.php'' and run web config to create database using the name ''uesp_net_wiki5_XX''.
:* Copy new ''LocalSettings.php'' with relevant language code.
$wgDBName = 'uesp_net_wiki5_XX';
'dbname' => $uespWikiDB . '_XX', //All instances in $wgDBservers
$wgCacheDirectory = '/cache_XX';
:* Run ''maintenance/update.php''.
:* Test new wiki.
:* Update Interwiki table: ''XX'' => ''$1''.
:* Export the Template and MediaWiki namespaces from the primary wiki and import into new wiki.
:* Add the ''translator'' user group to the relevant users on the new wiki.
:* Create and initialize the search index on the new wiki:
php ./extensions/CirrusSearch/maintenance/updateSearchIndexConfig.php
php ./extensions/CirrusSearch/maintenance/forceSearchIndex.php --skipLinks --indexOnSkip
php ./extensions/CirrusSearch/maintenance/forceSearchIndex.php --skipParse

== ToDo ==
:* <strike>Mobile version/config for translation wikis.</strike>
:* Any desired extensions on translation wikis?
:* Automatic/semi-automatic linking on language sidebar between language wikis (possible or even desired)?
:* <strike>Consolidation of wiki configs (main, mobile, translation, dev, etc...) for easier maintenance.</strike>
:* <strike>Enable Squid caching of translation wikis.</strike>
12 503

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