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Lore:101 Usos para Gordura de Troll

2 233 bytes adicionados, 22h09min de 24 de outubro de 2015
{{Book Summary
|description=A skeptical letter describing the various uses for troll fat
:Ugh. Another day in {{Lore Link|Orsinium}}. Honestly, Clavel, if we don't return to {{Lore Link|Auridon}} soon, I may lose my mind.

:What shameless merchants operate out of this city! You'll never believe what one of these {{Lore Link|Orc}} vendors tried to sell me. I was minding my own business, examining an assortment of roots and {{Lore Link|snowberries}}—they were all shriveled and rancid, by the way—when this toothless merchant shoved a bowl of fat in my face. A huge bowl of fat. Can you imagine? He claimed it was the fat from some legendary {{Lore Link|troll}} or some such nonsense. I asked him why anyone would buy such a thing and his rheumy eyes just lit up. Would you like to know more about {{Lore Link|Troll Fat|troll fat}}? I'm something of an expert now.

:Did you know that troll fat is the densest fat in {{Lore Link|Tamriel}}? Denser even than {{Lore Link|horker}} fat? I bet you didn't. Apparently, it makes an excellent lubricant that's especially ideal for cold-weather use. And we know all about cold weather here in Wrothgar, don't we?

:Armor looking a bit dull? Why not rub some of this repulsive fat on it? I hear that no polish in all of Tamriel does a better job than troll fat! It can be used in poultices and various potions. It can be rubbed on window sills to keep out vermin. It can be dried and eaten as a kind of disgusting jerky. It can be boiled to make a particularly strong glue. It can even cure {{Lore Link|vampirism}}! Who knew?

:When he started talking about the many uses for troll fat in the bedroom, I had to take my leave.

:He also mentioned that it could be used to talk to {{Lore Link|Malacath}}. That was at least a little interesting. Apparently, if you rub troll fat on an idol of Malacath, it allows you to talk to the Prince himself. I may have to try this. I'd love to ask him why his little green children peddle such atrocious wares!

:I'm giving this place another week. If I'm offered one more wedge of {{Lore Link|echatere}} cheese or a stewed mammoth stomach, I'm on the next ship back to {{Lore Link|Vulkhel Guard}}—with or without you!
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