
A UESPWiki – Sua fonte de The Elder Scrolls desde 1995
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Invictus 11:54, 18 December 2010 (UTC)

Corevette789 22:39, 8 April 2010 (UTC)

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Once in a Blue Oblivion




BIRTH TYPE=The warrior


The Dark Brotherhood

The Fighters Guild

The Mages Guild

The Thiefs Guild

The Blades

Arena Combatant

And thats pretty much it except for the knights errant thing i forgot the real name


I chose Redguard because i wanted just to be a warrior not an all rounder our a mage just a big beefy warrior at the start of the game it was clear that if you want to be a warrior redguard is for you its definitly the best and the perks of Adrenaline rushis great redguard is probably the most populare in oblivion but its the best for warriors thats why i chose it


The dark brother hood was probably one of the first guilds i joined because the first thing i done in oblivion was test out my weapons and explore so i went to the imperial city killed a few people looked around found a camp and went to sleep thats how it all happened. The darkbrotherhood is easy i just hack my foe to pieces i dont use light armour or anything so i cant really sneak so i just kill them i finished the dark brother hood quickly cause it was easy it was probably one of the first ones i finished you get good rewards like shadow mear and the black hand robe.


the fighters guild i never really botherd like i just done a few never really finished im as far as when i have to get the ectoplasm so if you know any where good tell me please its just annoying not like the dark brother hood thats more excilarating and fun and theres better rewards so i dont have much to saty about the fighters guild except for im stuck


I done the mages guild a long time ago so im not really knoledgible about it all i remember is enchanting weapons at the arcane univirsity but i definitly have finished it


Ive never really bothered with the thieves guild wastes money and decreases your atributes which is anoying lately iv started to do it but i havent gotten far


The blades are confusing i suppose most people are on the blades because its part of the main quest but if you can find a way to move up a rank please tell me i badly want to know so ask me and tell me please i could use advice as well i dont really know how to do this website


Id say theres a lot of people that are arena grand champiions so im just mentioning it just to say i done it and that the heavy raiment of valor is crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its pure terrible

and thats all please message me ask me stuff tell me stuff peace out until next time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im back nothing much to say except whereb can you find bound weapon scrolls please leave me a message and where can you get daedric armor and daedric armor scrolls


Im a collecter of armour and im looking for bound armour scrolls so if you know mail me i need it please they cant be spells cause i dont have enough magika im using the rpair trick for it so look into that


iv already Pre ordered my copy now aw cant wait

For the king!

For the king!

For the sake of Skyrim!

For our lives for our homes!

For Hrothgars Blood !

For the Nord And the gods!

For The sole single son!

Dovakiin Our King Who will dawn in fire!


Iv donated my ell time researching skyrim but mostly the hilly mountain called Hrothgar it is reffered by Nords as the Throat of the world Here live the ancient grey beards they believe that Kyne also reffered to as snow throat created hrothgar. The grey beards have a lot to do about the reign of tiber septim also when tiber was leading the invasion of Old Hrol'dan the grey beards where about to talk (Which They never did because they lived in silence ) but when they were about to talk people got scared and ran away but Tiber went to the grey beards home upon the great hrothgar and they spoke to him they said to him in a loud clear voice you will rule tamriel but to do so you must go south and after this the whole world shook and after tiber septim left hrothgar he went to become one of the greates rulers tamriel have seen and ever did see