Bloodmoon:Risi Ice-Mane

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Risi Ice-Mane (risi ice-mane)
Home Town Skaal Village
House Ice-Mane's Hut
Race Nord Gender Female
Level 35 Class Farmer
Other Information
Health 294 Magicka 114
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Faction(s) Skaal
Risi Ice-Mane

Risi Ice-Mane is a Nord farmer who lives in the Skaal Village. She is the wife of Engar Ice-Mane.

You will investigate her during the Skaal Test of Wisdom. As you talk with the residents of the village, you'll discover she is having an affair.

Related Quests

  • The Skaal Test of Wisdom: Investigate a possible theft of furs within the Skaal Village to determine the fate of the accused.