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Lore:Passagem de Bangkorai

3 668 bytes adicionados, 18h42min de 13 de outubro de 2015
History: adding info about the battle between King Joile's forces and the Ansei, including Makela Leki
<noinclude>{{Lore Places Trail}}{{cleanup-lpp}}{{Lore Place Summary
|province=High Rock
|type=Mountain Pass
|name=Bangkorai Pass
|image=ON-place-Bangkorai Garrison.jpg
|imgdesc=The garrison at the Bangkorai Pass circa {{Year|2E 582}}
|appears=[[Online:Bangkorai Garrison|ESO]]
{{Lore Link|Bangkorai Pass}} is a mountain pass on the border between {{Lore Link|High Rock}} and {{Lore Link|Hammerfell}}, in the {{Lore Link|Bangkorai}} region (which was named after the pass). The pass is home to the Bangkorai Garrison, which has for centuries played a crucial role in defending High Rock against invaders from Hammerfell and the eastern lands.{{ref|name=ON|Events of [[Online:Online|ESO]]}}{{ref|name=BSoHR|{{Cite book|Bangkorai, Shield of High Rock}}}}<noinclude>
Many great battles took place at Bangkorai Pass throughout its history. In {{Year|1E 874}}, Warlord Thulgeg's army of {{Lore Link|Orc}}s and {{Lore Link|goblin}}s, driven from {{Lore Link|Hammerfell}} by the {{Lore Link|Redguard}}s, was stopped at the pass and forced to flee northeast.{{ref|name=BSoHR}}

In {{Year|1E 973}}, King {{Lore Link|Joile}} of {{Lore Link|Daggerfall (kingdom)|Daggerfall}} betrayed his Redguard allies and attempted to invade Hammerfell. A group of {{Lore Link|Ansei}} defended the pass against his army, but eventually all of them fell, except {{Lore Link|Makela Leki}}. In desperation, Leki was able to summon her spirit sword, which allowed her to single-handedly defeat the Breton army and slay King Joile. However, she died of her wounds shortly afterwards. Before her death, she was able to record her {{Lore Link|From The Memory Stone of Makela Leki|memories}} in a magical memory stone, which was later recovered.{{ref|name=FTMSoML|{{Cite book|From The Memory Stone of Makela Leki}}}}

In {{Year|1E 1029}}, Empress {{Lore Link|Hestra}} deposed King {{Lore Link|Styriche}}, the Vampire of Verkarth. Styriche fled west, destroying everything in his path, until he was defeated at the Bangkorai Pass. Pelin, a priest of {{Lore Link|Stendarr}} who would later be known as {{Lore Link|Saint Pelin}}, died during that battle.{{ref|name=TMoSP|{{Cite book|The Martyrdom of Saint Pelin}}}} Empress Hestra was so impressed by the bravery of the {{Lore Link|Breton}}s that she decided to add {{Lore Link|High Rock}} to the {{Lore Link|Alessian Empire}}.{{ref|name=BSoHR}}

In {{Year|1E 2305}}, after High Rock seceded from the Empire, the {{Lore Link|Alessian Order|Alessian Horde}} invaded the province to reclaim it by force. The Alessian army under Abbot-General {{Lore Link|Priscus Mactator}} was also defeated at the Bangkorai Pass.{{ref|name=BSoHR}}

However, the Bangkorai Garrison could not protect High Rock against {{Lore Link|Durcorach|Durcorach the Black Drake}} in {{Year|2E 541}}. His army poured into Mournoth and Ephesus from the eastern mountains, sacked {{Lore Link|Evermore}} and took the garrison from behind.{{ref|name=GttDC|{{Cite book|Guide to the Daggerfall Covenant}}}}{{ref|name=BSoHR}}

In {{Year|2E 582}}, High Rock was threatened again, this time by the Imperial forces under the command of {{Lore Link|Septima Tharn}}. They even managed to capture the garrison itself, but were ultimately defeated by the forces of the {{Lore Link|Daggerfall Covenant}}, including the {{Lore Link|Hero|Vestige}}, High King {{Lore Link|Emeric}}, and {{Lore Link|Queen Arzhela}} of Evermore.{{ref|name=BSoHR}}{{ref|name=ON}}

==See Also==
*For game-specific information, see the ESO article on [[Online:Bangkorai Garrison|Bangkorai Garrison]].

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