Battlespire:Codex Arcana
STUDENTS AND SCHOLAR: Attend our Abjurations!
We not only render service to the Emperor in preparing volumes of new books, but also exercise an office of sacred piety when we treat books carefully, and again when we restore them to their proper places and commend them to inviolable custody; that they may rejoice in purity while we have them in our hands, and rest securely when they are restored to their repositories. And surely next to the vestments and engines dedicated to the Emperor's glory, arcane books deserve to be rightly treated by the battlemage, to which great injury is done so often as they are touched by unclean hands. Wherefore we deem it expedient to warn our students against various negligences, such as might be easily avoided and which do wonderful harm to books.
Being a partial index of arcane contrivances known to the scholars and alchemists of Battlespire, that these contrivances might more readily be known to all students, and neither abused, nor neglected, nor wasted in their employment.
Volume I
"Art of Corruption" Produces the casting of Major Poison Damage Range
"Beaks of Lightning" Casts the spell of Major Shock Damage Range
"Bite of Fleshrime" Renders the power of Medium Frost Damage Range
"Blossom of Chastening Fire" Produces the casting of Minor Fire Damage Range
"Boils of Handfire" Produces the casting of Minor Fire Damage
"Bone of Resolve" Produces the casting of Spell Resistance
"Breath of the Vampire" Produces the casting of Vampiric Drain
"Candle of the Lesser Vigil" Renders the power of Minor Shield
"Coals of Bonesear" Renders the power of Major Fire Damage
"Din of Revelations" Renders the power of Major Delayed Damage
"Dove of Blistering Fire" Renders the power of Medium Fire Damage Range
"Ewer of Purity" Renders the power of Cure Poison
"Excrescence of Ice" Produces the casting of Major Frost Damage
Volume II
"Faremyle of Burning Blows" Renders the power of Medium Fire Damage
"Father of Blight" Produces the casting of Medium Continuous Damage to the victim
"Fin of Spite" Produces the casting of Minor Continuous Damage to the victim
"Flakes of Snow" Produces the casting of Minor Frost Damage
"Flame of the Greater Vigil" Casts the spell of Medium Shield
"Forks of Bonefrost" Casts the spell of Major Frost Damage Range
"Glaze of Mysteries" Produces the casting of Medium Delayed Damage
"Gleam of the Shock Ward" Produces the casting of Resistance to Shock
"Harkenor of Agony" Renders the power of Major Continuous Damage to the victim
"Harrow of Wizardbrand" Casts the spell of Major Magic Damage
"Heart of the Subtle Force" Produces the casting of Minor Shock Damage
"Horn of Magepain" Renders the power of Medium Magic Damage Range
"Hue of the Journeyman" Casts the spell of Medium Poison Damage
"Husk of the Fiery Ward" Casts the spell of Resistance to Fire
"Incidence of Biter Bitten" Produces the casting of Fire shield
Volume III
"Knight of the Grand Vigil" Produces the casting of Major Shield
"Lot of Fate" Produces the casting of Medium Continuous Damage to the victim
"Maid of Rime" Casts the spell of Medium Frost Damage
"Mote of Cleansing Fire" Produces the casting of Major Fire Damage Range
"Plume of Baleful Woe" Renders the power of Minor Magic Damage
"Prayer of Fleshfire" Casts the spell of Medium Poison Damage Range
"Principle of the Broad Force" Renders the power of Medium Shock Damage
"Ribs of the Mana Ward" Produces the casting of Resistance to Magic
"Root of the Hero" Renders the power of Medium Cure Health
"Rose of Weirdbane" Produces the casting of Medium Magic Damage
"Seal of the Grand Force" Casts the spell of Major Shock Damage Range
"Seed of Healing" Produces the casting of Minor Cure Health
"Shells of Magewrack" Casts the spell of Major Magic Damage Range
"Shimmer of the Frosty Ward" Produces the casting of Resistance to Frost
"Sifting of Stain" Produces the casting of Minor Poison Damage Range
"Skein of Convulsion" Renders the power of Confusion
"Skins of the Poison Ward" Casts the spell of Resistance to Poison
"Sliver of Skinchill" Produces the casting of Minor Frost Damage Range
"Sweetpin of Secrets" Renders the power of Minor Delayed Damage
"Swirl of the Bright Well" Renders the power of Spell Absorption
Volume IV
"Tale of the Whole Flesh" Casts the spell of Major Cure Health
"Tear of Despair" Produces the casting of Major Continuous Damage to the victim
"Thimble of Magefire" Produces the casting of Minor Magic Damage Range
"Thread of Sparking" Renders the power of Minor Shock Damage Range
"Tides of the Between" Produces the casting of Teleport
"Tinct of the Apprentice" Produces the casting of Minor Poison Damage
"Waft of Lightness" Produces the casting of Jumping
"Web of the Master" Renders the power of Major Poison Damage
"Whim of the Grand Warding" Renders the power of Resistance to All elements
"Wind of Swiftness" Renders the power of Running
"Winds of Storm" Produces the casting of Medium Shock Damage Range
"Wing of Spellshifting" Casts the spell of Spell Reflection
"Withy of Withering" Casts the spell of Minor Continuous Damage to the victim
Volume V
BattleAxe of Scathing: causes Minor Magic Damage, and is informed by the arts of ILLUSION
BattleAxe of Marvelous Extension:provides castings of the spell Slow Fall, and gifts its owner with special insight into the disciplines of MYSTICISM
BattleAxe of Heaven's Teeth: causes Minor Shock Damage, and is schooled with crafts of RUNNING
Boots of the Creeping Things: enchanted with the spell of Summon Brute, and is informed by the arts of THAUMATURGY
Boots of Glacial Hue: wreaks Major Frost Damage, and partakes of the excellence of THAUMATURGY
Boots of Consuming Indwelling:provides castings of the spell Spell Absorption, and is schooled with crafts of RESTORATION
Boots of Exquisite Perfection:provides castings of the spell Resistance to All elements, and gifts its owner with special insight into the disciplines of SHORTBLADE
Broadsword of the Biting Pains: engenders Medium Frost Damage, and partakes of the excellence of DESTRUCTION
Broadsword of Uncertainty: casts the spell of Invisibility, and is schooled with crafts of ALTERATION
Broadsword of the Firmament:provides castings of the spell Resistance to Shock, and gifts its owner with special insight into the disciplines of MISSILE
Broadsword of the Unnatural Essence: engenders Medium Poison Damage, and gifts its owner with special insight into the disciplines of BACKSTABBING
Claymore of Mysteries: conceives the spell of Chameleon, and partakes of the excellence of THAUMATURGY
Claymore of Sulphurous Death: wreaks Major Poison Damage, and is informed by the arts of JUMPING
Claymore of Glacial Hue: wreaks Major Frost Damage, and gifts its owner with special insight into the disciplines of RESTORATION
CrossBow of Pleasure: conceives the spell of Minor Cure Health, and partakes of the excellence of THAUMATURGY
Volume VI
CrossBow of Sulphurous Death: wreaks Major Poison Damage, and is schooled with crafts of RESTORATION
CrossBow of Grotesque Liveliness: engenders Rapid, Medium Continuous Damage to Target, and is informed by the arts of THAUMATURGY
Cuirass of the Dusk and the Dawn: casts the spell of Shadow, and is schooled with crafts of RESTORATION
Cuirass of the Outermost Wastes: wreaks Major Delayed Damage, and partakes of the excellence of THAUMATURGY
Cuirass of the Scaly Pelt: enchanted with the spell of Minor Shield, and is informed by the arts of BLUNTWEAPON
Cuirass of Final Virtue: wreaks Major Fire Damage, and gifts its owner with special insight into the disciplines of RESTORATION
Dagger of the Capering Dog: conceives the spell of Summon Smart Guard, and partakes of the excellence of DESTRUCTION
Dagger of the Shrew: engenders Medium Magic Damage, and is informed by the arts of MYSTICISM
Dagger of the Tongue of the Wyrm: engenders Medium Fire Damage, and gifts its owner with special insight into the disciplines of ALTERATION
Dagger of the Winter's Night: casts the spell of Resistance to Frost, and is schooled with crafts of HANDTOHAND
Gauntlets of Scathing: causes Minor Magic Damage, and gifts its owner with special insight into the disciplines of MYSTICISM
Gauntlets of the Rain of Fire: causes Minor Fire Damage, and partakes of the excellence of ILLUSION
Gauntlets of the Summer's Day: enchanted with the spell of Resistance to Fire, and is informed by the arts of LONGBLADE
Gauntlets of Expectant Wonder: casts the spell of Summon Smart Monster, and is schooled with crafts of MYSTICISM
Greaves of the Biting Pains: engenders Medium Frost Damage, and is schooled with crafts of ALTERATION
Volume VII
Greaves of Kings: conceives the spell of Major Shield, and partakes of the excellence of MYSTICISM
Greaves of Unrequited Intent: conceives the spell of Spell Resistance, and is informed by the arts of DESTRUCTION
Greaves of the Stamp of the Toad:provides castings of the spell Monster Summoning, and gifts its owner with special insight into the disciplines of ALTERATION
Helmet of Despair: enchanted with the spell of Poison, and is informed by the arts of DESTRUCTION
Helmet of Precipitous Revelation: engenders Medium Delayed Damage, and is schooled with crafts of ALTERATION
Helmet of the Tongue of the Wyrm: engenders Medium Fire Damage, and partakes of the excellence of DESTRUCTION
Helmet of the Winding Road:provides castings of the spell Teleport, and gifts its owner with special insight into the disciplines of AXE
Javelin of Joy:provides castings of the spell Medium Cure Health, and gifts its owner with special insight into the disciplines of MYSTICISM
Javelin of Heaven's Teeth: causes Minor Shock Damage, and partakes of the excellence of ILLUSION
Javelin of Endless Woe: wreaks Rapid, Major Continuous Damage to Target, and is schooled with crafts of MYSTICISM
LongBow of Sweet Airs: casts the spell of Cure Poison, and is schooled with crafts of ALTERATION
LongBow of Scars: causes Rapid, Minor Continuous Damage to Target, and gifts its owner with special insight into the disciplines of ALTERATION
LongBow of the Unnatural Essence: engenders Medium Poison Damage, and is informed by the arts of DESTRUCTION
Longsword of Exposure: causes Minor Poison Damage, and partakes of the excellence of SWIMMING
Longsword of the Eye of the Worldt: enchanted with the spell of Detect Spell, and is informed by the arts of ILLUSION
Volume VIII
Codex Arcana, Volume VIII
Longsword of the Noble Flesh:provides castings of the spell Resistance to Poison, and gifts its owner with special insight into the disciplines of BLUNTWEAPON
Longsword of Winter's Winds: causes Minor Frost Damage, and is schooled with crafts of MYSTICISM
Mace of Odious Disorder: engenders Slow, Medium Continuous Damage to Target, and is schooled with crafts of RESTORATION
Mace of Dancing Fate: wreaks Major Shock Damage, and gifts its owner with special insight into the disciplines of RESTORATION
Mace of Vengeance: wreaks Major Magic Damage, and partakes of the excellence of THAUMATURGY
Pauldrons of Sacred Honor: casts the spell of Medium Shield, and is schooled with crafts of MISSILE
Pauldrons of the Mischievous Hand: casts the spell of Spell Reflection, and gifts its owner with special insight into the disciplines of MYSTICISM
Pauldrons of the Monkey's Apprehension: conceives the spell of Detect Enemy, and partakes of the excellence of ILLUSION
Pauldrons of Winter's Winds: causes Minor Frost Damage, and is informed by the arts of ILLUSION
Short Sword of Final Virtue: wreaks Major Fire Damage, and is informed by the arts of THAUMATURGY
Short Sword of the Sunken Gods' Awakening:provides castings of the spell Summon Horror, and gifts its owner with special insight into the disciplines of RESTORATION
Short Sword of the Inner Eye: conceives the spell of Resistance to Magic, and partakes of the excellence of AXE
Short Sword of Vengeance: wreaks Major Magic Damage, and is schooled with crafts of STEALTH
Volume IX
Codex Arcana, Volume VIII
ShortBow of the Bile of the Earth: enchanted with the spell of Fire shield, and is informed by the arts of ILLUSION
ShortBow of Exposure: causes Minor Poison Damage, and gifts its owner with special insight into the disciplines of MYSTICISM
ShortBow of Saturnine Purpose: wreaks Slow, Major Continuous Damage to Target, and partakes of the excellence of ILLUSION
Sling of Delight: enchanted with the spell of Major Cure Health, and is informed by the arts of SHORTBLADE
Sling of Fickle Endowment: casts the spell of Confusion, and partakes of the excellence of DESTRUCTION
Sling of Riven Stars: engenders Medium Shock Damage, and gifts its owner with special insight into the disciplines of ALTERATION
Spear of Snares and Springes: causes Minor Delayed Damage, and is informed by the arts of ILLUSION
Spear of the Fox's Footfall: conceives the spell of Running, and partakes of the excellence of HANDTOHAND
Spear of the Rain of Fire: causes Minor Fire Damage, and is schooled with crafts of MYSTICISM
Staff of the Architect's Gaze: conceives the spell of Vampiric Drain, and gifts its owner with special insight into the disciplines of RESTORATION
Staff of Dancing Fate: wreaks Major Shock Damage, and is informed by the arts of THAUMATURGY
Staff of High Purpose: casts the spell of Jumping, and is schooled with crafts of LONGBLADE
WarAxe of the Shrew: engenders Medium Magic Damage, and is schooled with crafts of ALTERATION
WarAxe of Riven Stars: engenders Medium Shock Damage, and partakes of the excellence of DESTRUCTION
WarAxe of the Tears of the Shark: causes Slow, Minor Continuous Damage to Target, and is informed by the arts of DESTRUCTION