Daggerfall:The Obsessed Child
Works against daedric possession
Quick Walkthrough
- Talk to a questgiver of your Temple.
- Meet the child's guardian and talk to him/her.
- Visit the child and talk to him/her.
- Head to the town mentioned by the child's guardian.
- Find the priest(ess) in town and get the holy item.
- Head back to the child and give him/her the holy item.
- If a Daedroth shows up, dispose of it.
- If no Daedroth appears, confront the guardian and get the holy item back.
- Deliver the holy item either to the questgiver or to the priest(ess) you got it from.
- Keep the holy item as reward.
- Be sure to follow the time limit.
Detailed Walkthrough
Quest Offer
The questgiver says:
Would you be willing to assist in an exorcism, (Brother/Sister)?
(guardian's name), a local knight, has entreated us to help (his/her) ward, who has been showing signs of daedric possession. Would you be willing to assist with the exorcism,if that's what the situation requires?
Quest Acceptance
The questgiver goes on:
Would you? (exclamation), you have a heart as big as (region), (Brother/Sister). The child's name is (child's name), (he/she)'s a (child's description) over at (residence) here in (current town), but the person you'll want to speak with is (his/her) guardian, (guardian's name) over in (tavern). If based on what (he/she) has to say, you feel that an exorcism is in order, go see (priest(ess)' name) in (building) of (town). I'll expect this whole unfortunate affair to be resolved in (time limit) days and to see you here then. Good luck, (Temple's deity) be with you.
Quest Decline
The questgiver answers:
That's unfortunate. I hope we can find someone else then.
Quest Object
This quest can follow one of two paths, depending upon whether the possession is real or faked.
The possession is real
Meet the child's guardian in a tavern in town and talk to him/her. He/she will say:
You've come from (Temple)? Please tell me you can help little (child's name), I can't stand to see (him/her) suffer so. I don't know what to do with (him/her). Please, take a look at (him/her) and then see if you can persuade that (priest(ess)' name) to help. (child's name) has always been such a sweet (child's description), but now ... If you want to see (him/her), (he/she) is at (residence). I don't know what else I can do.
Before you travel to the priest(ess) see the child and talk to him/her. The child is obviously possessed and will speak gibberish as proof. Travel to the town where the priest(ess) can be found and talk to him/her. He will say:
(Daedra's name) (child's name) did mention the name (Daedra's name)? Well, if this possession is a sham, it is at least a well-researched one. Here then is the (holy item). Just hold it with you when you next speak with the child. But beware, the daedra (child's name) mentioned is a Daedroth of great power. When the exorcism is complete, it will leave (him/her) and appear elsewhere in (residence). Be ready for a battle when it does. Good luck, (player's first name). (priest(ess)' temple's deity) be with you.
Head back to the child with the holy item and give it to him/her. The following message will pop up:
"(Daedra's name) ... oh, (exclamation) ... (Daedra's name) is out of me ... but ... it's still here." (child's name) runs away. And you can, indeed, feel an alien presence in (residence).
Dispose of the Daedroth and report back to the questgiver or the priest(ess) who gave you the holy item. You will get an identical holy item as a reward.
The possession is a sham
Talk to the child's guardian. In this case, he/she will say:
You're from (Temple)? Thank (deity) you're here. They say you can get to (priest(ess)' name), the exorcist in (town) and (he/she) has some special (holy item) for possessions like this. I can't convince (priest(ess)' name) to get me the (holy item) myself, but someone like you with the authority of (Temple) could. Go to (building) and talk to (him/her). I know you can convince (him/her).
See the child before you travel to the priest(ess). When you come back with the holy item and give it to the child, he/she will say:
Oh, (exclamation), (exclamation) ... I feel ... so much better. (guardian's name) told me that the (holy item) would help us, and (he/she) was right. Oh thank you, kind (Brother/Sister). I'll keep this (holy item) for protection. Goodbye!
He/she will run away afterwards.
Obviously the guardian and the child have set up this whole story to get their hands on the holy item. When you return to the tavern where you previously met the guardian, he/she will be gone and a hooker will be in his/her place. Talk to her; if you give her 50 gold she will tell you where you can find the guardian. Ask in town until you know where his hiding place is located. Confront him/her there and he/she will hand over the holy item before he/she escapes. Report back to the questgiver or the priest(ess) from whom you got the holy item to complete the quest.
Quest End
When you return back after you have taken care of the possession or got the holy item back, the questgiver/priest(ess) will say:
Thank (Temple's deity)/(Priest(ess)' temple's deity) that situation's resolved. You can never really tell from the start whether an exorcism is really merited or not. You've done well, (player's first name). Accept this (holy item) as a small token of our thanks for your efforts.
Reputation Gain/Loss
A successfully completed quest results in a reputation gain according to the table below.
Faction/Person | Reputation Gain |
Deity of the Temple | +5 |
Temple and its associated factions | +2 |
A failed quest results in a reputation loss according to the table below.
Faction/Person | Reputation Gain |
Deity of the Temple | -2 |
Temple and its associated factions | -1 |
- One Daedroth if the possession is real
- This quest sometimes suffers from a bug in the game engine which will result in missing quest locations, see here for further informations.