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Lore:Pousatrilha (reino)

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History: and Wrothgarian Mountains
<noinclude>{{cleanup-lpp|writtenby=Vordur Steel-Hammer}}{{Lore Places Trail}}{{about|the kingdom|the city|Wayrest}}
{{Lore Place Summary
|province=High Rock
|image=DF-Map-Iliac Bay.jpg
|imgdesc=Wayrest's territory prior to the {{Lore Link|Warp in the West}}
|appears=[[Arena:Wayrest|Arena]], [[Daggerfall:Wayrest|Daggerfall]], [[Online:Wayrest|ESO]]
}} __NOTOC__
[[File:DF-Wayrest Crest.png|thumb|right|Crest of Wayrest]]
</noinclude>The {{Lore Link|Wayrest (kingdom)|Kingdom of Wayrest}} is located in the center of the {{Lore Link|High Rock}} province, at the mouth of the {{Lore Link|Bjoulsae River}}, named after its capital city, {{Lore Link|Wayrest}}.<noinclude>
Wayrest has always been seen as a rival to {{Lore Link|Daggerfall (kingdom)|Daggerfall}}, which was already well established when it first was founded as a sleepy fishing village at the mouth of the Bjoulsae River. Wayrest prospered greatly after the Fall of {{Lore Link|Orsinium}} in {{Year|1E 980}} when the commerce of all of {{Lore Link|Tamriel}} began to pass through its gates. Today the city can boast the largest and richest population in {{Lore Link|High Rock}}. During its early years, the kingdom was ruled by the Gardner Dynasty.{{ref|name=WJotB|{{Cite book|Wayrest, Jewel of the Bay}}}}

In {{Year|2E 541}}, the city was besieged by a horde of {{Lore Link|Reachmen}}, led by {{Lore Link|Durcorach|Durcorach the Black Drake}}, for fifty-seven days. After the Reachmen were defeated, Wayrest, along with Daggerfall, {{Lore Link|Shornhelm}}, {{Lore Link|Evermore}} and {{Lore Link|Camlorn}}, signed the first {{Lore Link|Daggerfall Covenant}}.{{Ref|name=TaToaM|{{Cite book|Travails and Triumphs of a Monarch}}}} During the {{Lore Link|Ranser's War}} in {{Year|2E 566}} - {{Year|2E 567}}, Wayrest was besieged again, this time by the forces of King {{Lore Link|Ranser}} of {{Lore Link|Shornhelm}}. His army stood firm, but after the other kingdoms of the Covenant and the {{Lore Link|Redguard}} sailors from {{Lore Link|Hammerfell}} came to Wayrest's aid, Ranser and his troops were forced to retreat back to Shornhelm.{{ref|name=TFoKR|{{Cite book|The Fury of King Ranser}}}}

Emperor {{Lore Link|Cassynder}} and his step brother {{Lore Link|Uriel Septim IV}} had been kings of Wayrest before they took the throne of Empire.{{ref|name=BHotE|{{Cite book|Brief History of the Empire}}}}

Shortly before {{Lore Link|Warp in the West}}, Wayrest was bordered by the regions of {{Lore Link|Menevia (county)|Menevia}}, {{Lore Link|Orsinium Area}}, {{Lore Link|Gavaudon (fiefdom)|Gavaudon}}, {{Lore Link|Wrothgarian Mountains}}, and {{Lore Link|Mournoth (fiefdom)|Mournoth}}. During that time, it was ruled by King {{Lore Link|Eadwyre}}.{{ref|name=DF|Events of [[Daggerfall:Daggerfall|Daggerfall]]}} After the Warp in the West, Wayrest became greatly enlarged, stretching from the former Anticlere to half of Gavaudon.{{ref|name=TWitW|{{Cite book|The Warp in the West}}}}. After Eadwyre died, his daughter {{Lore Link|Elysana}} and stepson {{Lore Link|Helseth}} briefly fought over the throne, but eventually Elysana won and banished Helseth and his mother, {{Lore Link|Barenziah}}. {{ref|name=AGAD|{{Cite book|A Game at Dinner}}}}

==Known Rulers==
*King {{Lore Link|Farangel|Farangel Gardner}} (around {{Year|1E 1100}}){{ref|name=WJotB}}{{ref|name=EGTHR|{{Cite book|EGT|High Rock}}}}
*King {{Lore Link|Casimir II}} (around {{Year|2E 369}}){{ref|name=AoD|{{Cite book|Atlas of Dragons}}}}
*King {{Lore Link|Gardner}} (before {{Year|2E 563}}){{ref|name=TaToaM}}
*King {{Lore Link|Emeric|Emeric Cumberland}} (after {{Year|2E 563}}){{ref|name=TaToaM}}{{ref|name=ON|Events of [[Online:Online|ESO]]}}
*King {{Lore Link|Cassynder}} (before {{Year|3E 200}}){{ref|name=BHotE}}{{ref|name=TTeT|{{Cite book|The Third Era Timeline}}}}
*King {{Lore Link|Uriel Lariat}} ({{Year|3E 200}} - {{Year|3E 202}}){{ref|name=BHotE}}{{ref|name=TTeT|{{Cite book|The Third Era Timeline}}}}
*King {{Lore Link|Tristore}} (around {{Year|3E 390}}){{ref|name=AR|Events of [[Arena:Arena|Arena]]}}
*King {{Lore Link|Eadwyre}} (around {{Year|3E 417}}){{ref|name=DF}}
*Queen {{Lore Link|Elysana}}{{ref|name=AGAD}}

==See Also==
*For game-specific information, see the [[Daggerfall:Wayrest|Daggerfall]] article, as well as the [[Online:Online|ESO]] article on [[Online:Wayrest|the city of Wayrest]].

*{{Book Link|Wayrest, Jewel Of The Bay}}
*{{Book Link|Triumphs of a Monarch}}
*{{Book Link|The Fury of King Ranser}}
*{{Book Link|Biography of Queen Barenziah (Daggerfall)}}
*{{Book Link|A Game at Dinner}}


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