Daggerfall:Hunt for a Lycanthrope

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Kill a lycanthrope in a local dungeon.
Location(s): Any questgiver of the Fighters Guild
Reward: Random gold, location of a random dungeon (25% chance)
Reputation Gain: see Reputation Gain/Loss
ID: m0b00y00
Required Reputation: In Guild
Difficulty: Hard
Find and kill a lycanthrope

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Talk to a questgiver of the Fighters Guild.
  2. Head to the dungeon the questgiver mentioned to you.
  3. Find and kill your target within.
  4. Report back to the questgiver and collect your reward.
  5. Be sure to follow the time limit.

Detailed Walkthrough

Quest Offer

Questgiver says:

We've got a little job you might be interested in. Seems there's a loup -- whatcha call your basic werewolf, wereboar, or some kind 'o werebeasty that's been bothering a lot of farmers in the area, and we need someone to kill it. It'll mean (random gold) gold in your pocket. That sound interesting to you?

Quest Acceptance

Questgiver goes on:

Great. You'll find the loup over in (dungeon). We need the poor brute dead in (time limit) days, so you better be on your way, kid.

Quest Decline

Questgiver answers:

Fine. Guess someone else'll have to do it.

Quest Object

This quest is one of the many dungeon crawls in the game. Head to the dungeon the questgiver mentioned to you and find your target within. It can be a wereboar, a werewolf, or just an ordinary Grizzly bear; each creature has a 1 in 3 chance of appearing as the quest target.

Quest Object Dead

When killing a lycanthrope, the following message pops up:

The lycanthrope threat is ended.

When killing a grizzly bear, the following message pops up:

This must be the "werebeast" everyone is afraid of. Just an ordinary grizzly bear.

Quest End

After killing the target, return to the questgiver and he will say:

Good job, Loup-killer. Enjoy yer gold.

If you also get the dungeon map he will add:

Here's a map to a place called (random dungeon). All the killing and treasure you can handle. Knock yourself out.

Reputation Gain/Loss

A successfully completed quest results in a reputation gain according to the table below.

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Fighters Guild +5
Fighter Questers +5
Associated factions +2

A failed quest results in a reputation loss according to the table below.

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Fighters Guild -2
Fighter Questers -2
Associated factions -1

(Allies/Enemies affiliations for listed factions are not considered in the tables)


  • Random dungeon monsters
  • Quest Target: Any of the following
    • One Grizzly Bear
    • One Wereboar
    • One Werewolf

Ficheiro:DaggerfallBear.gif Ficheiro:DaggerfallWereboar.gif Ficheiro:DaggerfallWerewolf.gif