Bloodmoon:Dream of Hircine

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Protect the Totem of Claw and Fang from the Skaal.
Quest Giver: Hircine while you are asleep
Location(s): Tombs of Skaalara
Prerequisite Quest: The Siege of the Skaal Village
Next Quest: Disrupt the Skaal Hunt
Reward: Better Werewolf claws
ID: BM_Ceremony2
Suggested Level: 30
Difficulty: Medium
Guard the Totem of Claw and Fang

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Waiting three days after being bitten.
  2. Get contacted by Hircine.
  3. Travel to the Tombs of Skaalara on the Felsaad Coast southeast of the Skaal Village.
  4. Kill all the Skaal hunters.
  5. Wait to be contacted by Hircine for your reward.

Detailed Walkthrough

So You're a Werewolf...

During the werewolf attack on the Skaal Village you were bitten by a werewolf and, because you didn't cure yourself within three days, you are now a full blooded werewolf yourself. You should have seen a short cutscene and are now in werewolf form for the first time. You do not have access to your inventory or spells but have increased abilities and skills (and a mean right hook). You will have to find and kill a person (creatures won't do, but the island is full of Nord Berserkers, Fryse Hags, and various other raiders) in order to quench your blood thirst, otherwise you will soon become very weak. Be careful who sees you as a wolf as they will not like you once you return to human form. Once you make a kill you can rest until 6am to return to human form. For more information, see the article on Werewolves.

Continuing the Quest

At this point you might seem confused as to how to continue with the main quest. When you last left it you were trying to gain the confidence of the Skaal in order to help find the Captain and those responsible for the attack on the fort. However, if you return to the Skaal now they will refuse to speak to you since you have the mark of the wolf.

Like many quests...when in doubt, rest a while. You should soon be shown another short cutscene where a mysterious figure (Hircine) tells you to guard an item called the Totem of Claw and Fang from the Skaal who are trying to find it. You awake from the dream in werewolf form again and are required to quench your blood thirst.

Entrance to the Tombs of Skaalara

Tombs of Skaalara

The totem lies in the Tombs of Skaalara which is located on the Felsaad Coast, southeast from the Skaal Village. The tombs have a large black stone entrance and are hard to miss. You will find a number of Skaal hunters already in the tombs, so kill them carefully...depending on your level it can be a difficult fight if you get more than one hunter at a time. Also, some of the Skaal will spawn as you explore the tomb.

When you find the chest next to the Stalhrim that you cannot open, you should stay relatively close to it as this is the item you are guarding. There will be several hunters that appear and will attempt to get the totem. If you are somewhere else in the tomb and a Skaal gets the totem, you will receive a message (but no journal entry). All is not yet lost as you still have a chance to kill the hunters before they escape the tombs. Once you kill the hunter with the totem, it will safely return to the chest. If you let the Skaal hunters reach the exit, you will fail the quest.

You will encounter about fifteen to twenty hunters total. Sometimes, more than half of them will spawn at once and attempt to take the totem. You will be notified via a journal entry when all of the Skaal have been defeated.

Your Reward

Once all the hunters are defeated and you've received the journal entry, rest for a bit and you'll soon see another short cutscene. Hircine thanks you for guarding the totem and says he will contact you soon with more tasks. He rewards you by sharpening your claws so you do more damage, which acts like repairing a weapon on your claws (when you first become a werewolf notice the claws aren't fully "repaired"). You wake up in werewolf form again.


  • If you find this quest to be too hard to beat as a werewolf, you can also do it as a human. Wait outside the cave until the morning, turn human, then go in the cave and kill everybody.
  • When you enter the tomb, all temporary magical effects on you will be dispelled automatically. Unless you have constant effect Chameleon items equipped, it is best to enter the tomb in sneak mode if you would like to buff yourself before the enemy sees you.
  • If you wait too close to the chest containing the totem, the AI often fails to move the following waves of hunters to you and the chest's location. They will be spawned, but will not move towards the chest until you come closer. This is probably due to the fact that the game AI is only activated when you are within a certain distance to the respective object. It is best to wait at the passageway intersection in front of the room with the chest.

Quest Stages

These Codes can be used along with the Journal Console Command and Quest ID given within the chart to update the quest to a certain point.

{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Dream of Hircine|BM_Ceremony2}}

{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=10|2=|3=While sleeping, I had a strange dream. In it, the Daedra Prince Hircine spoke to me, telling me to journey to the Tombs of Skaalara. There, I am to keep the Skaal warriors from retrieving the Totem of Claw and Fang. I should kill any of the Skaal I meet in the Tombs. From what I saw in the dream, it appears the Tomb is located on the Felstaad [sic] Coast, southeast of the Skaal Village. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=50|2=|3=I have killed all of the Skaal warriors who came to retrieve the Totem of Claw and Fang. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=100|2=fin|3=Hircine came to me again in a dream. He was pleased that I had defended the Totem of Claw and Fang from the Skaal, and has blessed me with sharper claws to better tear the flesh of my enemies. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=105|2=fin|3=I have failed to protect the Totem of Claw and Fang. }}

Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry

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